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Videos, Audio, Poetry, Paintings etc., that send a message

a conventional wineglass :-


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the sophisticated Darwin-ite design of wineglass :-
(who said that Darwin doesn't have sophisticated drinking habits ;))


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    8 KB · Views: 96 Battlefield Britian - Culloden - The making of

There's forty shillings on the drum
For those who volunteer to come,
To 'list and fight the foe today
Over the Hills and far away

O'er the hills and o'er the main
Through Flanders, Portugal and Spain
King George commands and we obey
O'er the hills and far away
When duty calls me I must go
To stand and face another foe
But part of me will always stray
Over the hills and far away

If I should fall to rise no more
As many comrades did before
Then ask the fifes and drums to play
Over the hills and far away

Then fall in lads behind the drum
With colors blazing like the sun
Along the road to come what may
Over the hills and far away


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The scarey bit [of this week's Chasers War] was the interviewing of ordinary American Muppets on the street. That was scary!
(Figured a reply on this thread was more appropriate) .
The interviews with the US public was a definite worry. (not knowing the difference between Obama and Osama - sheesh you'd have to think that Obama has a snowball's chance in Hell of being elected - unless of course he goes to deedpoll and changes his name) .;)

But then again, Aussies could be made to look foolish too. Hell, I wouldn’t go near a street interview if you paid me $20 lol. But … What I found a SERIOUS worry was similar interviews by US Army recruiters, who then went on to talk poor American youth into signing up into the army, as shown in the movie / documentary Fahrenheit 9/11.
Fahrenheit 9/11 is an award-winning documentary film by American filmmaker Michael Moore, which had a general release in the United States and Canada on June 25, 2004. Because of its harsh critique of the Bush Administration, it generated much controversy around the time of its release. On The Late Show with David Letterman in November 2004, Moore referred to the film as a "satirical documentary".
The film has since been released in 42 more countries and holds the record for highest box office receipts by a general release documentary. The title derives from Ray Bradbury's dystopian science fiction novel Fahrenheit 451 (and the film of the same name) and the September 11, 2001 attacks. The film debuted at the 2004 Cannes Film Festival in the documentary film category and was awarded the Palme d'Or (Golden Palm), the festival's highest award, by an international jury (four North Americans, four Europeans, and one Asian).
The film generated a great deal of controversy. It presents a critical look at George W. Bush, his presidency and the War on Terrorism. The Los Angeles Times described the film as "an alternate history of the last four years on the U.S. political scene." [1] The documentary has another theme of criticizing the American corporate media for being "cheerleaders" for the war in Iraq, and not providing an accurate and objective analysis of what led to the Iraq invasion and the resulting casualties there.

