Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Videos, Audio, Poetry, Paintings etc., that send a message

Amazing Yosemite Rainbow Time Lapse
Rainbow waterfall time lapse
Somewhere Over The Rainbow - By Lukas Kamargo

"We do not have the sense of awe and majesty when we look at a rainbow as does a savage - simply because we understand what causes it. We have lost as much as we gained by delving into the matter"

- Goes for so much of nature I guess :2twocents


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Nice - meaningful - humourous message in this quote from


Let us rise up and be thankful,
for if we didn't learn a lot today,
at least we learned a little,
and if we didn't learn a little,
at least we didn't get sick,
and if we got sick,
at least we didn't die;
so, let us all be thankful.
1. If you are happy,
2. how can you be broke?
3. How do you post an item from youtube?
1. broke in the financial sense - like I have to ask the bank manager if I can go to Mcdonalds for instance
2. happy?
happiness is the opiate of the masses - or is it
opium is the happiness of the masses
maybe masses are the opiate of the happy
or - ahh shuddup
(PS trying to be happy takes my mind off "1" ;))

3. to post a youtube "embedded"...?
This is how I do it - maybe I'm making hard work of it - but it works lol

take this youtube ad for instance...

Its an ad about "funny Indian ad on eye teasing"

Now the web address is made up of 2 parts ...

you dispose of the first part
and keep the seconds part

the add [youtube..]
in front
and [/youtube.. ]
behind. (delete those full stops of course - added to trick the computer that this is an example, not a real youtube)


which ( when I take out the "carriage returns" - and the full stops) becomes
Award winning , funny Indian ad on eve teasing for AAJ TAK

IMO best to add the title
good luck.
PS if anyone knows a better way to do this feel free to set both majix and myself straight.

PS Here's a poem about how broke I am (written this morning whilst walking around the streets looking for a lost pen that I was using to scribble down poems whilst taking the dog for a walk) .. lol

It's a sign of my financial times
and the sad slide to "now" from "then" :(
for five hours I just memorised rhymes
while I searched for a 10 cent pen - :eek:
It was lost in a suburb (or suburbs)
I searched up and down streets ( and again!!)
and t'find it ;) - the joy defies proverbs
and defines me the happiest of men. :)
Thanks, 20/20

I will give it a try.

Happiness seems to the ultimate experience (whatever else is going on).

Follow your bliss!
guess these could have been posted on "tunes" - cept there's also a message IMO - watching two blind soul singers "communicating" with each other ;)
Norman Gunston interviews Ray Charles
Ray Charles - What'd I Say
Stevie Wonder and Ray Charles living for the city
Happiness seems to the ultimate experience (whatever else is going on). Follow your bliss!
sorry man - but I just love looking up this damned internet - and you got me thinking there ;)

1. fascinating how "the pursuit of happiness" ended up in the US Declaration of Independence - the declaration ended up much less pure capitalist in its wording than it might have been, had Jefferson not been involved :2twocents
2. It was copied into the 1947 (post war) Constitution of Japan - obviously with Macarthur's "blessings" and under his supervision.
3. you wonder what will eventually end up in the Aus Bill of Rights lol. ;)
4. so disappointing (IMO) that modern USA is so blind to the mess they are making on the humanitarian / happiness stakes. (IMO)
5. you find yourself asking is "pursuit of happiness" (in USA tripartite motto) the same as or even slightly similar to "fraternity" (in French tripartite motto), and you'd have to conclude, "no - nothing in common, one is arguably self centred - the other is a mutual benefit / bonding / comraderie thing" :2twocents,_liberty_and_the_pursuit_of_happiness
"Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" is one of the most famous phrases in the United States Declaration of Independence. These three aspects are listed among the "unalienable rights" of man.

The phrase is based on the writings of John Locke, who expressed a similar concept of "life, liberty, and estate (or property)". While Locke said that "no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty, or possessions", John Locke coined the phrase "life, liberty, and the pursuit of property". The expression "pursuit of happiness" was coined by Dr. Samuel Johnson in his 1759 novel Rasselas.

Written by Thomas Jefferson, the words in the Declaration were a departure from the orthodoxy of Locke and Smith. Locke's phrase was a list of property rights a government should guarantee its people; Jefferson's list, on the other hand, covers a much broader spectrum of rights, possibly including the guarantees of the Bill of Rights such as free speech and a fair trial. The change was not explained during Jefferson's life, so beyond this, one can only speculate about its meaning. This tripartite motto is comparable to "liberté, égalité, fraternité" (liberty, equality, fraternity) in France or "peace, order and good government" in Canada.[1]

The phrase can also be found in Chapter III, Article 13 of the 1947 Constitution of Japan.

