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Tony Abbott for PM

I agree with Julia.

Julia said:
Duckman and Boognish, yes, agree with both of you.

It seems Mr Abbott's remarks about what he'd say to his own daughters has mischievously been 'translated' by the government into "Mr Abbott expects all Australian women to be virgins until they get married".

I think we all all on the same page Nulla Nulla. Abbott has been a victim of an over-reaching media.

As much as the liberals will try to rebadge Abbott they’ll never be able to shake off the fact that he has fundamentalist Christian values which put him into a minority in Australia and while he has captured the hearts and minds of die hard Coalition voters he will struggle to gain the centre of the vote which is where the largest chunk of swing voters are. You just have to look at who he put on his front bench to see the liberals campaigned is doomed from the beginning. Labors last election campaign was a well oiled machine and they’ll be sitting back with the popcorn ready for the continual stream of gaffs and feet in mouth that Abbott and co will produce during the next year.
Likewise McCain pandered to the left in the US election. Pissed off the base and they ignored him. You know the result.
I dare say the backblock, uneducated fundamentalist running mate he chose was a major factor as well ;)
As much as the liberals will try to rebadge Abbott they’ll never be able to shake off the fact that he has fundamentalist Christian values which put him into a minority in Australia and while he has captured the hearts and minds of die hard Coalition voters he will struggle to gain the centre of the vote which is where the largest chunk of swing voters are.

The views of the silent majority might just be more "fundamentalist Christian" than you are giving credit DK. We'll see.

As for so called "gaffs" - I think he's going pretty well. Nothing major to date and the great thing is that unlike Turnbull and Nelson he is actually putting some pressure back on Rudd.

Great soundbites from Abbott this morning regarding Rudd's great promise to start the first sitting of Parliament each year with an update on Aboriginal affairs. Sounded lovely last year Kev - but just another "talk fest" idea that hasn't been followed through with.

Kev now tells us that it will wait until the "Anniversary of His Eminence's Apology". How wonderful, Rudd can poke the chest out while all the left wingers fondle themselves, with vision and reflection on his spectacularly successful speech.

Kevin Rudd - I challenge you to go to Alice Springs, or Mt Isa, or Moree for the anniversary of your apology, and dare to spruike about how great the advancements have been for Aboriginal people over the past 12 months as a direct result of "Sorry Day".

By election date later in the year there might be quite a few of these hollow promises that the Coalition will have at their disposal. Talk is cheap Kev.

Abbott has put the wind up the ALP.

They can't deal with a boxer, you see in boxing attack and defence are intertwined.

Have a look at Kev07's nails next time he is in close up on TV.

I was at an ALP do recently (invited by some of my old bikie mates in NSW Labor), and he's chewed his nails back quite a bit since I last saw those priestly hands.

Can someone offer some odds on Abbott, for the election, I have a lazy $5000 needs a home for a few months.

Still, out of the most absolutely basic priciples of modern logic, I could never; respect, trust, believe, follow, or even have a beer with, a man who thinks the first female was created out of Adams rib. Have any of you post-moon-walk-people, woken up? It's really not that hard. :banghead:
Still, out of the most absolutely basic priciples of modern logic, I could never; respect, trust, believe, follow, or even have a beer with, a man who thinks the first female was created out of Adams rib. Have any of you post-moon-walk-people, woken up? It's really not that hard. :banghead:
Um, Kennas, how do you know Mr Abbott 'thinks the first female was created out of Adam's rib"?

Aren't you doing what the government has been doing when Mr Abbott - in response to a question about what he would suggest to his own daughters - said he would hope they would retain their virginity until they married?

From a purely personal response about his own family, the media ably assisted by the government, have extrapolated that Mr Abbott expects all Australian women to remain virgins until they get married.

He simply didn't say any such thing.

I still think he was unwise to respond in any genuine sense to the question and should have deflected it, on the basis that the response would be as predictably stupid as it has been, but I suppose he was being honest.

I personally have no religious interest whatsoever, but I don't care if others choose to have religion in their lives.

It's quite wrong of anyone to suggest that Mr Abbott would be any more likely to transpose his personal views into legislation for the country than would either the equally religious Mr Rudd. John Howard was also religious.
It didn't mean the whole country was run on the basis of his personal views.

As Duckman has observed, Mr Abbott has at least landed some blows on the government, their behaviour - seeking to discredit him on a personal basis - shows they are rattled. Imo he is so far a decided improvement on Mr Turnbull who was giving a pretty good impression of being a signed up member of the Labor Party.
Still, out of the most absolutely basic priciples of modern logic, I could never; respect, trust, believe, follow, or even have a beer with, a man who thinks the first female was created out of Adams rib. Have any of you post-moon-walk-people, woken up? It's really not that hard. :banghead:

Rudd believes the same thing, and is like a demented pilgrim creeping from church to church depending on the belief of the day.


