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Videos, Audio, Poetry, Paintings etc., that send a message


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9 People Who Died Laughing
1. CALCHAS (Greek soothsayer, c. 12th century BC)

Calchas, the wisest soothsayer of Greece during the Trojan War, advised the construction of the notorious wooden horse. One day he was planting grapevines when a fellow soothsayer wandered by and foretold that Calchas would never drink the wine produced from the grapes.

After the grapes ripened, wine was made from them, and Calchas invited the soothsayer to share it with him. As Calchas held a cup of the wine in his hand, the soothsayer repeated the prophecy. This incited such a fit of laughter in Calchas that he choked and died.

I told you we should be discussing this on "powers of the mind" ;)

haahahahhahahahahhhhaaaahh -uuuuh-aarrggg

phew, lost my breath there
PS on a serious but poetic note...
one of Kipling's epitaph's, "to a son"...
(different train of thought I concede)

"My son was killed while laughing at some jest. I would I knew
What it was, and it might serve me in a time when jests are few." :eek:
9 People Who Died Laughing
1. CALCHAS (Greek soothsayer, c. 12th century BC)

After the grapes ripened, wine was made from them, and Calchas invited the soothsayer to share it with him. As Calchas held a cup of the wine in his hand, the soothsayer repeated the prophecy. This incited such a fit of laughter in Calchas that he choked and died.

..The next time this "fellow soothsayer" told someone he wouldn't live to drink their own wine - when they had invited him round to share some, he was kicked in the bum so hard that he swallowed his false teeth and choked and died ... etc

haahahahhahahahahhhhaaaahh -uuuuh-aarrggg
. :goodnight

PS as he was trying to spit out his last words , he actually spat out a tooth...
Question ... does that make him a "toothsayer" ? :)
Doco. on the geo-political consequences with fossil fuel dependencies now and another at 10.00 (queensland time lol)

Doco. on the geo-political consequences with fossil fuel dependencies now and another at 10.00 (queensland time lol)


Anyone see it?

The stone age didn`t end because we ran out of stones, What a line.I think we`re too brainy to run out of oil with no alternative but that ain`t gonna happen soon.The ball is in motion.
Anyone see it?

The stone age didn`t end because we ran out of stones, What a line.I think we`re too brainy to run out of oil with no alternative but that ain`t gonna happen soon.The ball is in motion.
wys - yep
you bet I did ;)

"and the oil age won't end because we run out of oil -
it will end because we find something better . "

I also liked the quote :-

"the trouble is that we in America have let outsiders define "green". It has been named "liberal", "tree-hugging", "unpatriotic", "girly man", and "vaguely French"

I want to RENAME GREEN!! "geopolitical, geostrategic, geoeconomic, patriotic. " etc ;) opportunities for invention etc etc
Yeah 2020, there is another one on in 10 minutes which should open up a few more secrets.Lock on 2020, and tell what you see.
Yeah 2020, there is another one on in 10 minutes which should open up a few more secrets.Lock on 2020, and tell what you see.
top stuff mate ;) similar message to the last one - the ethics of the oil companies, the future of the planet if we ignore global warming, the need to think outside the square - get away from fossil fuels etc - all pretty basic yes.
Believe it or not .... this image leaves a lasting impression.


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........ Three elderly people have also been rescued from an RSL in St Kilda after a poker machine caught fire.

The fire was quickly extinguished but thick smoke moved into the upper levels of the four-storey building.

There are no reports of injuries.

"gee these machines are HOT today !!"

"well officer, I was just burning my bra as a new-years prank, and somehow the poker machine just exploded"

"I know they say these things are the devil's playground, but this is ridiculous!!"
etc ;)
a photo from a few (oops) months back :eek:
Not sure if anything has improved in the third world but where there's life there's hope ...


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