An alternative phrase "life, liberty and property", is found in the Declaration of Colonial Rights, a resolution of the First Continental Congress.
6. you also find yourself asking "did Jefferson get the words right? - now that those words are SUPPOSED to be the guidance for those in power"? - again you'd have to answer "since those in power in modern USA ignore most of Jefferson's words anyway, what difference would it make ... ? - like those words are arguably irrelevant yes? (certainly outside the USA they are arguably irrelevant) :(
Two different rulings in US law cases...,_liberty_and_the_pursuit_of_happiness
the second ruling is a bit of a worry... (assuming he is precluding the option that it involves "the more ephemeral search for emotional fulfillment")

Wouldn't you think that "pursuit of happiness" meant something "higher" and/or more deep and meaningful and/or more philosophically virtuous ... than "pursuit of vocation" :confused:

The phrase is used in the depression-era case Meyer v. Nebraska, which is seen as the seminal case interpreting the "liberty" interest of the Due Process clause of the 14th amendment as guaranteeing, among other things, a right to the pursuit of happiness, and, consequently, a right to privacy.

Heck - when you read about the first ruling, it's quite interesting -

The "liberty" protected by the Due Process clause "[w]ithout doubt...denotes not merely freedom from bodily restraint but also the right of the individual to contract, to engage in any of the common occupations of life, to acquire useful knowledge, to marry, establish a home and bring up children, to worship God according to the dictates of his own conscience, and generally to enjoy those privileges long recognized…as essential to the orderly pursuit of happiness by free men."

here's another I have to look into ... (about eliminating catholic schools in Oregon?)

However, earlier judicial opinion, in BUTCHERS' UNION CO. v. CRESCENT CITY CO., 111 U.S. 746 (1884), considered Jefferson's phrase to refer to one's economic vocation of choice rather than the more ephemeral search for emotional fulfillment, although one may be predicated on the other. Justice Miller wrote:

Among these inalienable rights, as proclaimed in that great document, is the right of men to pursue their happiness, by which is meant the right to pursue any lawful business or vocation, in any manner not inconsistent with the equal rights of others, which may increase their prosperity or develop their faculties, so as to give to them their highest enjoyment
This is more about the power on youtube ok?
The incredible effect it is going to have in years to come -
even Johnny Howard has twigged lol
(except he starts his youtubes with "good morning" lol)

I also (incidentally) think that this bloke makes a valid point :) - but it's just an example of the millions of "discussions" going on out there in cyberspace :2twocents

What do I need to throw out?

Re: What do I need to throw out?

Re: What do I need to throw out?

Re: Re: What do I need to throw out?
also (incidentally) think that this bloke makes a valid point - but it's just an example of the millions of "discussions" going on out there in cyberspace

The first impression i had from the video was how self centered (underneath) the speaker was and the complimentary videos were superficial.Self importance is what i and most have been taught and the people with true compassion for others are rare and rarely seen.

Nice thoughts by that fellow anyway.
this blokes self centred as well ;) - but everything's relative m8

here are a couple on Einstien - starting with the wit of George Bernard Shaw ;)
George Bernard Shaw & Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein

E=mc ²: Einstein explains his famous formula

Time Travel: Einstein's big idea (Theory of Relativity)

The Elegant Universe - Einstein's Relativity
this blokes self centred as well ;) - but everything's relative m8
youtube]V7vpw4AH8QQ&mode=related&search=[/media] Time Travel: Einstein's big idea (Theory of Relativity)

The statement that light would pass Als brother at the speed of light seems to be factual since Als bro. left travelling at half the speed of light. If Als bro. left travelling at the speed of light then the light would not catch him.So travelling faster than the speed of light would result in being at a point/place before one could be seen by an observer.But if you are seen by an observer then you have not travelled faster than light, therefore remaining invisible until the light catches up.

p.s. this is assuming only one source of light.
So practically if an object could travel faster than light an object would not be `visible` until light caught up.Wrong.

Reaction by the immediate surrounds to the presence of the object would announce it`s arrival.So if the arrival reaction takes place then how is it known to have travelled faster than light.

Indeed there may be things travelling faster than light and we (human) can`t see them, only the reaction to their presence.
So practically if an object could travel faster than light an object would not be `visible` until light caught up.Wrong.

Reaction by the immediate surrounds to the presence of the object would announce it`s arrival.So if the arrival reaction takes place then how is it known to have travelled faster than light.

Indeed there may be things travelling faster than light and we (human) can`t see them, only the reaction to their presence.
mate - in my books, nothing travels faster than light , (because its mass then becomes infinite) - but some posters have said that a photon (nil mass) has been able to get a fraction over c - in like 138th gear or something.

but if al's (A) headlights are on, and then bertran B sets off, looking back as he accelerates, the colour of Als headlights (light rays still passing him at speed of light "c" - relative to him that is - ) slowly changes to the red end of spectrum -

If B turns a U turn and travels towards A
or if he stops and A travels towards him - no difference -
then A's headlights become a fraction bluer - but still go past at "c"

I'll have to give some more thought to what would happen if (suppose) people or horses etc could travel faster than speed of light (hypothetical)

I mean - (just thinking aloud) suppose a horse approaches you up the straight at faster than the speed of light - melbourne cup whatever -
then the light reaching you "now!" was emitted half way down the straight

- and "now(later)" at the turn.

the longer you watch, the further the horse recedes back up the straight sort of thing
time has gone backwards etc ;)