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[Les Miserables] 10th anniversary - The Confrontation

Typical "Bad cop" .i.e. Javert..
(apologies to any good cops here lol)
(I'll probably get a ticket tomorrow lol..

Every man is born in sin
Every man must choose his way
You know nothing of Javert
I was born inside a jail
I was born with scum like you
I am from the gutter too!

[JAVERT] Valjean, at last,
We see each other plain
`M'sieur le Mayor,'
You'll wear a different chain!

[VALJEAN] Before you say another word, Javert
Before you chain me up like a slave again
Listen to me! There is something I must do.
This woman leaves behind a suffering child.
There is none but me who can intercede,
In Mercy's name, three days are all I need.
Then I'll return, I pledge my word.
Then I'll return...

[JAVERT] You must think me mad!
I've hunted you across the years
A man like you can never change
A man such as you.

[VALJEAN (in counterpoint)]
Believe of me what you will
There is a duty that I'm sworn to do
You know nothing of my life
All I did was steal some bread
You know nothing of the world
You would sooner see me dead
But not before I see this justice
I am warning you Javert
I'm a stronger man by far
There is power in me yet
My race is not yet run
I am warning you Javert
There is nothing I won't dare
If I have to kill you here
I'll do what must be done!

[JAVERT (in counterpoint)]
Men like me can never change
Men like you can never change

No, 24601
My duty's to the law - you have no
Come with me 24601
Now the wheel has turned around
Jean Valjean is nothing now
Dare you talk to me of crime
And the price you had to pay
Every man is born in sin
Every man must choose his way
You know nothing of Javert
I was born inside a jail
I was born with scum like you
I am from the gutter too!

[Valjean breaks a chair and threatens Javert with the broken piece. Turns to Fantine]

[VALJEAN] [to Fantine] And this I swear to you tonight

[JAVERT] [to Valjean] There is no place for you to hide

[VALJEAN] Your child will live within my care

[JAVERT] Wherever you may hide away

[VALJEAN] And I will raise her to the light.

[VALJEAN AND JAVERT] I swear to you, I will be there!

[They fight, Javert is knocked out. Valjean escapes]
Don Mclean - empty chairs

Words & Music by Don McLean

I feel the trembling tingle of a sleepless night
Creep through my fingers and the moon is bright
Beams of blue come flickering through my window pane
Like gypsy moths that dance around a candle flame

And I wonder if you know
That I never understood
That although you said you'd go
Until you did I never thought you would

Moonlight used to bathe the contours of your face
While chestnut hair fell all around the pillow case
And the fragrance of your flowers rest beneath my head
A sympathy bouquet left with the love that's dead

And I wonder if you know
That I never understood
That although you said you'd go
Until you did I never thought you would

Never thought the words you said were true
Never thought you said just what you meant
Never knew how much I needed you
Never thought you'd leave, until you went

Morning comes and morning goes with no regret
And evening brings the memories I can't forget
Empty rooms that echo as I climb the stairs
And empty clothes that drape and fall on empty chairs

And I wonder if you know
That I never understood
That although you said you'd go
Until you did I never thought you would
Sofia Källgren
a) hamming it up (first 2 youtubes) on Swedish TV
b) serious - from Abba's "Chess" and Also with Tommy Korberg "Beauty & Beast" :2twocents
(this girl can sing ;) )

Sofia Källgren - Gimme Gimme

Sofia Källgren Fredrik Swahn - The Prayer

Sofia Källgren - Someone Else's Story

Sofia Källgren & Tommy Körberg - Beauty and the Beast
...but you must have headphones ;) very relaxing, great all-around sound. - (refer first youtube of previous post ) - Dan Gibson - Fur Elise
sometimes when I hear music and /or "crystal" sounds like that, I imagine what it would be like to be born deaf, and to be given a Cochlear implant - as a young kid - those unforgettable videos of kid's faces lighting up ...

the moment of activation :)

and I daydream what I'd recommend for the first sound for that kid to hear ;)

probably Peter and the Wolf
or Waltz of the Flowers
or something like that previous youtube with the ocean ... (although Fur Elise is a pretty hopeless tune imo - just to digress again, wife and I were married to Fur Elise, lol , but that was only because she missed her cue, - as in curtain call, not billiard cue lol - busy having a shot of whisky or something, and the tape had moved on from Ballad Pour Adeline, the intended song lol)

Prokofiev's Peter & the Wolf (2006)

Tchaikovsky - Waltz of the Flowers by BPO

Richard Clayderman - Balada para Adelina (1998)
Speaking of CI Activations...
Firstly this song which most Aussies are probably familiar with :rolleyes: ... (never has it been sung with a broader smile lol)

Walzing Matilda

then the story behind it ...
Note the end of this youtube (incl the body language when she fears it might have been a failure :( ... :eek: ...... :p: ) ...

