Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Vote for Aussie Stock Forums at The Bull

Re: Vote for Aussie Stock Forums at Compareshares

In my opinion ASF is the premier forum for posting on the ASX, options, warrants, fundamental and technical analysis, trading strategies, investment, super, daytrading, and general topics.

Forums increase in value with the number of informed insiders and ambitious learners.

We can increase our numbers by being recognised as being the best.

So please consider voting for ASF.

I am not a moderator nor connected to the owners of this site, I've even been subject to a "banning" for intemperate posting.

Long live freedom of speech.

ASF is an excellent example.

Please vote.

The weekend is going to be tough and there is plenty to do. Including, if you can spare a moment of your valuable time, a chance to vote for ASF at the above link - have a good weekend *********
Re: Vote for Aussie Stock Forums at Compareshares

Bump dili bump

ShareScene is winning :banghead:
Current scores are 34% (sharescene) to 32% (ASF)
Re: Vote for Aussie Stock Forums at Compareshares

Come on girls and guys.

It looks like we're finding it difficult to close the gap between second and first place.

Come on ASFers, if you haven't voted already please do so. It only takes a few seconds.

Yes, ASF are fairly close now and we need to stay close and
remain positioned on the leaders shoulder.
If you can spare a moment to vote, please click-on the above link.
Re: Vote for Aussie Stock Forums at Compareshares

It looks like we're finding it difficult to close the gap between second and first place.

Come on ASFers, if you haven't voted already please do so. It only takes a few seconds. :xyxthumbs

After a lot of hard work by ASF voters the massive 8% gap has been closed. Mustn't be complacent now as the going is likely to remain tough in the long run in.