DVD release. Fahrenheit 9/11 was released to DVD and VHS on October 5, 2004, an unusually short turnaround time after theatrical release. In the first days of the release, the documentary broke records for the best-sold documentary ever. About 2 million copies were sold on the first day. [8]
A companion book, The Official Fahrenheit 9/11 Reader, was released at the same time. It contains the complete screenplay, documentation of Moore's sources, audience e-mails about the film, film reviews, articles and political cartoons pertaining to the film.
The DVD also contained some additional footage[6]. One piece of this footage, "Condoleezza Rice's 9/11 Commission Testimony", may deserve special note in light of Rice's striking evasiveness.
Post-release award competition. The film won additional awards after its release, such as the People's Choice Award for Favorite Motion Picture, an unprecedented honor for a documentary.
The film also won four Razzies, not for its lack of quality but rather as a "joke" about the "actors". George W. Bush won Worst Actor, Bush with either Rice or "his pet goat" won Worst Screen Couple, Donald Rumsfeld won Worst Supporting Actor, and Rice and Britney Spears were both nominated for Worst Supporting Actress, with Spears winning the award.[9]
Initial television presentations. The two-hour film was planned to be shown as part of the three-hour "The Michael Moore Pre-Election Special" on iN DEMAND, but iN DEMAND backed out in mid-October. Moore later arranged for simultaneous broadcasts on November 1st at 8:00 p.m. (EST) on DISH Network, TVN and the Cinema Now website and material prepared for "The Michael Moore Pre-Election Special" was incorporated into "Fahrenheit 9/11: A Movement in Time" which aired that same week on The Independent Film Channel.
The movie was also shown on basic cable television in Germany and Austria on November 1, 2004 and November 2, 2004. In the UK, the film was shown on Channel 4 on January 27, 2005. In Hungary, it was shown on RTL Klub, a commercial channel, on September 10, 2005, on m1, one of the national channels, on 13 August 2006, on m2, the other national channel, on 1 September 2006. In Denmark, it was shown on Danmarks Radio (normally referred to as just DR), which is Denmark's national broadcasting corporation, on April 11, 2006. In Norway, it was shown on NRK, the national broadcasting corporation, on August 27, 2006. The film was screened in New Zealand on September 9 2006 on TV One, a channel of TVNZ, a state supported network. The day after New Zealand, 10 September 2006, the Dutch state supported network Nederland 3 aired the film. In Belgium, it was shown on Kanaal 2, October 12, 2006.
Unauthorized use of material
The anti-Moore site MooreWatch posted a link to a BitTorrent file containing a version of the movie taped at a cinema.[10] The distributors expressed unhappiness and suggested potential legal action, but according to the Sunday Herald, Moore's own response was, "I don't have a problem with people downloading the movie and sharing it with people as long as they're not trying to make a profit off of my labor".[11] Moore had expressed similar sentiments before the film's theatrical release.
Conversely, according to the news director of WNEM, a CBS television affiliate in Saginaw, Michigan, a news clip from the station was included in Fahrenheit 9/11 without the station's permission [12]. No legal action was taken concerning the use.


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(Figured a reply on this thread was more appropriate) .
The interviews with the US public was a definite worry. But then again, Aussies could be made to look foolish too. Hell, I wouldn’t go near a street interview if you paid me $20 lol. But … What I found a SERIOUS worry was similar interviews by US Army recruiters, who then went on to talk poor American youth into signing up into the army, as shown in the movie / documentary Fahrenheit 9/11.
Hi 2020hindsight,

Thanks for your thoughtful contributions. I've seen all of Michael Moore's movies. I note his fairly anti-capitalist rants, but now that he's a multi-millionaire (and good luck to him on this front), I wonder where he invests his money. Michael Moore does make a number of good points on gun control etc., he can be a bit too left on some other issues for my liking (don't worry 2020 I'm still a small "l" liberal), but deep down is he just a smart business man. I thought I'd make these thought provoking comments in order to generate a bit of excitement on this cold Saturday morning in Melbourne. By the way, I reckon the great Aussie song "Friday On My Mind" says it all. The weekend is great just to relax for those of us who are lucky and reassess the weeks events.
... I've seen all of Michael Moore's movies. I note his fairly anti-capitalist rants, but now that he's a multi-millionaire (and good luck to him on this front), I wonder where he invests his money. Michael Moore does make a number of good points on gun control etc., he can be a bit too left on some other issues for my liking (don't worry 2020 I'm still a small "l" liberal), but deep down is he just a smart business man.
gday greg ;) You're ahead of me, I've only seen Farenheit 9/11.
If he made some money out it that's great.

Note his attitude to people downloading his movie and his therefore missing out on the royalties..."I don't have a problem with people downloading the movie and sharing it with people as long as they're not trying to make a profit off of my labor"

Moorewatch sounds like a nasty mob - i.e. to target the messenger - poor taste.

But Moore showed a lot of guts making that movie - including questioning several US Senators / Congressmen at kerbstop interviews as to why , if they felt so strongly about the war in Iraq, were so few sons or relatives of said senators in the military. :eek: He made some good points imo.

