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Here's Sarah Palin giving her theory of the reason for the recent collapse of the US economy .. :eek:

Natalia - Blame it on the boogie
apropos of nothing in particular ...

except that this is how politicians behave to this day.. They lure you in with their singing , and then ... etc etc :rolleyes:

poly = many
tics = blood sucking parasites.

Ich weiß nicht, was soll es bedeuten, Daß ich so traurig bin;
Ein Märchen aus alten Zeiten, Das kommt mir nicht aus dem Sinn.
Die Luft ist kühl, und es dunkelt, Un ruhig fließt der Rhein;
Der Gipfel des Berges funkelt In Abendsonnenschein.

Die schönste Jungfrau sitzet Dort oben wunderbar,
Ihr goldenes Geschmeide blitzet, Sie kämmt ihr goldenes Haar.
Sie kämmt es mit goldenem Kamme Und singt ein Leid dabei;
Das hat eine wundersame, Gewaltige Melodei.

Den Schiffer im kleinen Schiffe Ergreift es mit wildem Weh;
Er schaut nicht die Felsenriffe, Er schaut nur hinauf in die Höh'.
Ich glaube, die Wellen verschlingen Am Ende Schiffer uns Kahn;
Und das hat mit ihrem Singen Die Lorelei getan.

Die Lorelei Felsen

Heinrich Heine's poem and song " Die Lorelei Felsen" was banned by Adolph Hitler because Heinrich Heine was Jewish. (Jewish German poet).

"I am wondering what it can mean, that I am so sad. A legend out of time that I can't get out of my mind. The air is cool and it darkens, and quietly flows the Rhine. The peak of the mountain gleams in the shining moonlight."

This is the story from early history of a young maiden, who was told by her father to sit on top of the cliff and to comb her beautiful long blond hair. She wore very skimpy clothes as she sat there. Below the cliff the Rhine River had some rapids with many large rocks close to the shore. The sailors would want to get closer to get a view of the nearly topless girl. As they approached the cliff, their boat would be wrecked on the rocks below. The girl's father had an inn at the top of the cliff. As the boats floundered, the girl's father and others would salvage the contents therein.

This was a wicked way to make money, but some people seem to know how to do this with no conscience. Afterwards the sailors would realize that they had been duped and somebody had asked Heinrich Heine to write this poem that was put to music.

I don't know what it may signify ..That I am so sad;
There's a tale from ancient times ..That I can't get out of my mind.
The air is cool and the twilight is falling ..and the Rhine is flowing quietly by;
the top of the mountain is glittering the evening sun.

The loveliest maiden is sitting ..Up there, wondrous to tell.
Her golden jewelry sparkles she combs her golden hair
She combs it with a golden comb ..and sings a song as she does,
A song with a peculiar, powerful melody.

It seizes upon the boatman in his small boat ..With unrestrained woe;
He does not look below to the rocky shoals, ..He only looks up at the heights.
If I'm not mistaken, the waters ..Finally swallowed up fisher and boat;
And with her singing ..The Lorelei did this.
jeez pepperoni lol
no way can I get to the end of that. :eek:

Here's Roger Miller in more mellow (less frivolous) mood...

Roger Miller - A Million Years or So

Roger Miller: "Leavins Not The Only Way To Go"

Old Friends - Willie Nelson, Roger Miller, Ray Price
The Muppet Show: Roger Miller & Watermelons - "In The Summertime"

Now - is that jazz?

or is it certifiable ? lol

PS Having just planted a heap of vines ( granted pumpkins rather than watermelons) I can identify with this youtube lol.

PS Now this is jazz - AND certifiable lol
Muppet Show Moreno and Animal
...the anniversary of Matt Price and Bernie Banton's passings. :eek:

Manha de Carnaval - A song for Matt Price and Bernie Banton - sung by Astrud Gilberto

Matt Price played guitar and sang (and really well) - but no youtubes of his version are available ...

Billy Joel - You're My Home - 1976
vive le(?) carnival(?)


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I couldnt figure why
You couldnt give me what everybody needs
I shouldnt let you kick me when Im down
My baby

I find out everybody know that
Youve been using me
Im surprised you
Let me stay around you

One day Im gonna lift the cover
And look inside your heart
We gotta level before we go
And tear this love apart

Theres no fight you cant fight
This battle of love with me
You win again
So little time
We do nothing but compete

Theres no life on earth
No other could see me through
You win again
Some never try
But if anybody can, we can
And Ill be, Ill be
Following you

Oh baby I shake you from now on
Im gonna break down your defenses
One by one
Im gonna hit you from all sides
Lay your fortress open wide
Nobody stops this body from
Taking you

You better beware, I swear
Im gonna be there one day when you fall
I could never let you cast aside
The greatest love of all
Wow I'm feeling young right now. And I'm 30.

Try Illyena - Mars Volta. If that musical brilliance doesn't make you happy you're not looking at life the right way!
Bond - Fuego

MS you just have to delete some of the prefix stuff...

you have to double click the square (other than the arrow) and open it up in a new window...
(and be prepared to use Cntl+R to reset if it doesn't open new window - sheesh.)

in short, here's an example where it is easier to post the link (only) and forget about embedding.. :2twocents