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Trump Era 2025-2029 : Stock and Economic Comment

I'm sorry I won't use huge bold

Moral .. attending Trump inauguration is dangerous to your wealth:
Elon Musk (down $US145b)
Jeff Bezos (down $US31b)
Sergey Brin (down $US23b)
Mark Zuckerberg (down $US8b)
Bernard Arnault (down $US5b)
That's what makes it all worse, Elon is one of the richest in the world and he's in there meddling with Govt policies so that he can make more, while ordinary citizens lose their jobs.
That's what makes it all worse, Elon is one of the richest in the world and he's in there meddling with Govt policies so that he can make more, while ordinary citizens lose their jobs.
yes but he is NOT on the official payroll unlike some previous appointees ( even under Trump ) there was this super-rich banker Jamie something and ..

the ORDINARY citizens ( the ones at Walmart , the dozens of bankrupt businesses , etc ) were already losing jobs by the thousands , now 'the protected species' are getting cut as well

hopefully including the 87,000 new IRS recruits ( 'to tax the rich ' )

AND is Musk the richest , some others via trusts and foundations own HUGE tracts of land and other stuff rarely publicized you have some Saudi princes a UK royal or two ,....
Elon's got access to personal data of companies that compete against his, you don't see that as an expression of interest?

Then Trump says he'll make jobs, 'thousands of jobs', where are all these unemployed public servants going to go, what happens to the businesses they supported and taxes they paid, the money Doge saved will end up in the pocket of the rich by tax cuts.
So you are ok for all these PS paid by the taxpayers there to absolutely burn money on wasteful jobs, propaganda offices etc etc
Are you a PS in such a position here? , because otherwise i do not see how anyone sane and honest could not support the Doge push?
Why would anyone support corruption and waste,?
Sure, some of them are a waste of space, but the money Doge think it's saving will never come near paying the debt.

They'll end up pocketing the money and then make some self-justification why they've failed.

What proof have they shown that a large number of deceased people's IDs were used to collect social benefits, it's BS like them.

Unemployed people end up costing twice as much in the long run.

Trump is a convicted felon and a leech, ties with Epstein, he can't be trusted and why do you think he's never handed over his tax return?
I never say they will pay the debt, my opinion is US is screwed, but they can try to wipe the debt via inflation and ensure the US still kind of function via tariffs isolation
The rest of the world suffers
Crisis but jobs and running economy in the yhe us
Kicking the can is not possible anymore,the other option which is the Clinton Biden clique one and now the EU is a full war against someone (expected.).weaker..not China but not too weak..not a gulf war 3..something big.. so Russia comes in play.
As for money profiting, you do realise that all the wef stooges, all these globalists are on the anti Trump side, they are the swamp,manipulating opinion in a way noone else can even here:
ABC, murdock, hand in hand..
It is laughable to see supposedly leftist workers people fighting Trump imho.
Root base leftist should be behind him.
Anyway my view
If you follow the news in the EU, it is a real worry as people like Macron have really no hope outside an open conflict.
If ww3 happens do not blame Trump please, and we would be involved as China will move too..
Have a good night.nothing we can do about it but be piling up toilet paper in the Australian way
thousands of jobs is easy , but the US needs MILLIONS of jobs ,

a lot of those public servants already had a second or third income .. the FBI accepting bribes and other corrupt payments , the military are smuggling and other side hustles , regulators selling secret info

any decent job i have had i can make a second income from ( and i didn't even start share investing until 2011 )
To me it looks like they are following Javier Milei playbook to a degree.
It was mentioned by Trump last year that US would go through hard times at first.
Just follow the play. Milei copped it at the start of the transition.

Unfortunately for the rest of the world we have to suffer through it as well.
But it will be a great time to pick up some bargains.
Wait, are you saying it wouldn't be easy to predict?

I think he'd love one of my nudes <3
I'm saying there will be too many to predict. They all just seem to roll into each other during a Trump term. And these chumps go full retard.
Meanwhile: Trump's hit back at the canadians with a 50% tariff on steel & aluminium.

Oh dear.
Was he watching the Stockmarket and say "Better tank it"?
Nah just a middle finger to trudeau trying to strongarm/bully him.

The response from the canadians was the height of stupidity. They have far more to lose here than the americans do and trump knows it, so he knows that even if he makes both their situations worse he'll be making theirs far worse than his.

It was a colossally stupid move by trudeau but trudeau is a bully that got very used to bullying (in this case, bluffing) his way into getting his way in canada and then foolishly tried the same tactic with trump.

Trump's just called him out on it. In a colossally childish way I'll admit, but he has. He knows full well he's in a much stronger negotiating position than the canadians are and so the responsive tariffs from the canadians have simply been met with even bigger ones from trump.

Truly abysmal statesmanship from trudeau. Abysmal.
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