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The lunatic right

Andy Ngo....

Extreme right....

Get a grip IFocus
The conversation has been raised about the possible political consequences of the COVID 19 crisis.
Far right governments in Europe are already clamping down on political opponents and any criticism of their actions.

Coronavirus might be giving some European governments an excuse to tighten grip on power
Key points:

    • Governments in Slovenia, Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria and Kosovo have passed strict emergency measures
    • One scholar said while emergency measures were justified at the moment, the pandemic will end at some point
    • A Slovenian journalist said the Government was using the crisis to dismiss human rights and the constitution
On the evening of Sunday, March 15, Blaz Zgaga was at home watching television when he received a Twitter notification.

He opened his phone to check it and felt his blood run cold.

Slovenia's new COVID-19 authority had just republished a message which named him and three others, suggesting they were on the run: "Psychiatrists are looking for four patients who escaped quarantine."

"I was shocked," he told the ABC. "And I was scared."

The account which republished the message is called @KrizniStabRS, and was set up by the Krizni stab Republike Slovenije, or the Crisis Headquarters of the Republic of Slovenia.

The new top body had been established less than 48 hours earlier to take command of the instruments of state and to coordinate Slovenia's response to the pandemic.

Border force issues arrest warrant for Peter Dutton after he walked out of hospital.

Wish to thank Jack the Insider in The Oz for all the deciphering/ research (see next post)

At recent Melbourne 'demo'

(Oops, a bit slow, ... Didn't post but had tea!)

From the column, some of the references are explained (a difficult task):

"But for me the great moment came when one of the protesters, a woman somewhere in her middle ages, held aloft a poster she had obviously made at home and which contained a comprehensive list of kooky conspiracy theories that are all profoundly whacko with the exception of the Lucifer Telescope which is eating our brains while we sleep. Wake up, sheeple!

The poster was an entry point so that the rest of us could have a better understanding of what it is she and her comrades are babbling crazily about.

I have descended into the darkest corners of the Zuckerberg Empire to find out so you don’t have to, and have probably been put on an AFP watch list for my trouble.

A quick look at the poster tells us that the proud owner who went to a lot of trouble and made some mistakes only to have run out of blue stencils, is a little confused about how hashtags work. You can’t ink them on to a sheet of cardboard and expect something will happen. In a way it has been effective because we’re publishing the photograph of the poster, so it is getting larger coverage than it would otherwise. But as a rule, writing down a hashtag on a piece of paper is a dismal tool in mass communication.

The conspiracy theories are heavy on pedophilia (Fiona Barnett) and one world government (QAnon). The CIA does a roaring trade in child trafficking. Former Nazis, most of whom would be a bit doddery by now, have formed a group known as the Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult with the impressively evil acronym of NCSCSC and shop children around at the highest levels of government in Australia (Vral Society).

Adrenochrome, a powerful narcotic first mentioned in Hunter S. Thompson’s Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, is now a plaything of the Hollywood elite who grind up murdered children into a fine powder and snort them up their left nostrils.

There are a couple of oldies but goodies on the list, including Mk-Ultra where the CIA fed people LSD and made them do terrible things including assassinations and torture. But hey, free acid, right? And Operation PaperClip where German nuclear scientists were allocated between the first and second worlds thus ensuring superpower conflict was limited by the principle of mutually assured destruction which is bad for some reason.

And just because you should know, the Lucifer Telescope is a Vatican inspired one world government surrender to our alien overlords from beyond the moon, some of whom walk among us as lizards.

HM Elizabeth II, lizard. The Rothschilds, lizards. The Pope? You’d better believe he’s a giant lizard. According to the protesters, the rich and powerful are almost all lizards and those who aren’t lizards are in the thrall of the lizards but aren’t letting on about the lizards
Is this all sad ? Crazy ? Dangerous ?
One concern I had was the way the Government seemed to respect the protesters as legitimate in their concerns about the current restrictions to protect the community.

