Hoping that some of our had earned money comes back soon.
We put all of our life savings into MFS in January 2007 (over $500,000), after researching MFS and
seeing they had a Morning Star five star rating and a good interest rate.
We had planned to take our money back by redemption in January 2008 to buy a home, but of course the fund was frozen firstly for 180 days and then 360 days. Then of course Wellington took it over in October 2008.
Ever since then have had to start all over again and now have an unnecessary mortgage and working 2 jobs to stay afloat.
And of course we have received only 2, 1cent distributions, as of now (ie over 3 years ago).
Could WC please inform me of why they have over 30 staff working on our fund(our money), who are receiving probably good salaries, when us unit holders get nothing.
Why could not 30 unit holders manage & sell our properties instead.
Seems our money is being used by WC for their own use, when it should be coming back to unit holders, especially the original ones who had their money frozen in 2008.
Please we are desperate now, and with the coming global recession and real estate about to collapse,
can you Please, WC, sell all the properties now before it is too late.
We just want some money to put food on our table.
Please WC can you HELP!!!!!
We put all of our life savings into MFS in January 2007 (over $500,000), after researching MFS and
seeing they had a Morning Star five star rating and a good interest rate.
We had planned to take our money back by redemption in January 2008 to buy a home, but of course the fund was frozen firstly for 180 days and then 360 days. Then of course Wellington took it over in October 2008.
Ever since then have had to start all over again and now have an unnecessary mortgage and working 2 jobs to stay afloat.
And of course we have received only 2, 1cent distributions, as of now (ie over 3 years ago).
Could WC please inform me of why they have over 30 staff working on our fund(our money), who are receiving probably good salaries, when us unit holders get nothing.
Why could not 30 unit holders manage & sell our properties instead.
Seems our money is being used by WC for their own use, when it should be coming back to unit holders, especially the original ones who had their money frozen in 2008.
Please we are desperate now, and with the coming global recession and real estate about to collapse,
can you Please, WC, sell all the properties now before it is too late.
We just want some money to put food on our table.
Please WC can you HELP!!!!!