Um, Kennas, how do you know Mr Abbott 'thinks the first female was created out of Adam's rib"?

Aren't you doing what the government has been doing when Mr Abbott - in response to a question about what he would suggest to his own daughters - said he would hope they would retain their virginity until they married?

From a purely personal response about his own family, the media ably assisted by the government, have extrapolated that Mr Abbott expects all Australian women to remain virgins until they get married.

He simply didn't say any such thing.

I still think he was unwise to respond in any genuine sense to the question and should have deflected it, on the basis that the response would be as predictably stupid as it has been, but I suppose he was being honest.

I personally have no religious interest whatsoever, but I don't care if others choose to have religion in their lives.

It's quite wrong of anyone to suggest that Mr Abbott would be any more likely to transpose his personal views into legislation for the country than would either the equally religious Mr Rudd. John Howard was also religious.
It didn't mean the whole country was run on the basis of his personal views.

As Duckman has observed, Mr Abbott has at least landed some blows on the government, their behaviour - seeking to discredit him on a personal basis - shows they are rattled. Imo he is so far a decided improvement on Mr Turnbull who was giving a pretty good impression of being a signed up member of the Labor Party.

Julia, I agree with many of your points.

Speaking as a man and a father, most men would prefer their daughters waited to enjoy sex with someone they loved. Many girls are forced into unwanted sex at a very young age either by peers or family members.

So, I think most men and many women would support Abbott on this.

Whether it was appropriate or not to broach it , I have no idea, it was probably a response to a question asked by a virgin reporter who didn't know any different.


Mr Abbott has at least landed some blows on the government, their behaviour - seeking to discredit him on a personal basis - shows they are rattled. Imo he is so far a decided improvement on Mr Turnbull who was giving a pretty good impression of being a signed up member of the Labor Party.

I know you aren't a huge fan of Abbott's Julia, but I commend you on that comment. Under the circumstances I think Abbott has done a pretty fair job and I would suggest only those who have a dead set against him would say otherwise.

As Julia suggested Kennas, we need to look past religion. How would you like to live in country where at the end of a political address the key statement and final catchcry is "God Bless, and God Bless The United States of America!" The atheists, satanists and agnostics have little to complain about here in Oz!:)

Politicians have been using religion as a political tool because the vast bulk of the population are still clinging to life after death craziness. We are only just out of the trees really. Most are still clinging to them.

Abbott is a Catholic. One of the top couple of religious extremist organisations in the world. They truly believe in Genesis and that Mary was a virgin.
Abbott is a Catholic. One of the top couple of religious extremist organisations in the world. They truly believe in Genesis and that Mary was a virgin.

They don't believe in Genesis as in God made the world in 6 days sort of thing. They do accept evolution, but assume God intervened along the way and placed a soul in the body of humans. They do believe Mary was a virgin.

They are certainly not extremists when compared to fundamentalist Islam or the Christian right in the US.
They do accept evolution, but assume God intervened along the way and placed a soul in the body of humans. They do believe Mary was a virgin.

So this is now official Catholic policy?....i think not.

Next thing you will be telling us..the Catholic church has finally condoned condom use in AIDS prevention. :rolleyes:
Next thing you will be telling us..the Catholic church has finally condoned condom use in AIDS prevention. :rolleyes:
Nope, that destroys life! Those sperm are gone!! And, it's just really bad social education. You should only have sex with one person for EVER! But only if they are Catholic too.
Every sperm is sacred

Every sperm is great

If a sperm is wasted

God gets quite irate

...................Long live Monty Python :D
Nope, that destroys life! Those sperm are gone!! And, it's just really bad social education. You should only have sex with one person for EVER! But only if they are Catholic too.

Unless you're a priest and have a proclivity for altar boys. Then the church will happily condone your actions by keeping it secret and even moving you on to new meat to cover up the scandal.
They do accept evolution, but assume God intervened along the way and placed a soul in the body of humans. .

They are certainly not extremists when compared to fundamentalist Islam or the Christian right in the US.
You will find a pretty good explanation of what the Catholic Church's official position is on evolution, genesis, Adam and Eve and a few other things here.

The Catholic Position said:
While the Church permits belief in either special creation or developmental creation on certain questions, it in no circumstances permits belief in atheistic evolution.

And that pretty much nails it right there. :rolleyes: