Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Vote for Aussie Stock Forums at The Bull

Re: Vote for Aussie Stock Forums at Compareshares

Come on girls and guys.

It looks like we're finding it difficult to close the gap between second and first place.

Come on ASFers, if you haven't voted already please do so. It only takes a few seconds.

Plug, plug, plug, keep plugging away, keep on voting. Never ever give up. Vote with determination, ASF can and WILL win...
Re: Vote for Aussie Stock Forums at Compareshares

Come on girls and guys.

It looks like we're finding it difficult to close the gap between second and first place.

Come on ASFers, if you haven't voted already please do so. It only takes a few seconds.

I get that feeling we've got the leader worried. Has that look of just not having the staying power. Must not let them pull away this weekend, just a bit closer and we can grab their coat tails.
Oh yes, you can vote at the above ural for Aussie Stock Forums - have a great weekend
Re: Vote for Aussie Stock Forums at Compareshares

Come on girls and guys.

It looks like we're finding it difficult to close the gap between second and first place.

Come on ASFers, if you haven't voted already please do so. It only takes a few seconds.

Before the market opens and we end up with blood almost everywhere - taz2 has shown that Rio will open up 5% and BHP by 8% as the resources sector bucks the bearish trend - why not click on the above link and show your support for Joe Blow's Aussie Stock Forums - cheers, have a good day
Re: Vote for Aussie Stock Forums at Compareshares

Come on girls and guys.

It looks like we're finding it difficult to close the gap between second and first place.

Come on ASFers, if you haven't voted already please do so. It only takes a few seconds.


Keep plugging away guys, that gap will eventually close, friends might be able to help, even Uncle Fred, Joe or Barney - have a great day
Re: Vote for Aussie Stock Forums at Compareshares

Come on girls and guys.

It looks like we're finding it difficult to close the gap between second and first place.

Come on ASFers, if you haven't voted already please do so. It only takes a few seconds.

We're not voting fast enough. It's a bit like rowing, must up the stroke rate. No more crabs, let's go for it you guys - hooray
Re: Vote for Aussie Stock Forums at Compareshares

It looks like we're finding it difficult to close the gap between second and first place.

Come on ASFers, if you haven't voted already please do so. It only takes a few seconds. :xyxthumbs

Just a few dozen more votes and we can grab their coat tails. They're going flat out but ASF are holding in there. Keep 'em votes a coming - good on yah
Re: Vote for Aussie Stock Forums at Compareshares

Come on girls and guys.

It looks like we're finding it difficult to close the gap between second and first place.

Come on ASFers, if you haven't voted already please do so. It only takes a few seconds.


Yes, the old ASF spirit will win the day, provided we keep plugging away. No let up, day after day, vote, vote, vote
Seriously guys we just gotta win...
Re: Vote for Aussie Stock Forums at Compareshares

Come on girls and guys.

It looks like we're finding it difficult to close the gap between second and first place.

Come on ASFers, if you haven't voted already please do so. It only takes a few seconds.


Gradually, very gradually closing in on the leader now, need a few dozen votes tonight to get a wee bit closer. Need your help though, you're the only ones who can - thanks, your a *
Re: Vote for Aussie Stock Forums at Compareshares

Come on girls and guys.

It looks like we're finding it difficult to close the gap between second and first place.

Come on ASFers, if you haven't voted already please do so. It only takes a few seconds.


The markets have opened, just, so to take your mind off the subject, why not go over to the above link and show your support for Joe Blow. That'll be the kindest thing you'll do all week, thanks:)
Re: Vote for Aussie Stock Forums at Compareshares

Come on girls and guys.

It looks like we're finding it difficult to close the gap between second and first place.

Come on ASFers, if you haven't voted already please do so. It only takes a few seconds.


The gap has certainly closed as ASFers take gg's advice. Time to race on now. If you can spare the time to vote this evening - cheers**************
Re: Vote for Aussie Stock Forums at Compareshares

In my opinion ASF is the premier forum for posting on the ASX, options, warrants, fundamental and technical analysis, trading strategies, investment, super, daytrading, and general topics.

Forums increase in value with the number of informed insiders and ambitious learners.

We can increase our numbers by being recognised as being the best.

So please consider voting for ASF.

I am not a moderator nor connected to the owners of this site, I've even been subject to a "banning" for intemperate posting.

Long live freedom of speech.

ASF is an excellent example.

Please vote.

Re: Vote for Aussie Stock Forums at Compareshares

In my opinion ASF is the premier forum for posting on the ASX, options, warrants, fundamental and technical analysis, trading strategies, investment, super, daytrading, and general topics.

Forums increase in value with the number of informed insiders and ambitious learners.

We can increase our numbers by being recognised as being the best.

So please consider voting for ASF.

I am not a moderator nor connected to the owners of this site, I've even been subject to a "banning" for intemperate posting.

Long live freedom of speech.

ASF is an excellent example.

Please vote.


Well said sir, we're with you all the way, and I must say you are an excellent example yourself.