Incidentally, she posted all these herself - you reckon she's chuffed or what lol

Cochlear implant switch on

Cochlear implant activation part 2
third song on post #367 refers ...
can't get the damned thing out of my head lol
maybe "bend" it into advice to a teenage daughter -
..... a blend of
"More that one fish in the ocean"
Robert Frost's "The Road Not Taken ":2twocents


Long ago
In someone else's lifetime
Someone with my name
Who looked a lot like me
Came to know
A man and made a promise
He only had to say
And that's where she would be
Although the feelings run just as deep
The promise she made has grown impossible to keep
And yet I wish it wasn't so
Will he miss me if I go?

In a way
It's someone else's story
I don't see myself
As taking part at all
A girl that I was fond of
Finally could see
The writing on the wall
She realized she'd left him behind
And sadder than that she knew he wouldn't even mind
And though there's nothing left to say
Would he listen if I stay?

It's all very well to say you fool it's now or never
I could be choosing
No choices whatsoever.

I could be
In someone else's story
In someone else's life
And he could be in mine
I don't see
A reason to be lonely
I could take my chances
Further down the line
And if
That girl I knew should ask my advice
Oh I wouldn't hesitate she needn't ask me twice
Go now!
I'd tell her that for free
Trouble is, the girl is me
The story is, the girl is me.
john denver you say that the battle is over


And you say that the battle is over
And you say that the war is all done
Go tell it to those
With the wind in their nose
Who run from the sound of the gun

And write it on the sides
Of the great whaling ships
Or on ice floes where conscience is tossed
With the wind in their eyes
It is they who must die
And it's we who must measure the loss

And you say that the battle is over
And finally the world is at peace
You mean no one is dying
And mothers don't weep
Or it's not in the papers at least

There are those who would deal
In the darkness of life
There are those who would tear down the sun
And most men are ruthless
But some will still weep
When the gifts we were given are gone

Now the blame cannot fall
On the heads of a few
It's become such a part of the race
It's eternally tragic
That that which is magic
Be killed at the end of the glorious chase

From young seals to great whales
From waters to wood
They will fall just like weeds in the wind
With fur coats and perfumes
And trophies on walls
What a hell of a race to call men

And you say that the battle is over
And you say that the war is all done
Go tell it to those
With the wind in their nose
Who run from the sound of the gun

And write it on the sides
Of the great whaling ships
Or on ice floes where conscience is tossed
With the wind in their eyes
It is they who must die
And it's we who must measure the loss
With the wind in their eyes
It is they who must die
And it's we who must measure the cost
The song "What One Man Can Do" is about John's good friend and mentor Buckminster Fuller.

Richard Buckminster “Bucky” Fuller (July 12, 1895 – July 1, 1983)[1] was an American architect, author, designer, futurist, inventor, and visionary. He was the second president of Mensa.[2] .....

Throughout his life, Fuller was concerned with the question "Does humanity have a chance to survive lastingly and successfully on planet Earth, and if so, how?"[citation needed] Considering himself an average individual without special monetary means or academic degree,[3] he chose to devote his life to this question, trying to identify what he, as an individual, could do to improve humanity's condition, which large organizations, governments, and private enterprises inherently could not do.

Pursuing this lifelong experiment, Fuller wrote more than thirty books, coining and popularizing terms such as "Spaceship Earth", ephemeralization, and synergetics. He also worked in the development of numerous inventions, chiefly in the fields of design and architecture, the best known of which is the geodesic dome...

Someone has set it to Steve Irwin - the words fit like a glove ;)

what one man can do: Steve Irwin (died 2006); .... John Denver (died 1997)

Words and music by John Denver

I suppose that there are those
Who'll say he had it easy
Had it made in fact
Before he'd even begun
But they don't know the things I know
I was always with him
It may sound strange
We were more than friends

It's hard to tell the truth
When no one wants to listen
When no one really cares
What's going on
And it's hard to stand alone
When you need someone beside you
Your spirit and your faith
They must be strong

What one man can do is dream
What one man can do is love
What one man can do is change the world
And make it young again
Here you see what one man can do

As shaded as his eyes might be
Thats how bright his mind is
Thats how strong his love
For you and me
A friend to all the universe
Grandfather of the future
And everything I would like to be

What one man can do is dream
What one man can do is love
What one man can do is change the world
And make it young again
Here you see what one man can do

What one man can do is dream
What one man can do is love
What one man can do is change the world
And make it young again
Here you see what one man can do


  • denver irwin.jpg
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The audience applause at the end of the song was a defining moment.Were they applauding John Denver singing, the lyrics in the song or the animals that their (our) fellow beings killed?
The audience applause at the end of the song was a defining moment.Were they applauding John Denver singing, the lyrics in the song or the animals that their (our) fellow beings killed?
wys ;)
Re "Battle is Over"
The first and second answers I suspect - here it is live.. (although you could be right about the third as well :eek: )

