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Ukraine War

Let me cherry pick 2 examples that I think my foes use to discredit my propaganda. If i can discredit that, then my propaganda is clearly now valid. I am absolutely good and Russia is absolutely bad.

And you're right. Why would anyone put labs with chemical weapons near the enemies' borders? Surely there would never be a situation during war where that could be useful!

I wasn't sure who to hate til you used words such as "bitter old" and "filthy" and threatened to strangle someone with an "educated leftie" view.. Please sir, tell me more about who I should hate and who I should side with in this obviously simple black-and-white hollywood movie of a world.
And you're right. Why would anyone put labs with chemical weapons near the enemies' borders? Surely there would never be a situation during war where that could be useful.
Chemical weapon labs. Highly illegal. Both China and Russia were witnesses that a number of them existed. Must be true eh?
Who was it that said 'History never repeats itself, but it does often rhyme'

No wonder the Russians don’t want Finland in NATO. As Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine turns into what will be a long winter war there are plenty of folk memories of how the Finns gave the Red Army a bloody nose in 1939-40.
Stalin’s army was reputed to be one of the best in the world. It outnumbered and outgunned the Finns by four to one yet the ghost patrols of the ski troops kept the Russians at bay for months, ripping out sentries’ bellies with their puukko hunting knives.
Today’s war in Ukraine is about to turn even nastier. With the added advantage of western training and western weapons, the Ukrainian soldiers are shaping up to be, like the Finns more than 80 years ago, a modern, fast-thinking home defence force capable of humiliating Moscow.
Those who have chosen to be non-aligned, such as India and other Asian countries, must be scratching their heads; China must be nervous about being in cahoots with what looks like a military power in steep decline. NATO is taking heart: alliance solidarity and expansion can, despite decades of defeatism, shrink the power of Putin and his ilk.
But not NATO member Turkey. While the rest of the alliance has been rushing to ratify the admission of Finland and Sweden, Ankara hasn’t even started on the process. The two traditionally neutral Nordic states cannot join the transatlantic pact until there is complete unanimity.
Instead Recep Tayyip Erdogan pursues a reckless love-in with Putin. The Turkish president imagines he is treading the statesmanlike path; in fact he is administering increasingly stronger doses of strychnine to the defence of the West.
Erdogan was of course quick to offer Putin 70th birthday greetings this month. He opposes sanctions against Russia and actively seeks to profit from the situation. Trade with Russia has hit a new high: $50 billion so far this year. Turkish Airlines is laying on bigger aircraft on its Russian routes because of a tourism boom. Russians have bought more than 8000 properties in Turkey so far this year (it was 5000 last year). Moscow’s oligarchs feel safe mooring and kitting out their yachts in Turkey. When Erdogan wants to annoy the Americans he buys air defence systems from Russia. The result: Putin will never be a pariah as long as Erdogan is happy to help.
The Turkish president wants something in return: help from Russia in winning a new term in office next June. With galloping inflation and a wrecked economy Erdogan needs to pull something out of the hat. That could come in the form of a pre-election offer to young Turkish voters of help in getting on the property ladder. Russia might be ready to finance that.
The Turkish leader is a transactionalist politician. It could even be that he wins from Finland (and especially from Sweden) tougher enforcement of extradition laws against the many Kurdish exiles living there in return for being the last NATO country to accept the two new Nordic members.
Or he may just hold up the ratification process until after his election, by which time the tide of war might have switched in favour of Putin, or western support for Volodymyr Zelensky weakened.
But the relationship with Putin is about more than trading favours. They are both long servers (Putin since 2000, Erdogan since 2014) and have come to understand each other’s limits. As an old spy, Putin likes dealing with neutral states and would certainly prefer Finland to stay that way. He wants an internationally enforced neutrality for Ukraine, dances at private weddings in neutral Austria and is said to have squirrelled some of his fortune in neutral Switzerland.
His strategic aim would be that Turkey leaves NATO and declares neutrality. Knowing that to be unrealistic, he would settle for Turkey being a constant complicating factor, a shifty, unreliable ally for the western alliance. That’s what he has got as long as Erdogan remains in power.
That may mean accepting for a while Turkey’s dealing with an independent Ukrainian state. But Putin knows how to subtly unravel any Turkish relationship with Kyiv. Erdogan co-negotiated the opening of Ukraine’s Black Sea ports but the grain exports are only trickling through to customers in the developing world. Why? Russia is holding up the processing of the cargos – 150 ships are in a logjam.
The already fragile agreement is set to end next month and Putin intends to exploit the deadline to the detriment of Kyiv. Erdogan will be the middleman, extracting concessions from the Ukrainians to the advantage of his friend.
Turkey gave an early boost to Ukrainian troops with supplies of drones. Now these are drying up and Russia is investing in a cheaper Iranian drone force. Result: Ukraine is exposed from the air and Turkey has been taught that it is not the only drone supplier in the crisis.
Erdogan and Putin’s interests collide in many global flashpoints, in Libya, northern Syria, in Nagorno-Karabakh, but they usually stay friends.
The Turkish leader believes this is down to his own diplomatic genius. The Russian leader probably believes he has turned the new sultan into a useful idiot.
They share, and are bonded by, a deep distrust of American intentions. That is not a healthy foundation for the new NATO.
Finland and Sweden should join the alliance immediately and bring with them their highly developed ideas on strategic resilience. Erdogan meanwhile should make his choice: to work towards a joint defence of the West or enjoy a long retirement with Putin, the war criminal.

"War is also rare between democracies (the number of which has increased in the past 200 years), perhaps because voters tend not to like the costs of it and boot out their belligerent leaders." Remind me what political system Russia has.

Chemical weapon labs. Highly illegal. Both China and Russia were witnesses that a number of them existed. Must be true eh?

Of course not! Identity is very important as you suggest. We need to believe in the freedom loving Americans! They surely have trustworthy faces and a history of telling the truth ?
Of course not! Identity is very important as you suggest. We need to believe in the freedom loving Americans! They surely have trustworthy faces and a history of telling the truth.
You prove my point, sir.
Came across this vlogger a while ago. Have watched only some of his vids. Has some interesting viewpoints.

US, Israel, Saudi Arabia... countries known for apartheid and genocide. We can never say anything bad about them or it's "racist" / gaslighted. But it's totally ok to fabricate lies, insult, threaten and humiliate Russians / Russia.

Anybody who has read a book knows who the real fascists and genocidal maniacs in this world are ???


Powerful and Continuing Nationalism
Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights
Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause
Supremacy of the Military
Rampant Sexism
Controlled Mass Media
Obsession with National Security

Religion and Government are Intertwined
Corporate Power is Protected
Labor Power is Suppressed
Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts
Obsession with Crime and Punishment
Rampant Cronyism and Corruption
Fraudulent Elections
Hmmm, looks suspiciously like the management at Essendon Football Club.
Came across this vlogger a while ago. Have watched only some of his vids. Has some interesting viewpoints.

It is one of the reason Russia wanted Ukraine.ukraine is an underdeveloped European country still relatively young and dirt poor: there is a reason Ukrainian girls are populating European prostitution, nice girls but mostly dirt poor and a mafia ruling the country.
Putin thought they would join(back) the mother country and bring new blood without the issues the EU has with its "new blood".
Hmmm, looks suspiciously like the management at Essendon Football Club.
Are we talking Biden or Putin, or most probably both?
The note about sexism is disputable and probably indicative of a woke is hard to see the nazi or stalin as strongly sexist, quite the opposite.

Suggest stopping shipments of oil from Russia to India
Ukraine power, water supplies smashed across the country.
No water, no power = no sanitation, no food, strangled industry

Winter plus no water, no power = mass disease, widespread hunger, civilian deaths beyond measure as cold and hunger take their course

Welcome to Ukraine 1933-4 revisited courtesy of their Russian saviours.

Evidence of widespread cannibalism was documented during the Holodomor:[52][53]

More to come from Putin. Clearly determined to turn Ukraine into a festering wasteland.
The end game ? A failed Ukraine state led by a Ukrainian vassal.
All agriculture under the control of Russian entities as well as power infrastructure (nuclear power stations) and natural resources.
A population ground into the dirt.

Be interesting to see the Ukraine response. Perhaps some selective head hunting ?

Russian President Vladimir Putin says attacks on Ukraine infrastructure 'not all we could have done'

Posted 1h ago1 hours ago

Ukraine said Russia launched 55 cruise missiles on Monday but most were shot down.(AP: Russian Defense Ministry Press Service)
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Russian strikes on Ukrainian infrastructure on Monday were in part a response to a drone attack on the Black Sea fleet over the weekend, President Vladimir Putin has said during a news conference in Sochi, indicating more action could follow.

Key points:​

  • Russian strikes left 80 per cent of consumers in Kyiv without water and hundreds throughout Ukraine without power
  • Ukraine said it shot down 45 cruise missiles Russia launched on Monday
  • Russia says it will donate 25,000 tonnes of wheat to crisis-hit Lebanon

"That's not all we could have done," he told a televised news conference.
Russia sent a barrage of missiles over the weekend that hit critical infrastructure in Kyiv, Kharkiv and other cities.
Officials said 80 per cent of consumers in Kyiv were left without water supplies "due to the damage to a power facility" and hundreds of localities in seven Ukrainian regions were left without power.

On a lighter note re Vlad (The Impaler) Putin

A first look at Vladimir Putin's exciting new column in the Daily Express

28th October 2022

Go Premium

GREETINGS like-minded English people. Are you an old, angry white man wanting to talk freely out of your xrse without fear of contradiction? Then this is the column for you.
Here are some exclusive snippets of what will I will be discussing over the coming weeks.

On women

Battleaxes. Dominant. Impossible to live with. It’s just as well that they’re second-class citizens. See what happens when you give them a bit of power? Your Liz Truss! No woman has led Russia, except the crying woman Gorbachev. I like Margaret Thatcher though. Genuinely terrifying.

On the LGBTQ+ community
In Russia there are no lesbians, gays, bisexuals or transgender people. Never have been and never will be. We are all MEN, except for the women. And they are tougher than your weak, snivelling males. You listen to too much ABBA. Dancing Queen is the root of all your decadent Western problems.

On protestors
At every mass demonstration, whatever their banners say, what they are really shouting is ‘I need a haircut!’ Round them up like dogs. Shear them like sheep. I know Express readers agree with this. In fact, I think you crazy old bastards would press for harsher punishment even than me.

On Boris Johnson
It was a terrible thing that he was stabbed in the back. He was a true champion of Express readers and, if you know what I mean, a true friend to me. One of us. He will be back, of that I have no doubt. There must be some way I – sorry, I mean, you – can help him make Britain great again.

On the EU
I despise it. A threat to our sovereignty. No man can call himself a man if he is ordered about by Belgians, Like you, I did everything I could to help Britain leave it. But unlike you I don’t have to suffer the consequences but instead laugh heartily from Kremlin. Ha.

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