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Videos, Audio, Poetry, Paintings etc., that send a message


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Japanese entrant crowned Miss Universe
Japanese model Riyo Mori has been crowned Miss Universe 2007, defeating 77 other candidates from around the world.

Second place went to Natalia Guimaraes, 22, from Brazil, and 21-year-old Ly Jonaitis from Venezuela.

Ningning Zhang, 20, from China won the Miss Congeniality award, while 22-year-old Anna Theresa Licaros from the Philippines was chosen as Miss Photogenic.

Miss Chile won the prize for the "biggest sandcastle"; Mis France won the "nicest sandcastle"; Miss Spain won the "smartest sandcastle"; Miss Nigeria ...... etc etc


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This bloke is not preaching (you'll be pleased to know) - although he is obviously a devout Moslem. But it's interesting to see the similarities between Judaism and Islam :2twocents..." Judaism and Islam"

This bloke is not preaching (you'll be pleased to know) - although he is obviously a devout Moslem. But it's interesting to see the similarities between Judaism and Islam :2twocents..." Judaism and Islam"

Unbelievable !!

This guy is persistent/relentless :)

PS I couldn't watch the video to the end, the quality wasn't that good, can you please try and fix it and re-post the video part.

My question is if he isn't preaching, then what exactly is he doing?? about to kill himself or something ;)
Unbelievable !!

This guy is persistent/relentless :)

PS I couldn't watch the video to the end, the quality wasn't that good, can you please try and fix it and re-post the video part.

My question is if he isn't preaching, then what exactly is he doing?? about to kill himself or something ;)

Hi, With the ASF, Youtube videos, my method of stopping the sticking doesn't work. You will have to allow the video to go from start to finish stopping and starting and then re-run it, guaranteed perfect.

While you'r waiting, why not go out for a run and keep fit with ASF.
ng, here's the longhand youtube site Judaism and Islam
It is marginally better ( imo) to watch this way, since you have more control, i.e. you only have to let the red line ( percent download ) get ahead of the playback by a small amount, then drag the playback indicator back a short distance - then it proceeds without running into cache problems whatever the experts would call it ;)

Alternatively as noirua says, get fit at the same time lol.

What's he on about ? - simply educating those who aren't aware of what he's saying :) For instance Judaism and Islam have the same roots , the name "Allah" is the same in each ( a few letters changed). When it comes to blessing food, kosher = halal, etc.

Plenty more here of course :-

PS at least he doesn't claim that bananas were designed by God to fit a man (or woman's) hand ;) - presumably Cavendish for men, Ladyfingers for women.

I preferred Ali G's answer to Hovind on another youtube (on " is there a god" thread) where he asks, out of the blue "do you eat bananas?" - Hovind says " of course " - Ali says - "there, you're related to the chimps". :)

Other examples of his bold interviewing style include getting the Bishop of Horsham to admit that God created the Universe, and then asked him, "And since then, He's [God's] just chilled?" Ali G asked the Bishop about God's appearance, to which the Bishop replied, "Well, he's sort of Jesus-shaped." During an interview with James Ferman (former director of the British Board of Film Classification), Ali G asks whether his made-up vulgarities would restrict a film to an over-18 audience, and suggests that film censorship be performed by younger persons who understand contemporary slang. Ali G begins an interview with the Chairman of the Arts Council of England Gerry Robinson with the question, "Why is it that everything you fund is so crap?"
ng, here's the longhand youtube site Judaism and Islam
It is marginally better ( imo) to watch this way, since you have more control, i.e. you only have to let the red line ( percent download ) get ahead of the playback by a small amount, then drag the playback indicator back a short distance - then it proceeds without running into cache problems whatever the experts would call it

Alternatively as noirua says, get fit at the same time lol.

What's he on about ? - simply educating those who aren't aware of what he's saying For instance Judaism and Islam have the same roots , the name "Allah" is the same in each ( a few letters changed). When it comes to blessing food, kosher = halal, etc.

Plenty more here of course :-

PS at least he doesn't claim that bananas were designed by God to fit a man (or woman's) hand - presumably Cavendish for men, Ladyfingers for women.

I preferred Ali G's answer to Hovind on another youtube (on " is there a god" thread) where he asks, out of the blue "do you eat bananas?" - Hovind says " of course " - Ali says - "there, you're related to the chimps".

2020 :nosympath

Sorry you lost me there, isnt educating preaching when it comes to religion?? and also all this talk about bananas is a bit silly. Bananas is not why I believe in God ;). Two things:

1. I wouldnt be using Ali G's to make a point about anything :( and
2. I still dont know what the message is, I mean the message of the post prior to this one was easy to get (Relentless as I said) but this post is full of STUFF :) and the muslim, Ali and Hovind are all talking crap :eek:
1. isnt educating preaching when it comes to religion??
2. I wouldnt be using Ali G's to make a point about anything :( and
3. I still dont know what the message is
1. nope ;) - most of this particular youtube is about similarities in language (only). Important we understand where moslems are coming from. No one's trying to convert anyone.
2. Ali G is brilliant if you ask me. - we can agree to disagree.
3. message? moslim and judaism are very similar.
Don't let it worry you though. ;)
One more serious one ;)
Richard Dawkins wrote a brief article just as the latest Iraq invasion commenced.

It's included in a small book called "Not One More Death" - several contributors in that one.
The first page of Dawkin's article (which is spot on, even in hindsight) starts

"I wrote this article on March 18 2003, two days before Iraq was invaded. ... I have deliberately refrained from using hindsight to change it. Re-reading it now, I can see I overestimated the permanence of the rifts between Europe, NATO and the UN. But I got the effect on Iraq itself and the Muslim world exactly right, and my hypothetical soliloquy by Osama bin Laden need in no way be modified. My innuendo that no weeapons of mass destruction would be found has proved correct - but that was not a difficult preduiction to make. Blair and Bush still insist that they were honestly mistaken and acting on the best intelligence available at the time. But Hans Blix's investigation was proceeding apace, and was showing every indication that no weapons of mass destruction would turn up. Given what we now know of Bush's determination to go to war come what may, and Blair's eagerness to please Bush come what may, I think that accusations ..... can fairly be made.
Herewith some excerpts from that 7 page) article, obviously also posted in the Guardian:-
BIN LADEN'S VICTORY (Excerpts from article)
- Richard Dawkins, Saturday March 22, 2003, The Guardian

Osama bin Laden, in his wildest dreams, could hardly have hoped for this. A mere 18 months after he boosted the US to a peak of worldwide sympathy unprecedented since Pearl Harbor, that international goodwill has been squandered to near zero. Bin Laden must be beside himself with glee. And the infidels are now walking right into the Iraq trap.
There was always a risk for Bin Laden that worldwide sympathy for the US might thwart his long-term aim of holy war against the Great Satan. He needn't have worried. With the Bush junta at the helm, a camel could have foreseen the outcome. And the beauty is that it doesn't matter what happens in the war.

Imagine how it looks from Bin Laden's warped point of view...

If the American victory is swift, Bush will have done our work for us, removing the hated Saddam and opening the way for a decent Islamist government. .... <snip> ....

The claim that this war is about weapons of mass destruction is either dishonest or betrays a lack of foresight verging on negligence. If war is so vitally necessary now, was it not at least worth mentioning in the election campaigns of 2000 and 2001? Why didn't Bush and Blair mention the war to their respective electorates? The only major leader who has an electoral mandate for his war policy is Gerhard Schröder - and he is against it. Why did Bush, with Blair trotting faithfully to heel, suddenly start threatening to invade Iraq when he did, and not before? The answer is embarrassingly simple, and they don't even seem ashamed of it. Illogical, even childish, though it is, everything changed on September 11 2001.

Whatever anyone may say about weapons of mass destruction, or about Saddam's savage brutality to his own people, the reason Bush can now get away with his war is that a sufficient number of Americans, including, apparently, Bush himself, see it as revenge for 9/11. This is worse than bizarre. It is pure racism and/or religious prejudice. Nobody has made even a faintly plausible case that Iraq had anything to do with the atrocity. It was Arabs that hit the World Trade Centre, right? So let's go and kick Arab ass. Those 9/11 terrorists were Muslims, right? And Eye-raqis are Muslims, right? That does it. We're gonna go in there and show them some hardware. Shock and awe? You bet. .... <snip> .....

Like sin and like terror (Bush's favourite target before the Iraq distraction) Evil is not an entity, not a spirit, not a force to be opposed and subdued. Evil is a miscellaneous collection of nasty things that nasty people do. There are nasty people in every country, stupid people, insane people, people who should never be allowed to get anywhere near power. Just killing nasty people doesn't help: they will be replaced. We must try to tailor our institutions, our constitutions, our electoral systems, so as to minimise the chance that such people will rise to the top. In the case of Saddam Hussein, we in the west must bear some guilt. The US, Britain and France have all, from time to time, done our bit to shore up Saddam, and even arm him. ... <snip> ...

The population of the US is nearly 300 million, including many of the best educated, most talented, most resourceful, humane people on earth. By almost any measure of civilised attainment, from Nobel prize-counts on down, the US leads the world by miles. You would think that a country with such resources, and such a field of talent, would be able to elect a leader of the highest quality. Yet, what has happened? At the end of all the primaries and party caucuses, the speeches and the televised debates, after a year or more of non-stop electioneering bustle, who, out of that entire population of 300 million, emerges at the top of the heap? George Bush.

