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Videos, Audio, Poetry, Paintings etc., that send a message

Many talk of Monty Python as humour.What i found strange in the few observations is that everyone laughed on cue at something said or done.

The Goodies were along the same line.Pommy humour is `cued` laughter.

p.s. sorry 2020, i missed the message.Was it slapstick?:D
I know Valentines has been and gone, but a funny short film about the phrase " I love you". :)
lol - At risk of being accused of analysing a joke ... I notice a comment there - someone criticises it for making fun of the hearing impaired - but I reckon the fact that she wakes up to him ... and then the bit about "you want to vacuum?? " lol.

I'm guessing that even a hearing impaired person would also laugh (smile at least) at that one (and the ladies would enjoy the fall off the balcony :eek: )
9 and a half out of 10 for mine lol
John Mc Enroe was one of the best tennis players and yet at his peak he would still throw himself on the ground in a tantrum.:eek: Maybe he was just .... mad.

wys - i've been trying to work this one out in my head.
Think it goes like this..
a) does he deserve adulation - lets talk about it
b) does he deserve to have been let on a tennis court in public after indicating his propensity for outbursts - not with that attitude (imo obviously)
c) was he a brilliant player , perhaps a genius? - see b) ;)
Al Jolson, Billed as the worlds greatest entertainer, painted his face black for white audiences.
Was there however a message in his singing that showed the position of black people in America that was missed at the time.
Listen to the words in many of his songs, DO THEY SEND A MESSAGE?

The Worlds Greatest Entertainer in "Plantation Act":

"Sonny boy":

A Jolson's story and how a man born in Russia became the Greatest Entertainer:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

"My Mammy":

"Rock a bye baby":
Here is an excellent lecture on the effects of doubling in finance, human population etc.etc. by Dr. Albert A. Bartlett.He talks quickly (for me anyway) so you may have to replay some of his numbers to fully comprehend.An 8 part lecture.

2020, have you seen it? Maybe the ferret needs an update on over population (correct not now) and when it will happen.Oil is unsustainable....Inflation is ......

Why do i feel like i am a helpless part of something that is inevitable?
yep beauty
gotta feeling that rule of 72 is a fraction more accurate that the rule of 70 - but no biggie.
PS This is a summary of his speech apparently (and only 4m45s) :-
Excerpt from Dr Albert Bartlett lecture

The only way to reduce population is to do a Chinese "one child policy" surely.

the social stress !! - imagine
no brothers , sisters, aunts , uncles - just parents, possibly grandparents - and (one) child !!

That is so hard to imagine yes !?
and so stressful on society surely. :2twocents

This is a beauty too wys.

Note that the population stops growing exponentially - according to this graph anyway (?)

Note also the effect on the required reduction in CO2 emission PERCAPITA - as the population increases. :eek:


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He seems to be steering to smaller familes and contraception - and EDUCATION (especially of women on this issue - sheesh).
I understand that the population in some parts of Africa is growing at 3% incidentally. Just where there's the least chance of getting it under any sort of control :eek:.
I visited that site 2020 and think fossil fuels will run out before irrepairable damage is done.Natural laws in motion and the bigger picture sort of thing.Certainly a one or two child family is much more realistic for the population control and these people who say `there is not a problem` will wait till there is a problem and try to address it then.
Bush ensuring oil supplies for the near term cost how much in human life???

Emerging economies etc.
PS - it's apparenly the rule of oops 69.3 (100 log(2))
but 72 is a neat one having so many factors.
just like a bank account -
6% per annum will double your money in 12 years (6x12=72)
7% in 10 years (7x10)
12% in 6 years etc

3% per annum in parts of Africa will double their population (ignoring change to the underlying factors) in 23 years :eek:
thanks noi - might try it

Meanwhile, the message here is - "don't get more than one opinion on the current confused economic situation when going into a press conference" ;)

John Clarke and on the other hand, Bryan Dawe
message - gee but acting has improved in the last 20 years
make sure you have at least two drinks ready if you want to watch this ;)

tell you who they should have shot - that's the script writer lol.

The Good The Bad and the Ugly Finale


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