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Videos, Audio, Poetry, Paintings etc., that send a message

presumably a heavy round ball (or some other shape) inside ? :confused:

still, it probably works with a beer can - and heck you might win a free round or two with it ;)
I think I've come to the conclusion (quick answer anyway) that there might be magnets involved (for anti- gravity) :confused:

Mind you , here's another - just shows how easy it is to con someone ;)
Listening to ABC today as I was driving

Apparently in Gerald Stone's book "Who killed channel 9" there is a quote of Kerry Packer's last words - something like ( approx)...

"Am I still here ! - heck how long does this (expletitive, f***ingwell?) take?"

someone else rang in with their dad's final words.. "now for the answer to the great mystery!" ;)

As someone I know and love says - we don't know what 's around the next bend - and maybe it's just as well :)

Paul Robeson - Round The Bend Of The Road
message ... "It's all relative" ...
People who have achieved something ...
a) Kerry Packer
b) Paul Robeson ;)

Mind you I do enjoy some of the anecdotes attributed to Packer ...

... like the time he was (allegedly) gambling with some US millionaire in Vegas or some such - and this bloke took offence at something Packer had said - and repied to Packer ... "I'll have you know I own millions!!"

and Packer replied ... "(pause)... toss you for em " lol


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Jean Valjean's last words... (The finale and song "Do you hear the people sing" from Les Miserables 10th anniversary concert )

Cosette: "You will live, Papa, you're going to live,
it's too soon, too soon to say goodbye"
"yes Cosette, forbid me now to die, I'll obey, I will try" :eek:
"and remember that truth that once was spoken ....
to love another person is to see the face of God.... ahhhkgh"

and that's when the chorus comes out of the shadows, and the volume slowly winds up to 120dB or so ;) especially after the 7m10s mark - brilliant finale.
Finale and do you hear the people sing
ditto other languages

the story:-


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they say that "sport in the 21st century" is about thousands of people who badly need the exercise sitting at home like couch potatoes watching twenty odd young men ( or women) who don't need the exercise running around enjoying themselves.

Here's what it might be like later this century (the way robots are going ;)) ...

Baseball match .... pitching :- Robot pitcher (you have to open that one - not on youtube that i could find)

and batting :-

Then of course there'll be the finals of the synchronised swimming at the 2048 Olympics...

and finally it will probably get to where they even watch the TV comedies at home with us as well (much to the concern of the family dog lol).. ‘Tickle Me Elmo'.

then there'e the wife and/or husband lol
and of course marriages, pregnancies etc etc
I'll post the short video before the longer one - but you start to understand Ali G's interviewing style ;)
this idiot accuses (70 year old) Buzz Aldrin of faking his moon walk

Ali G - Buzz Aldrin
Apollo 11:Lunar Landing July 20, 1969 4:18 p.m. EDT Sea of Tranquillity
walking around after lunar landing

The conspiracy theory ....... Apollo Moon Hoax? Dr. David Groves (PhD) Analysis
message? - about time someone called their kid (of the male variety) something other than Bruce. difficult as that may be.... mmmmmmm

maybe .... Brice? :confused:
Jai alai - fastest ballgame on earth; message ? - bludy gr8 to watch ;)

The pelote (ball) goes as fast as 200mph , which makes it the biggest speed ball game - the music : The Hives



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jackass Jai Alai
not suggesting this for a sensible way to carry on, (the last 30 seconds looks like a good way to do an achilles or worse) but you get an idea of how fast the ball is going in a real game :2twocents

Imagine if they used those scoops in baseball ;) - and maybe pitch from somewhere out past third base lol.
(ok ?? ready for my fastball, punk??)
Here's a bit of Buddhism :70:

at the 3min 40 sec mark - he gets to the point ;)
exchange "you" for "me"
what about "you"
make you happy
and you know what?
when you're happy, I'm happy
that's the formula
first you then me
that's all happiness is
it's just the heart being free
- Mipham - What About Me
Here's the lyrics:
What about me? by Sakyong Mipham

What about me?
That’s my first thought every morning.
What happened to me?
It’s the last thought every night.
Has this gotten me anywhere?
Any more friends? Any more love?
It should. It should have, by now.
In fact, by now I should be a bundle of joy.
Because I say this mantra every day.

What about me? What about me? What about..

In fact, it’s embarassing
I say this mantra all day long.
Like the beating of my heart: What about me?

What about me? What about me? What about..

When I take a shower, I think: “what about me?”
I hope this shower makes me feel happy.
I hope this kiss makes me feel happy.
I hope this lunch makes me happy.
I hope these clothes make me feel happy.
I hope this donut, this cup of coffee,
This new affair, this new job….

What about me? What about me?
What about me? What about me?
What about me?

This new spiritual practice,
This new movie, this new CD
Oh, this new CD will make me happy…

What about me? That’s my first thought every morning.
What about me?
What happens to me? It’s my last thought every night.
Has this gotten me any more love? Any more joy?

This new city. This new country.
This new planet. This new universe makes me happy.

You know what? None of it will make you happy
Unless you do one simple thing:
Change “me” for “you.”
Change “me” for “you.”

Just wake up in the morning, and try something wild.
Just wake up, and not “me.”
Instead, say "you, be happy."
May you be happy.
May you be happy.

What about you?
That’s my first thought every morning.
What happens to you? It’s my last thought every night.
It has given me so much more love. So much more joy.

When I give you a big fat kiss, take a shower,
Make my bed, when I dance,
May make you happy.
When I give you the remote control
May make you happy.
When I sit on a park bench by myself,
When I feel the sun, the breeze,
May make you happy.
When I just look at you, and stare at your eyes.
May make you happy.

And you know what?
When you’re happy, I’m happy.
That’s the formula:
First you, then me.
That’s all happiness is.
It’s just the heart being free.


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"Mipham records albums, runs marathons and just happens to be a Tibetan Buddhist Lama. " his website

he appeals to the "Coalition of Visionary Resources" - politely makes no reference to the Coalition of the Willing

well it sure makes a change from the selfish sexcrazed punk-rap clap-trap that you get so much of these days.
IF ONLY the TIBETANS were running the world's morals - and not the USA !!! :(

PS I kinda prefer this bloke to his boss, the Dalai Lama - not so many fits and giggles and stuff, lol


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Zaggy Videos - Domino Snooker

message ? - damned if I know, lol - some people have a lot more patience than I have, I guess :)
Here are some youtubes of a BBC interview with some Afghan driving instructors. Quite entertaining ;) even humourous at times (teachingsomeone to drive a manual in a city of 4 million with one set of traffic lights)
the attached jpeg photos are from the second youtube. :2twocents
Afghan Ladies Driving School: After the Taleban With the liberalisation of laws, following the fall of the Taleban, there's an increased demand for women to learn how to drive. From BBC Worldwide.

Afghan Ladies Driving School: Cycle Mishap Accidents will happen on busy roads - fortunately nobody is seriously hurt – interesting interview - interesting that he thinks things are "too free" now :eek: looking for "the middle road" -
incidentally the ladies he is teaching to drive seem to looking for a middle road as well lol.


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..... Afghan Ladies Driving School: Aspiring Politician

Afghan Ladies Driving School: Road Check Traffic Lights The traffic lights have been out for a long time, as these road check cops explain to our host.
lol - beauty noi
here's one for the ASF members

message -
a) maybe Joe will install traffic lights in here, what with all these bulls charging around. ;)
b) if you're gonna be a bull, you have to be hard headed at the same time
c) even bulls need to keep their eyes open
d) and even bulls can have different opinions
e) sometimes your bull investments go east , and sometimes they go west
f) etc ;)