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The symbol of the Halal Certification Authority Australia

Sermon on the mount Matthew 5 17: 20,

Jesus himself says the following about the laws of the Old Testament.


You actually read the Bible? Because I can think of a few examples of old covenants being made obsolete or spiritualised. One of them is Hebrews 8:13

VC and Tisme, would you guys care to carry on your bible text discussion elsewhere and let the rest of us return to subjects more relevant to the topic of this thread, such as bacon.

They would just make the same batch, different bottling. Both being Halal certified, just not labeled as such.

Trick question: Is Jesus Christ Jewish or Christian?
They would just make the same batch, different bottling. Both being Halal certified, just not labeled as such.

Yes, that's exactly the point. The difference being that those people who want a halal certificate on the packaging will pay for it and those who don't want or need such a certificate can buy the product for less. Like I said - 'user-pays-principle'. That way their terrorist activities and Sharia law campaigns can be self-funded.
The manager of Fleurieau explained his position very clearly. His conclusion was that the small amount of money brought in by the contract with Etihad (or some ME airline) did not warrant the grief he was receiving via social media accusing him of supporting Muslim terrorism. So he dropped the Halal certification.

7.30's report about this was fascinating. Rumpole, if you've not seen it, then you'll be pleased to see how widely your views are replicated across the population.
Obviously something many people feel extremely strongly about.

I think it's fantastic that there are so many people campaigning about this issue. It's about time somebody started standing up to the creeping islamisation of Australia. As for the Byron Bay Cookie Company defying the protests to maintain their halal certification I think they are just dumb. Of course they can maintain their oversees contracts by certifying the products that they export. But that doesn't mean they have to certify the products that they sell to Australians who don't need the certification and don't want to pay for it.

Ring Ring... Byron Halal-certified Bakery, we employed 65 Aussies and sell all over the world, how may I hep you.

True Blue Non-terrorist Aussie: Oi! you f and f and f, did you know that you f n f funding terrorists with your certification? Do you know the kind of nasty s they do? They're intolerant sob who will use my money to buy bullets to then come over and terrorise you and me, will not allow us to do what we want, will threaten and abuse us if we do s they don't like... so you bloody better stop this, or else! g dam terrorist lover!

Nothing says love of freedom better than bullying and terrorising others into doing what you want.


35 000 from population of 24 million [?] isn't that large. Statistically, I could find 35,000 Australians that share something on practically anything you can imagine - from Elvis still being alive to the Loch Ness Monster.

Let see, a small business fork out $1,000 for an inspection and a certificate each year; Got a $50,000 contract from one airline... one that might lead to further business with the same or another from a Muslim country... That business got to go because.... it's the same yogurt he's making! Just added a logo so he can expand sales and pay a bit more taxes.

mate, if they just serve up the same thing but put different labels, if the infidels find out they will go nuts and really get upset that they're being served Islam but not being told about it.

So the company must set up a second production line, segregate the flour, the egg, the sugar, the oven etc.
hahah... you can't make this stuff up.

No. In most cases that is totally unnecessary. Many of these products don't even need the halal certification.
Besides, if halal certification can be got rid of in Sri Langka why not in Australia.

"Islamic clerics announced the withdrawal of a halal labelling system for food in Sri Lanka on Monday "in the interests of peace" after protests from Buddhist groups."

Sri Lanka's main body of Islamic clergy, said the halal certificate issued by them would be used only for products that are exported to Islamic countries.

Well done Buddhist Groups
Why is it, Muslims and Jews, don't eat pork?

Do you think the pigs will find it disciminatory?

I mean really, if you can eat a chook or cow, how do you think it makes the pig feel?

Well I'll tell you, the poor thing feels like second class meat, bloody outrageous?

Yea, pigs will find it discriminatory, but they can live with it.

Muslims don't ask for a Halal logo, they don't ask Australian (the non-Muslim kind) to Halal their product either... just that Muslims like their food Halal, a stamp of approval in the form of a logo from an Authority they trusted help them make their decision faster and buy the product.

If businesses want that market, want to make money out of Muslims, easiest way is to have it certified... else just write it on a packaging and hope Muslims would trust it.
VC and Tisme, would you guys care to carry on your bible text discussion elsewhere and let the rest of us return to subjects more relevant to the topic of this thread, such as bacon.

The context of our discussion relates to the origins and acceptance of halal,

Trick question: Is Jesus Christ Jewish or Christian?

He is a mythical / fictitious character from part two of a three part holy book series. His character may or may not have been based loosely on an actual Jewish rabbi getting around the Middle East however, but the magical parts of the stories are certainly made up.


He's half Jewish (the other half's God) and all Christian.

Though you can argue that he's both Jewish, Christian and Muslim because all those three worship His father.

Christian is a relatively new term, it wasn't really used until the the second half of last century, for political reasons in the USA.

It kind of makes sense a bit, pigs can catch a lot of the same diseases as humans, and in places where sanitation is poor, and pigs muck about in human waste, it poses health risks, and would be unclean.
The context of our discussion relates to the origins and acceptance of halal,

OK. Then go start a new thread titled, "The origins and acceptance of halal"

The title of this thread is, The symbol of the Halal Certification Authority Australia.
It kind of makes sense a bit, pigs can catch a lot of the same diseases as humans, and in places where sanitation is poor, and pigs muck about in human waste, it poses health risks, and would be unclean.

And does this happen in Australia? Do Australian pig farms have poor sanitation and do their pigs muck about in human waste?

We better stop eating chickens too. They can get nasty diseases like bird flu and the chickens muck about in their own waste.
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