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War threat in Ukraine

Sorry I disagree as think Putin most likely will use nuclear weapons if he's pressured/threatened in any way. He has made it clear that whoever steps into this Ukraine conflict directly against Russia will pay the price/suffer the consequences.
Just another of his growing number of lies, nothing more than a poker bluff.

The West's/Europe's problem is the heavy reliance on Russia's energy. If NATO moves into Ukraine, guess who's gonna turn the tap off long before any launch button is pushed.

Make no mistake, any power with nuclear capability knows that even limited nuke use in any armed conflict will have dire consequences. Putin may be a heartless evil bugger but he's not that dumb.
Sorry I disagree as think Putin most likely will use nuclear weapons if he's pressured/threatened in any way. He has made it clear that whoever steps into this Ukraine conflict directly against Russia will pay the price/suffer the consequences.
In my original post above I suggested that now is the time for the NATO allies to enter Ukraine and push the fascist forces of Russia back to their original borders beyond Crimea and Donbas.

Any less outcome will be a victory for Putin.

Nuclear war is a possibility not only in Ukraine and the adjacent Russian republics but also in Korea, Taiwan, and the Middle East to name but a few. It is a daily risk, only brought to our attention by some prescient commentators and a gutter press out to sell click space on their masthead sites.

It is my belief that we are in a situation similar to that in 1938-1939 where Hitler was allowed enter Czechoslovakia to begin his totalitarian destruction of European minority groups driven by a hegemonous ideology. Putin is of a similar ilk, he even has his own Godbotherer the Archwhatever Kirril who with his Rolex watch has anointed this war as being a just war for Russia.

Should Putin not be stopped now, when he is at his weakest, he will slowly move West next on to adjacent republics to Ukraine on the pretext of protecting his new borders and liberating "minorities".

I have experienced the destruction of war. It is not nice to put it mildly. You see it daily on TV, but what you don't experience is the sense of destruction, the human loss and suffering, and the pervasive smell of smoke and sh*t.

Sometimes force needs to be met with force.

Leave Russia to expand today and in one, two or three years, it will expand further.

An interesting opinion from the other side:
About the only part the Russian author got wrong was the role of the Azov battalion.
The false spectre of Nazism used by Russia is somewhat equal to Dutton's claims of Chinese aggression. In other words, it does not take a lot for a nation to spin an idea that "sounds" credible but has no real world basis when viewed objectively.

Ukraine stands as a bulwark against Russian expansion, and NATO - the US in particular - have done their very best to not support it. Instead it's being being played as a sacrificial pawn in a chess game where the the defenders have to keep paying the attackers (for oil/gas) or their position is weakened. The battlefield in this case is subservient to money, and the pretext of sanctions as a means of defense is a bluff that Putin has seen through while continuing to fill his coffers. So what if some Russians suffer ... did Stalin ever care! Putin's popularity in Russia is still on the rise as he insists his suppression of Nazism is necessary.

Sorry I disagree as think Putin most likely will use nuclear weapons if he's pressured/threatened in any way. He has made it clear that whoever steps into this Ukraine conflict directly against Russia will pay the price/suffer the consequences.
The facts in life are simply live and live! @Garpal Gumnut said Putins a player. I've got a lot more respect for the Ukrainian people and way of life and they deserve better. Sit there and talk about it why Ukraine suffer, is not applicable in my book.
The longer you let Putin play his game of chaos, the worst the nuclear threat becomes as he builds confidence. Got to nip that theory of nukes in the bud, and take him down. Bidens ( cowardness ) influence doesn't help either...You could almost say its to late, for human rights. Put Putin down and liberate Ukraine. And the free world for that matter...
Its a bit edgy but have a war based on disabling the nuclear thread is better then no war at all... who's cooking what, get out of the kitchen Putin...Biden get your finger off the button your not getting any. Or is it the other way around..Liberate Ukraine!
I am seeing more indicators of a military solution being used.
Europe is sending heavier weapons.
Talking points/propaganda in media are used to stoke hatred of all Russians or the west (and its working).
Support is becoming more overt.

I'm sure Patton wanted to roll through Russia after Germany because "The Russians would eventually become a problem".
I'm wondering if they are thinking of rolling through China after Russia before they become a larger problem.
Europe is sending heavier weapons.

Recently I saw pictures of Soviet era heavy weapons such as T72 tanks being transported by train from Eastern European countries. This suggests theat Ukranian Army probably has lost a lot of armour.
My gut feeling is that Scomo's Bushmasters (if they ever make it there) will are destined to be sold on the Russian scrap metal market.....
I don't know who is worse, a geriatric as the leader of the free world or Putin....


Regardless of what The US president says, he is not a war mongering psychopath.

Putin will now go down in history as a war criminal, a mad man, a liar, a fraud, a murder, an insane leader of a blind nation, and the leader that brought his own country to ruin.
I think it's time for a diplomatic solution backed by the threat of NATO entering more directly in the war if a compromise isn't reached.

Regardless of what The US president says, he is not a war mongering psychopath.
That he isn't...... as he can't even string a sentence together. Don't fear him, fear psychopaths pulling his strings..
His predecessors since 2000 different story!!!
The lies and deception leading up to the second invasion of Iraq as well as deaths of 200,000 ppl as a result. The bombing by NATO in Sarajevo, Afghanistan.....
I think it's time for a diplomatic solution backed by the threat of NATO entering more directly in the war if a compromise isn't reached.
Better than nothing! Ukraine shouldn't suffer anymore. The ironary of a diplomatic world like NATO letting a pin heads like Putin conger a free nation is against everything NATO stands for. Disturbed by Biden's influence, the old bitch couldn't fight his way out of a wet paper towel. he's intel is corrupt and bogus just like him! If only there was something I could do personally...
NATO structure:

If LePen clinches it in France, things may go very different for nato
Bigger then Ben Her. Take Russia down, so the free world can live...Liberate Ukraine!
I'm sure a report showed that Brits and NATO allies without the US would struggle. Something about lack of long range and ammunitions.

I think together they account for approximately 15% of the worlds wheat supplies. It's a big hit, especially in the poorer not so developed countries. On top of this Russia also supplies most of the worlds fertilizer so difficult times coming unless other countries step up to fill the void....
Germany and Austria are the worst. They are limiting sanctions and just stop any action. That's the trouble with having too many countries in an organisation.

Similarly the UN can't act as China has a casting vote.

I don't see how the USA can go straight into an European war on its own but maybe there is a way. Do you think Biden should start using missiles?
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