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TPG has entered into a binding agreement to sell its fibre network infrastructure assets and Enterprise, Government and Wholesale (EGW) fixed business, including Vision Network, to Vocus Group Limited for an enterprise value of $5,250 million including a potential $250 million Contingent Value Payment. TPG will retain its mobile radio network infrastructure, Consumer and EGWmobile business and its Consumer and small office/home office fixed retail business, including fixed wireless. Vocus will provide fixed network services back to TPG as part of the Transaction terms.
The parties are targeting completion of the Transaction in the second half of 2025 subject to satisfaction of conditions precedent, including regulatory approvals... At completion, TPG anticipates the Transaction will deliver net cash proceeds to the Company of $4,650 - $4,750 million. TPG intends to use these proceeds to support future capital management and business investment initiatives. Details of such future initiatives have not yet been determined and remain subject to development. TPG anticipates providing more detail to the market around the time of Transaction completion.
TPG Telecom CEO Iñaki Berroeta said: “We are pleased to announce this transaction and the successful conclusion of the strategic review of our fibre network infrastructure assets. The transaction reflects a smaller asset perimeter compared with the original discussions with Vocus in 2023, resulting in a simpler operating model than was envisaged in the original discussions. The deal unlocks the value of our fixed infrastructure assets while strengthening our financial position and creating a more focused and streamlined business with significant optionality for the optimisation of our capital structure.”
“This is also a great outcome for large customers for fixed telecommunications services in Australia. The transaction will create a challenger of scale in the enterprise connectivity sector with strength in international, inter-capital, regional and metropolitan connectivity...