My American friends, you know I love your country, how have we come to this? Yes, yes, Bush isn't quite as stupid as he sounds, and heaven knows he can't be as stupid as he looks. I know most of you didn't vote for him anyway, but that is my point. Forgive my presumption, but could it just be that there is something a teeny bit wrong with that famous constitution of yours? Of course this particular election was unusual in being a dead heat. Elections don't usually need a tie-breaker, something equivalent to the toss of a coin. Al Gore's majority in the country, reinforcing his majority in the electoral college but for dead-heated Florida, would have led a just and unbiased supreme court to award him the tie-breaker. So yes, Bush came to power by a kind of coup d'état. But it was a constitutional coup d'état. The system has been asking for trouble for years.

Is it really a good idea that a single person's vote, buried deep within the margin of error for a whole state, can by itself swing a full 25 votes in the electoral college, one way or the other? And is it really sensible that money should translate itself so directly and proportionately into electoral success, so that a winning candidate must either be very rich or prepared to sell favours to those who are? .... <snip>

Saddam Hussein has been a catastrophe for Iraq, but he never posed a threat outside his immediate neighbourhood. George Bush is a catastrophe for the world. And a dream for Bin Laden.

· Richard Dawkins FRS is the Charles Simonyi Professor at Oxford University. His latest book is A Devil's Chaplain (Weidenfeld & Nicholson).
1. nope ;) - most of this particular youtube is about similarities in language (only). Important we understand where moslems are coming from. No one's trying to convert anyone.
2. Ali G is brilliant if you ask me. - we can agree to disagree.
3. message? moslim and judaism are very similar.
Don't let it worry you though. ;)

I disagree with 1, 2 and 3 :) its more like we disagree to disagree ;)
One more serious one ;)
Richard Dawkins wrote a brief article just as the latest Iraq invasion commenced.

It's included in a small book called "Not One More Death" - several contributors in that one.
The first page of Dawkin's article (which is spot on, even in hindsight) starts

Herewith some excerpts from that 7 page) article, obviously also posted in the Guardian:-

Hi 2020 et al, All these deaths in Iraq are building up on all sides. 10 Americans killed a few days ago and now 5 more killed in a helicopter crash. The number of Iraqis killed must be around 500 a week.
I did read somewhere that light losses in battle was 10% and only at 30% was it considered serious losses.
Only Iran and Syria can really stop the line of fire. Otherwise America are ligned up to fight in Afganistan and Iraq for many more years.

These casualties are even more serious:
Miss Mori Had the best dress by far that night... ..
Well someone told me she was Major Mike Mori's sister- and that's the only reason she won. ;)

Lol, reminds me of Jenny Hawkins on the Travel Show the other day - doing a pretty good impersonation of Julia Roberts in "Pretty Woman" eating escargo - "slippery little suckers" lol. Plenty of humour about that bird :)

Results below suggest that USA / North America can afford bigger bribes that Aussies , and we in turn more than kiwis lol.

Insider, I personally have a bit of a problem with these beauty contests ... never forget I was at a pub on the beach in Hawaii (Reef?) once, and they had a "Bikini contest" - and about 5 girls ended up as finalists. They talk about "hot favourites" - even the least favourites were pretty damned warm lol.

Anyway, one of these girls was a delightful girl tourist from Norway or Denmark or somewhere, shy, really sweet, genuine etc.

At the other extreme (personality wise) was an American girl who was a professional hula dancer on one of the local inter-island boats - nothing against hula dancers (most are brilliant personalities as well as bodies), but this lady really had tickets on herself! - and as it turned out...

To this day I don't know if the judges read out the names in the incorrect order or not ( 1,2,3,4,5 came out as 5,4,3,2,1 etc), but the pro dancer came fifth, and the sweet tourist came first - well lol

The dancer put on one hellova scene - "look at MY body - and (disparagingly) look at HERSS!! (spitting acid) - look at My hips (danced) - and look at etcetc

you get the picture, ;)
The blokes in the crowd gave her a massive "booo" - and saved the day ( and the embarrassment of the Danish girl).

Beauty is only skin deep as they say lol.

PS Miss Russia was dethroned in 2002 for some reason ( failing to do her duty - ?? wonder what that was ? - show her appreciation to the judges maybe? Maybe she walked out saying "I 'd prefer to be dethroned than de-flowered" !! :))


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PS Then again, maybe the majority are happy to have Miss Universe etc pageants .. ;) .... rather than end up here (Romeo and Juliet) ... :2twocents

For those who say that these pageants help the poor of the world, here's another cartoon, presumably when the Pope started to relax some of the Vatican rules - Gee wouldn't it be good if they spent the money they spend on Miss Universe on handing out free condoms instead :eek:


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