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Videos, Audio, Poetry, Paintings etc., that send a message
AMERICAN EXPERIENCE "Jonestown: The Life and Death of Peoples Temple"
The True Story Behind the Largest Mass Murder-Suicide in History Airs on PBS -

"I represent divine principle, total equality, a society where people own all things in common, where there's no rich or poor, where there are no races. Wherever there are people struggling for justice and righteousness, there I am." - Jim Jones, founder, Peoples Temple

In "Jonestown: The Life and Death of Peoples Temple," award-winning filmmakers Stanley Nelson, Marcia Smith and Noland Walker reveal the true, tragic story behind enigmatic preacher Jim Jones and his promise of a world of economic and racial equality that ultimately led to the largest mass murder-suicide in history. This new documentary tells the story of the people who joined Peoples Temple, following Jones from Indiana to California and ultimately to their deaths in Guyana in November 1978. The AMERICAN EXPERIENCE presentation airs Monday, April 9, 2007, 9:00-10:30 p.m. ET on PBS (check local listings). "Jonestown" was an official selection of numerous 2006 film festivals, including Tribeca, Silverdocs, Los Angeles and San Francisco, and is on the short list for a potential Oscar nomination.

Hailed as "surreal and heartbreaking" (Village Voice) and "chilling" (San Francisco Chronicle), the film features first-hand recollections of former Peoples Temple members, including some who narrowly escaped death in those frantic, final days in the South American jungle; relatives of those who died; and candid interviews with Jones' son, Jim Jones Jr. "We wanted the story to be told in the voices of the people who lived through it," explains Nelson. "Of the five people who survived, there are - to my knowledge - three left alive. Two of them are in the film."

"Jonestown" also includes never-before-seen footage shot inside Peoples Temple, providing a rare glimpse of Jones' passionate preaching and emotional healing services.

Nelson was drawn to making this film by a persistent question: What drove thousands of people to join Peoples Temple? "They saw themselves changing the world, with the church as a tool," he says, noting that Jones offered prospective members jobs, homes and a sense of common purpose - striving to create a just world.

"I did allow Jones to think for me because I figured that he had the better plan," says former Peoples Temple member Hue Fortson, whose wife and infant son were among the more than 900 who died in Guyana after drinking cyanide-laced fruit punch. "I gave my rights up to him. As many others did." Jonestown: The Life and Death of Peoples Temple Jonestown: Massacre News Reel

I represent divine principle, total equality, a society where people own all things in common, where there's no rich or poor, where there are no races. Wherever there are people struggling for justice and righteousness, there I am - Jim Jones, founder, Peoples Temple


I'm finding it hard to get the message of this post?? the way I see it is that Jesus and Stalin preached similar values! from memory Jesus didn't encourage suicide and Stalin (who I think was an athiest) killed millions.

please explain:)
I represent divine principle, total equality, a society where people own all things in common, where there's no rich or poor, where there are no races. Wherever there are people struggling for justice and righteousness, there I am - Jim Jones, founder, Peoples Temple
2020, I'm finding it hard to get the message of this post?? the way I see it is that Jesus and Stalin preached similar values! from memory Jesus didn't encourage suicide and Stalin (who I think was an athiest) killed millions.

please explain:)
I guess...
a) people can be mass - hypnotised
b) people have a need to follow someone - specially someone who says he knows about god
c) beware of sects ;)

Incidentally, there are posts there on youtube that speak of very intriguing conspiracy theories - but I'll let people find them themselves - if they wish.
I guess...
a) people can be mass - hypnotised
b) people have a need to follow someone - specially someone who says he knows about god
c) beware of sects ;)

Incidentally, there are posts there on youtube that speak of very intriguing conspiracy theories - but I'll let people find them themselves - if they wish.

My guess........

a) we aim to please :)
b) I'm starting to get confused here?? who's following who exactly????
c) I don't run from challenges, because: 1)people in sects don't realise they'r in'em and 2) sects need to be exposed;)

passively....selfeshly....sorry to say cowardly thinking about stuff.
Slave Breeding :-
The death-rate amongst slaves was high. To replace their losses, plantation owners encouraged the slaves to have children. Child-bearing started around the age of thirteen, and by twenty the women slaves would be expected to have four or five children.

Young women were often advertised for sale as "good breeding stock". To encourage child-bearing some population owners promised women slaves their freedom after they had produced fifteen children. One slave trader from Virginia boasted that his successful breeding policies enabled him to sell 6,000 slave children a year.
Sounds a bit like the bomber pilots in WWII who were allowed to leave the RAF after 30 successful missions. (think I'm right there) :(

Sorry Mint Man - what was the message ? lol
PS - you're gonna accuse me of having a one track mind here, lol - but that unicorn reminds me - Hovind claims that the references to "unicorns" in the Bible are really dinasaurs (??) and that proves that dinasaurs and men coexisted . (love your logic Hovind ;))
RAF Bomber Command
Odds of making it to 30 missions with loss rate of around 5% , i.e. if 1 in 20 is shot down per mission
= .95^30 = 0.21
or 21% chance.

