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Videos, Audio, Poetry, Paintings etc., that send a message
Live performance. Features Celine Dion and Bruno Pelletier. Taken from the millenium concert. Le blues du businessman.
I've already posted this elsewhere, except that this a great duet version (previous was Celine alone).
Le Blues Du Businessman lyrics (the message is in summarised by the title)

J'ai du succes dans mes affaires, J'ai du succes dans mes amours , Je change souvent de secretaire
I'm doing well in my business, I'm doing well in my love affairs, I change secretary often

J'ai mon bureau en haut d'une tour, D'ou je vois la ville a l'envers, D'ou je controle mon univers
I have my office on top of a tower, From where I see the town upside down, From where I control my universe

J'passe la moitie d'ma vie en l'air, Entre New York et Singapour, Je voyage toujours en premiere
I spend half my life in the air, Between New York and Singapore, I always travel in first (class)

J'ai ma residence secondairem, Dans tous les Hilton de la terre, J'peux pas supporter la misere
I have my second home, In all the Hilton's on Earth, I can't accept misery

J'suis pas heureux mais j'en ai l'air, J'ai perdu le sens de l'humour, Depuis que j'ai le sens des affaires
I'm not happy, but I look like I am, I lost humour sense, Since I got the business sense

J'ai reussi et j'en suis fier, Au fond je n'ai qu'un seul regret, J'fais pas c'que j'aurais voulu faire
I succeeded and I'm proud of it, In fact I have only one regret, It's not what I wanted to do

J'aurais voulu etre un artiste, Pour pouvoir faire mon numero, Quand l'avion se pose sur la piste
A Rotterdam ou a Rio, J'aurais voulu etre un chanteur, Pour pouvoir crier qui je suis
J'aurais voulu etre un auteur, Pour pouvoir inventer ma vie

I wanted to be an artist, To be able to do my show, When the airplane touches the ground
In Rotterdam or Rio, I wanted to be a singer, To be able to shout who I am
I wanted to be an author, To be able to create my life

J'aurais voulu etre un acteur, Pour tous les jours changer de peau Et pour pouvoir me trouver beau, Sur un grand ecran en couleurs
I wanted to be an actor, So every day I would change my skin And to find myself beautifull, On a big color screen

J'aurais voulu etre un artiste, Pour pouvoir etre un anachiste, Et vivre comme, un millionnaire
I wanted to be an artist, To be able to be an anarchist, And live like a millionaire

J'aurais voulu etre un artiste, Pour avoir le monde a refaire, Pour pouvoir dire pourquoi j'existe
I wanted to be an artiste, To have the world to do again, To be able to tell why I exist
What an effort 20/20, I hope a lot of people listen with the benefit of your translation.

I'm changing tack here or more likely, reversing into the mire. Painting infact. By whom and do they send a message?? Well, more likely they sent a message then and they failed to enrol him and say "what a great artist you are", and look what happened:
noirua said:
they failed to enrol him and say "what a great artist you are", and look what happened
yep - if only he'd stuck to painting.
I notice he had a lot of his paintings framed - so too a lot of his military officers (Rommel and all) ;)
2020hindsight said:
yep - if only he'd stuck to painting.
I notice he had a lot of his paintings framed - so too a lot of his military officers (Rommel and all) ;)
Very good! Should be on Joe Blows' "Joke Thread".
m8 - all water under the bridge.

more relevant, its a shame that george bush didnt become a professional golfer :(

btw, Here's some of the "opposition"'s paintings ;) by churchill and of him.
one quote in there :-
"However the final portrait just couldn't compete with the public image we all had. Sutherland had painted a grumpy old man, and despite lots of pressure otherwise, it was so despised by Lady Churchill, that upon Winston's death, she destroyed it. There was a tremendous public relief; the masses hated it. We were told that this was great art, and it wasn't." montgomery getting one of churchills paintings ;) definitely worth a listen !! (imho)
Churchill At The Time: A Retrospective
by Alistair Cooke, K.B.E. Keynote Speech, Churchill Society International Convention, Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, 27 August 1998

I THINK it is a happy thing that you are holding this anniversary meeting in New Hampshire, where, as you all know, Winston Churchill spent the last fifty years of his life....

So, I should like to follow Churchill's public life step by step, not to review it by hindsight. Hindsight is the historian's weapon, whereby, having known what happened, he is always able to pretend that things were bound to come out the way they did come out. Or, in the more brutal aphorism of Justice Holmes, "History is what the winner says it is."