Considering how soon after the war this came out (within a couple of months) he was certainly an early voice of critcism, and nowadays, the majority of USA opinion seems to be with him . Shame he wasn't listened to BEFORE they went to Iraq! :2twocents

Left ? Right? I could care less mate lol - If he tells the truth he's got my vote. Personally, I'm starting to think green for November - keep the bastards honest on the green front - whoever gets in - Gee but I'd love it to be a hung parliament again lol ;)

The anti-Moore site MooreWatch posted a link to a BitTorrent file containing a version of the movie taped at a cinema.[10] The distributors expressed unhappiness and suggested potential legal action, but according to the Sunday Herald, Moore's own response was, "I don't have a problem with people downloading the movie and sharing it with people as long as they're not trying to make a profit off of my labor".[11] Moore had expressed similar sentiments before the film's theatrical release.
Conversely, according to the news director of WNEM, a CBS television affiliate in Saginaw, Michigan, a news clip from the station was included in Fahrenheit 9/11 without the station's permission [12]. No legal action was taken concerning the use.
PS Funny how these discussions start - Wayne mentioned the Chaser interviewing people in the streets of US . You see that by any chance?
This goes with the Culloden post back there . Bonnie Prince Charlie
Excerpt from the historical monologue "400 Years of English History" presented by artist/historian George S. Stuart as part of an exhibit of his Historical Figures at the Ventura County Museum of Art and History in Ventura California
Robert Burns's poem "Jacobites by Name" - a plea for peace.

Ye Jacobites By Name - words and music Robert Burns

Ye Jacobites by name lend an ear, lend an ear
Ye Jacobites by name lend an ear
Ye Jacobites by name your faults I will proclaim
Your doctrines I must blame, you shall hear.

What is right and what is wrong by the law, by the law
What is right and what is wrong by the law
What is right and what is wrong, a short sword and a long
A weak arm and a strong for to draw.

What makes heroic strife famed afar, famed afar?
What makes heroic strife famed afar?
What makes heroic strife, to whet the assassin's knife
Or hunt a parent's life with bloody war.

Then leave your schemes alone in the state, in the state
Then leave your schemes alone in the state
Then leave your schemes alone, adore the rising sun
And leave a man alone to his fate

Then leave your schemes alone, adore the rising sun
And leave a man alone to his fate...
And leave a man alone to his fate. Paul Robeson, I think that I shall never see a poem lovely as a tree.
(The finest musical instrument ever hewn by nature - as I heard his voice described once;)
The World War One story of Poet (Mr) Joyce Kilmer in new DVD: "Poems are made by fools like me, but only God can Make a tree."

I think that I shall never see
A poem lovely as a tree.
A tree whose hungry mouth is prest
Against the earth's sweet flowing breast;
A tree that looks at God all day,
And lifts her leafy arms to pray;
A tree that may in summer wear
A nest of robins in her hair;
Upon whose bosom snow has lain;
Who intimately lives with rain.
Poems are made by fools like me,
But only God can make a tree.

Kilmer is killed on the Western Front.
"World War 1 - American Legacy"

Note that he wrote the poem at home amongst "peaceful trees " - althoug he had seen plenty of war torn Europe.
[edit] Inspiration
According to Kilmer's son, Kenton, the poem””which was not inspired by any tree in particular but about trees in general””was written " an upstairs bedroom... which served as Mother's and Dad's bedroom and also as Dad's office.... The window looked out down a hill, on our well-wooded lawn - trees of many kinds, from mature trees to thin saplings: oaks, maples, black and white birches, and I do not know what else."[36] However, a 1915 interview with Kilmer "pointed out that while Kilmer might be widely known for his affection for trees, his affection was certainly not sentimental - the most distinguished feature of Kilmer's property was a colossal woodpile outside his home. The house stood in the middle of a forest and what lawn it possessed was obtained only after Kilmer had spent months of weekend toil in chopping down trees, pulling up stumps, and splitting logs. Kilmer's neighbors had difficulty in believing that a man who could do that could also be a poet."[37]


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PS - heres some more pictures of trees and suff


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2020hindsight;156902 Bill Cosby Noah and the Ark[/QUOTE said:
Very good 2020...from age 9 to 11 in N.W. Queensland I remember listening to bill cosby tapes (often going to school 15 miles daily in the holden station wagon)that my dad had.Old weird harold ,junior barnes and slush balls ,9th. street bridge , of course fat albert and buck buck competitions. WHAT A LAUGH.thanks.:D
Very good 2020...from age 9 to 11 in N.W. Queensland I remember listening to bill cosby tapes (often going to school 15 miles daily in the holden station wagon)that my dad had.Old weird harold ,junior barnes and slush balls ,9th. street bridge , of course fat albert and buck buck competitions. WHAT A LAUGH.thanks.:D
pleasure m8. ;)
would've put it on the "is there a god" thread, but didn't want to be provocative :eek:


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gday greg ;) You're ahead of me, I've only seen Farenheit 9/11.
If he made some money out it that's great.

Note his attitude to people downloading his movie and his therefore missing out on the royalties..."I don't have a problem with people downloading the movie and sharing it with people as long as they're not trying to make a profit off of my labor"

Moorewatch sounds like a nasty mob - i.e. to target the messenger - poor taste.

But Moore showed a lot of guts making that movie - including questioning several US Senators / Congressmen at kerbstop interviews as to why , if they felt so strongly about the war in Iraq, were so few sons or relatives of said senators in the military. :eek: He made some good points imo.

Considering how soon after the war this came out (within a couple of months) he was certainly an early voice of critcism, and nowadays, the majority of USA opinion seems to be with him . Shame he wasn't listened to BEFORE they went to Iraq! :2twocents

Left ? Right? I could care less mate lol - If he tells the truth he's got my vote. Personally, I'm starting to think green for November - keep the bastards honest on the green front - whoever gets in - Gee but I'd love it to be a hung parliament again lol ;)

PS Funny how these discussions start - Wayne mentioned the Chaser interviewing people in the streets of US . You see that by any chance?
I love watching the Chaser mob on the ABC. When interviewing people in the US they picked some real "characters". Some of them got confused and blamed Obama, one of the Democrat's candidates running for the Presidency, for some of the world's problems. They must have got confused with Osama.
Here's a journey roughly based on (this particular) american evangelical society, starting with Haggard challenging Dawkins, and ending with a "boy who refuses to see the king's new clothes" :( Haggard vs Dawkins Ted Haggard, recently disgraced leader of the Evangelical church, has a face-off with the Richard Dawkins, author of The God Delusion. Its sad to see who accuses whom of arrogance Ted Haggard Bashing Gays - from JESUS CAMP the Movie Ted Haggard admits he bought Meth from gay prostitute Bush associate Ted Haggard, President of the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE), admits buying Meth from a homosexual prostitute to a KUSA-TV reporter. Says he called him for a "massage" but did neither use the drug nor have sex with the man.
11/3/2006 Family Values: Ted Haggard, his Male Prostitute and Meth
Family vaules: Ted Haggard, his Male Prostitute and Meth. Jesus Camp Bush Insanity (or Child Abuse). Your call. Believe it or not this is real. Those poor kids...That lady should be investigated for psychological child abuse. Harry Potter is the Devil - JESUS CAMP This woman thinks Harry Potter is the enemy of God, and should be put to death. And she's not kidding Little boy questioning god Little boy from Jesus Camp trying to understand a belief in god "Do you see what I mean about mental child abuse?" Watch how a brave child is fighting against the insanity of christian adults
Here he is saying to Dawkins ( after a totally arrogant reply to a simple question about the age of tfhe earth) "yuo will be right on some things, wrong on others, but please in the process, don't be arrogant " (oops I think I'm gonna be sick)


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