Mention must also be made of the extremely high casualty rate suffered by RAF Bomber Command crews, who suffered 55,573 dead, 4,000 wounded and 9,784 prisoner. These fatalities included over 38,000 RAF aircrew (of all nationalities), 9,900 Royal Canadian Air Force personnel, and over 1,500 aircrew from the European occupied countries. It is illustrative that members of the Australian squadrons of Bomber Command equalled only two percent of Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) personnel, but the 4,050 killed represented 23% of the total number of RAAF personnel killed in action (5,367) during World War II. No. 460 Squadron RAAF, which had an aircrew establishment of about 200, experienced 1,018 combat deaths during 1942-45 and was therefore effectively wiped out five times over.

Taking an example of 100 airmen:

55 killed on operations or died as result of wounds
3 injured (in varying levels of severity) on operations or active service
12 taken prisoner of war (some injured)
2 shot down and evaded capture
27 survived a tour of operations
In total 364,514 operational sorties were flown, 1,030,500 tons of bombs were dropped and 8,325 aircraft lost in action.

The very high casualty levels suffered give testimony to the dedication and courage of Bomber Command's aircrew in carrying out their orders. Statistically there was little prospect of surving a tour of 30 operations. This was because for much of the war the loss rate hovered around 5%, about 1 in 20 aircraft would, on average, be shot down - although obviously there was great variation here, on some occasions the loss rate exceeded 10% - sometimes much higher than that.
A total of nineteen Victoria Crosses were awarded to Bomber Command aircrew, seven of these to members of Dominion air forces. Nine of the awards were posthumous. The following examples are illustrative of the courage and sacrifice of these men, and of countless others whose anonymous heriosm in the night skies over Europe will never be known:
The "balance sheet"
Some commentary needs to be made as to the effectiveness of Bomber Command's operations and its overall contribution to winning the war. The Command was overwhelmingly committed to the area offensive against Germany and it should therefore primarily be judged in that context.

The aim of breaking the morale of the German working class, the ostenstible aim of the offensive, must be accounted a failure. The scale and intensity of the offensive was an appalling trial to the German people and the Hamburg attacks, particularly, profoundly shook the Nazi leadership. However on balance the indiscriminate nature of the bombing and the heavy civilian casualties and damage stiffened German resistance to fight to the end. In any case as Sir Arthur Harris put it, the Germans living under a savage tyranny were "not allowed the luxury of morale".

.... shortly after the war's end Speer was unequivocal about the effect of this: "the real importance of the air war was that it opened a second front long before the invasion of Europe. That front was the skies over Germany...The unpredictbility of the attacks made the front gigantic...Defence against air attacks required the production of thousands of anti aircraft guns, the stockpiling of tremendous quantities of ammunition all over the country, and holding in readiness hundreds of thousands of soldiers...As far as I can judge from the accounts I have read, this was the greatest lost battle on the German side".

From the British perspective it should be noted that the RAF offensive made a great contribution in sustaining morale during the dark days of the war, especially during the bleak winter of 1941-42. It was the only means that Britain possessed of taking the war directly to the enemy at that time.
The message is, Shame on you for trying to watch XXX pr0n!:mad: :D
like the policeman who was found with the undercover hooker -
I'm pleading entrapment !! ;)
XXX = ?? (sex?)
Like the one about the only reason XXXX is so named, is that Queenslanders can't spell "beer" ;) balibo - gough whitlam denies knowing about em -
mental note .....
- never play poker with gough
Sister's tears for Balibo victim
The sister of one of the Balibo five has broken down in a Sydney court as she recounted learning that her brother had died.

Maureen Tolfree is the sister of Brian Peters, who was one of the five Australian newsmen killed in the village of Balibo in East Timor during the Indonesian invasion in 1975.

Official reports said the men were killed in a crossfire, but the Glebe Coroners Court has heard evidence that they were deliberately killed by Indonesian troops.

Outside the court Ms Tolfree said she was relieved the investigation into her brother's death was now in the hands of the coroner.

"As I said in court, on February 5 all the anger and the stress went away from me because I thought, 'It's in the hands of the law now'," she said.

"All I ever wanted was respect and some knowledge that they were killed in cold blood."

Earlier the court was told that then-foreign affairs minister Donald Willesee was pressured not to tell the families of the Balibo five that the men had been killed, on the grounds of national security.

Geoff Briot was Mr Willesee's chief of staff at the time.

He said that Mr Willesee had been horrified to learn of the deaths because five of his children were in journalism.

He said the minister wanted to tell the men's families about the deaths, but was heavily leant on not to say anything on the grounds that it may affect national security.

The court heard the minister was very unhappy about it.

Mr Briot said the minister was talked out of telling the families either by joint intelligence organisation head Gordon Jockell, defence department head Sir Arthur Tange, or both men


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