noco, Mate I am no particular fan of RUDD but NOT ONE BIT OF BLAME CAN BE PLACED ATTHE FOOT OF LABOUR.
The excesses that are in the economy now that WERE EXACERBATED by the huge credit expansion should theoretically have been controlled by the HOWARD government. Everyone knows that after boom comes bust and it is a matter of controlling the bust and hopefully having a soft landing.
In the end that is theoretically controlled by the Government of the day in its expansion phase.
John HOWARDS main claim to fame for controlling inflation was that he stopped wages growth.
John HOWARDS was pathetic. Real wages have been reduced year after year under HOWARD, and the only thing that prevented a real problem was that we had a huge commodities boom that allowed jobs for everyone, so that women with families could get full time jobs at the drop of a hat, or any other type of part time work they wanted.
The sad fact is that once interest rates went up and people were fully employed with no where to go, money was gong to be short.
Are you aware that when we consider inflation that to get the inflation rate in wages growth you have to add onto the top to allow for tax. In fact with inflation currently running at about 4.5% and a taxation rate of roughly 33% for a round figure, you have to be given a 6% pay rise so that after tax you end up witht the inflation rate of 4.5%. Let me ask you how many people this year are going to get 6% pay rises.
Do the maths over the years and you will soon realise that real spending power has been eroded over the years (both labour and liberal are responsible for this, however Liberals policy is less for the workers so they are the main offenders)
My brother in law was earning 65-70 grand a year at MIM in Mt Isa in the early 80's as a labourer. Most workers in the mines at Mt Isa certainly aren't on much more than a hundred g's give or take a bit. Sit down and compound out the inflation rate for the last 25 years and work out what 70 grand is worth today.
you can blame whoever you want, perception is reality, if we go into recession this will be "Rudd and Swan's recession" ,on the same token if we avoid recession it will because of "prudent fiscal policy" and putting "downward pressure on inflation"