Hi Gardi, I contacted Mr Ian Craig at the NSX by email relating to the nondisclosure re lawsuits on the 3/5/2010 as follows::How can this be costing Wellington anything when every expense of the fund including staff costs is recoverable and is recovered.
Surely this is a misquote because Jennifer would not be moaning about her missed profits or telling porkies here would she ?
Also article refers to ongoing law suits from borrowers which was alluded to by big Jim. Where is the disclosure to NSX on this matter as they sound like large numbers being claimed in damages.
I am aware of other mortgage funds who have done deals with borrowers to work through project as the developer threatened action as they suffered losses as the fund is the one who went broke and could not continue drawdowns. Not the borrowers fault by the implosion of the fund.
It has come to my attention that there has been an alleged serious breach of the Corporation Act in respect to non-disclosure by Wellington Capital of a current legal action against the PIF while units are actively trading on the NSX? In the event this legal action is successful it will have a huge detrimental impact on our Fund.
The details of the action in the Supreme Court Of Victoria at Melbourne Commercial & Equity Division is Claim No XXXX of 2009. Claim dated XXX August 2009.
Mr Craig ignored the email so I called him and was told by him that Wellington Capital was not obliged to disclose every potential legal claim against the fund. When I queried him about the seriousness of the claim which had been lodged in the Supreme Court he told me that it did not necessarily indicate it was an important claim, that it just meant the developer had ' plenty of money to throw about' or something similar.
I then complained to WC who responded with:
'All relevant information in relation to the Fund has been provided in accordance with the Fund's continuous
disclosure obligations.'
I then complained to the Australian Shareholders Association and heard nothing back. I also complained to ASIC who have done their usual jack ****!!!
This serious complaint is still ongoing and I believe WC have hindered and delayed every process of the claim to date.
So while ASIC keep implementing new stricter controls and disclosure reforms etc and 'released discussion papers on related-party transactions and on independent experts' reports,' investor complaints appear to continue to be ignored and fund managers keep stuffing themselves from the biscuit barrel.
And as for Ms Hutson saying a developer had "run out of puff", I believe it was more a case of running out of funds which does not neccesarily mean the case is over.
I was also told by another developer that he believed Ms Hutson uses the tactics of delaying and hindering specifically for that reason, hoping the complainants cannot afford to continue expensive legal claims while she keeps her snout permanently in the PIF trough!!!
One thing for sure, Wellington Capital may not be entitled to management fees but it does not take a uni graduate to work out that one of the reasons the 3 cent payment has not been made is because the 'snouts' are being adequately sated regardless!! Out of pocket? Not likely!!!:fu: