Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Vote for Aussie Stock Forums at The Bull

Re: Vote for Aussie Stock Forums at Compareshares

This thread still around ???

Anyway, I think a big round of applause has to go to Joe for clocking up his 20,000th member, today I think! Well done, quite a handy little data base there Joe...

Now for the brainwashing to begin!!!! lol :D
Re: Vote for Aussie Stock Forums at Compareshares

I believe I just voted again! That's not cricket is it?

Or is this a yearly survey? Buggered if I know :rolleyes:
Re: Vote for Aussie Stock Forums at Compareshares

Thought I'd bump this thread to give those who haven't voted a chance to do so.

It only takes a few seconds! :)

Vote for ASF here:
I thought I'd just bump this bump. Still at 32% despite the leader, at the moment in this competition, sending out 17,000 emails. They may have gone a bit soon.
Re: Vote for Aussie Stock Forums at Compareshares

The link was already posted but nevertheless I did it again

Interesting result now going

Last time I voted saw ASF was forefront

Tonight I saw Share scene ahead

May be we ASF participants to wake up and put ASF in the forefront

Come on Joe - send an email from your side to all the readers as not every one could be reading compare shares

Doctor J - where are you my friend? Just wake up :)
"Keep it on top", they say. Here it is. Have you voted yet?
Re: Vote for Aussie Stock Forums at Compareshares

Hi everyone, all those just arriving at work this morning. Keyboards to the left and right of you, in front and behind. Move your cursor carefully to the above ural and left click on it, fantastic. Now click on the dot alongside "Aussie Stock Forums", move your cursor downwards and click-on "vote". That's your good deed for the day done. HAVE A GOOD DAY MY FRIEND - thank you
Re: Vote for Aussie Stock Forums at Compareshares

YES I KNOW! Poor old Joe Blow is working his socks off for us ( a term I heard on at old English Film, can't remember its name exactly, anyway), click on the above ural and you will know what it's all about. Just in case you've had a few too many glasses of..., please click on "Aussie Stock Forums and then , YES, "vote".

Well done, you deserve a medal - thanks ever-so-much - CHeers!