Re "What One Man can do" .... Here Denver explains more about his friend "Bucky"

The video was introduced by John Denver, which was filmed in Sydney, Australia. The launch of the video was at the Sydney Convention Centre, Darling Harbour, Australia in November 1989 .
What if? A New Global Option - Part 1 "FLIGHT (The Higher We Fly)(My tribute to John Denver)"
Music by John Denver; Lyrics by J. Magee Jr

Oh, I have slipped the surly bonds of earth
And danced the sky on laughter silvered wings
Sunward I’ve climbed and joined the tumbling mirth
Of sun-split clouds and done a hundred things
I’ve wheeled and soared and swung high in the sunlit silence
Hovering there I’ve chased the shouting winds aloft
And flung my eager craft through footless halls of air

The higher we fly, the farther we go
The closer we are to each other
The darker the night, the brighter the star
In peace go my sisters and brothers

Up, up, the long delirious burning blue
I’ve topped the wind-swept heights with easy grace
Where never lark nor even eagle flew
And while with silent lifting mind I trod
The high untresspassed sanctity of space
Put out my hand and touched the face of god

The higher we fly, the farther we go
The closer we are to each other
The darker the night, the brighter the star
In peace go my sisters and brothers
gr8 song this one - reminder for the businessmen out there - ask ourselves/ yourselves "wow, just why do we exist anyway" :)
(so it's been posted before - lol - the time is appropriate for a repost ;))

Bruno Pelletier and Celine Dion - Le blues du businessman

J'ai du succes dans mes affaires, J'ai du succes dans mes amours , Je change souvent de secretaire
I'm doing well in my business, I'm doing well in my love affairs, I change secretary often

J'ai mon bureau en haut d'une tour, D'ou je vois la ville a l'envers, D'ou je controle mon univers
I have my office on top of a tower, From where I see the town upside down, From where I control my universe

J'passe la moitie d'ma vie en l'air, Entre New York et Singapour, Je voyage toujours en premiere
I spend half my life in the air, Between New York and Singapore, I always travel in first (class)

J'ai ma residence secondairem, Dans tous les Hilton de la terre, J'peux pas supporter la misere
I have my second home, In all the Hilton's on Earth, I can't accept misery

J'suis pas heureux mais j'en ai l'air, J'ai perdu le sens de l'humour, Depuis que j'ai le sens des affaires
I'm not happy, but I look like I am, I lost humour sense, Since I got the business sense

J'ai reussi et j'en suis fier, Au fond je n'ai qu'un seul regret, J'fais pas c'que j'aurais voulu faire
I succeeded and I'm proud of it, In fact I have only one regret, It's not what I wanted to do

J'aurais voulu etre un artiste, Pour pouvoir faire mon numero, Quand l'avion se pose sur la piste
I wanted to be an artist, To be able to do my show, When the airplane touches the ground

A Rotterdam ou a Rio, J'aurais voulu etre un chanteur, Pour pouvoir crier qui je suis
In Rotterdam or Rio, I wanted to be a singer, To be able to shout who I am

J'aurais voulu etre un auteur, Pour pouvoir inventer ma vie
I wanted to be an author, To be able to create my life

J'aurais voulu etre un acteur, Pour tous les jours changer de peau Et pour pouvoir me trouver beau, Sur un grand ecran en couleurs
I wanted to be an actor, So every day I would change my skin And to find myself beautifull, On a big color screen

J'aurais voulu etre un artiste, Pour pouvoir etre un anachiste, Et vivre comme, un millionnaire
I wanted to be an artist, To be able to be an anarchist, And live like a millionaire

J'aurais voulu etre un artiste, Pour avoir le monde a refaire, Pour pouvoir dire pourquoi j'existe
I wanted to be an artiste, To have the world to do again, To be able to tell ....

.................................... why I exist
"Tell My Father; a piece from a musical by Frank Wildhorn and Jack Murphy about the Civil War. ....."
direct link and also embedded youtube:-

Tell My Father


Tell my father that his son
Didn't run, or surrender
That I bore his name with pride
As I tried to remember
You are judged by what you do
While passing through

As I rest 'neath fields of green
Let him lean on your shoulder
Tell him how I spent my youth
So the truth could grow older
Tell my father when you can
I was a man

Tell him we will meet again
Where the angels learn to fly
Tell him we will meet as men
For with honor did I die

Tell him how I wore the Blue
Proud and true through the fire
Tell my father so he'll know
I love him so

Tell him how we wore the blue
Proud and true like he taught us
Tell my father not to cry
Then say goodbye