I'll start which my very first memory. I was on the verge of eight years of age and I saw in The Daily Mail a very strange picture. It was a picture of Major Churchill, in uniform. I said to my father, "Why is he in uniform?" He replied, "Because of the Dardanelles." This didn't mean very much to me at the time but it very soon did. I don't need to tell you about the enormous tragedy of Gallipoli, but believe me, if you lived in Britain then - even as an unquestioning boy of eight - it was one of the great disasters. The other was the Battle of the Somme in which, in three nights, the British lost 160,000 men and the Germans lost about the same.

It is very hard now, thanks to television and the abolition of front line censorship, to imagine what those terrible events conveyed at the time. Today we see a war on the nightly news and say, "What are we doing there?" when we get a casualty list of 1,000 in a week. It is today impossible to get used to the idea that we could lose 200,000 men in one week.

The Dardanelles was very well reported in the beginning, because it was such a tremendous adventure. Then the many months went by, and - when it was over - we heard that 8,000 men had tip-toed out one night, and then 9,000 and then 10,000. Soon the papers blared with the headline, "The Miracle of Gallipoli" - the evacuation. It's ironical to recall now that Churchill should have been so involved, when 25 years later, after Dunkirk, he would remind the House of Commons, "Wars are not won by evacuations."

But the Dardanelles had been Churchill's conception. We did not know at the time that it was also, as Clement Attlee would say, "the only great strategical idea of the First World War."....

some of Churchill's quotes (mainly about painting) - many more on that website:-

Human beings are of three classes: those who are toiled to death, those who are worried to death, and those who are bored to death. (and maybe those who fall over a cliff while dancing zorba?)

One may imagine that a man who blew the trumpet for his living would be glad to play the violin for his amusement. (like the bloke who found the trumpet in the sewer - blew sh** out of it)

Painting is a companion with whom one may walk a great part of life's journey. Happy are the painters, for they shall not be lonely. (wanna bet ? I painted the bathroom - where were the rest of the family?)

I do not presume to explain how to paint, but only how to get enjoyment.
Painting a picture is like trying to fight a battle. (presumably picasso would have made a lousy general then?)

A heightened sense of the observation of nature is one of the chief delights that have come to me through trying to paint. (and delight in de- light?)

At one side of the palette there is white, at the other black; and neither is ever used neat. (gotta feelin the only thing Churchill used neat was whisky - maybe mixing things - other than colours - was just unpallettable to him?)

Leave to the masters of art trained by a lifetime of devotion the wonderful process of picture-building and picture creation. Go out into the sunlight and be happy with what you see. (thats easy for him to say - he never saw my back yard )

The painter wanders and loiters contentedly from place to place, always on the lookout for some brilliant butterfly of a picture which can be caught and carried safely home. (I bought this great digital camera - which is a bit faster)

The vistas of possibility are only limited by the shortness of life.


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what Id really like dad is to borrow the car keys :eek:
... my boy was just like me.

My child arrived just the other day
He came to the world in the usual way
But there were planes to catch and bills to pay
He learned to walk while I was away
And he was talkin' 'fore I knew it, and as he grew
He'd say "I'm gonna be like you dad
You know I'm gonna be like you"

And the cat's in the cradle and the silver spoon
Little boy blue and the man on the moon
When you comin' home dad?
I don't know when, but we'll get together then son
You know we'll have a good time then

My son turned ten just the other day
He said, "Thanks for the ball, Dad, come on let's play
Can you teach me to throw", I said "Not today
I got a lot to do", he said, "That's ok"
And he walked away but his smile never dimmed
And said, "I'm gonna be like him, yeah
You know I'm gonna be like him"

And the cat's in the cradle and the silver spoon
Little boy blue , etc

Well, he came home from college just the other day
So much like a man I just had to say
"Son, I'm proud of you, can you sit for a while?"
He shook his head and said with a smile
"What I'd really like, Dad, is to borrow the car keys
See you later, can I have them please?"

And the cat's in the cradle and the silver spoon
Little boy blue etc

I've long since retired, my son's moved away
I called him up just the other day
I said, "I'd like to see you if you don't mind"
He said, "I'd love to, Dad, if I can find the time
You see my new job's a hassle and kids have the flu
But it's sure nice talking to you, Dad
It's been sure nice talking to you"

And as I hung up the phone it occurred to me
He'd grown up just like me
My boy was just like me

And the cat's in the cradle and the silver spoon
Little boy blue and the man on the moon
When you comin' home son?
I don't know when, but we'll get together then son
You know we'll have a good time then
lighter - doggie in the window photos of dogs


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