I could disagree with such protests but understand some of their concerns.

However if the protesters in fact were echoing the range of sentiments shown by the poster where the xxxx are we going ? And when do we say this is just crackers ?
The above is exactly what all of you are like as I read your posts.

You all believe lies, half of you just don't know it.
We have a disinformation campaign being carried out by a few countries.
First off we get the left/right.
North Korea

Those are the main ones. The truth gets lost after about a month. You get 5 different versions of what is going on. You can't even trust the media to shoot straight as they often get the b.s. story, or simply print a b.s. story.

All I can say is verify before you post and question everything. Or you will be swayed by a lie into believing something that isn't true.

All of the people above started off just like you. God only knows what b.s. stories you would be into if I wasn't pointing out how stupid half of it is.
Extreme right,maybe this thread? Last week Australia made a submission to the WCC (war crimes) tribunal on behalf of Israel.WCC wants to investigate war crimes in Gaza.However Australia argued that Palestine was not a state and therefore the investigation was invalid.The submission was not successful.
I note Mr Jones has left ...
This has been floating around since the 12th Feb 2020 ... the book for over a decade.

Alan Jones is back grooming young male students for his sexual pleasure

He denied the CV19 issue. Called it well the flu .

Much like the Fox media news dribble her parroted ...

93,000 cases and we are being hysterical ?

Words that Tucker Carlson in the USA said ... and President Trump

His idiotic stance continued and did so till the day he departed.

This despite 4.5 million official cases and 300,000 deaths. No its the flu ....

I for one hope he disappears entirely from all media but that would be like wishing for Mr Trump to catch the virus.

Long live the far right.

I suspect if one just emailed both links to all media advertising on his shows, they would run 100 miles an hour away. Seems like some have. As for his views on the bushfires .... and climate denial ... even after the fires, he still was if anything even more strident in total denial meanwhile, read the first article again and again.

Good riddance

Not to mention his woeful comments on the Qld floods, totally fake news about the Wagner family which led to his defamation "conviction".
Bit of history on prominent leaders of White Supremacy in the US

Theodore Lothrop Stoddard (June 29, 1883 – May 1, 1950) was an American white supremacist[1][2] historian, journalist, and political scientist.

Stoddard wrote several books which advocated eugenics and scientific racism, including The Rising Tide of Color Against White World-Supremacy (1920). He advocated a racial hierarchy which he believed needed to be preserved through anti-miscegenation laws. Stoddard's books were once widely read both inside and outside the United States.

He was a member of the Ku Klux Klan, where his books were recommended reading.[3][4][5][6] He was also a member of the American Eugenics Society[7] as well as a founding member and board member of American Birth Control League.[8]

Stoddard's work influenced the Nazi government of Germany. His book Untermensch (1922) introduced the term (English: sub-human) into Nazi conceptions of race. As a journalist he spent time in Germany during World War II, where he interviewed several prominent Nazi officials. After the end of the war, Stoddard's writing faded from popularity.

Early life and education
Stoddard was born in Brookline, Massachusetts, the son of John Lawson Stoddard, a prominent writer and lecturer, and his wife Mary H. Stoddard.[9] He attended Harvard College, graduating magna cum laude in 1905, and studied Law at Boston University until 1908. Stoddard received a Ph.D. in History from Harvard University in 1914.[10]

The Revolt against Lothrop Stoddard
Just a reality check please. Back in the real world which organisations are ASIO most concerned about ?

ASIO briefing warns that the far-right is exploiting coronavirus to recruit new members
Right-wing extremists now make up around a third of all domestic ASIO investigations, with the spy agency warning that the far-right is using COVID-19 as cover to push its dangerous ideas and recruit new members.
"COVID-19 restrictions are being exploited by extreme right-wing narratives that paint the state as oppressive, and globalisation and democracy as flawed and failing," the intelligence agency warned.

"We assess the COVID-19 pandemic has reinforced an extreme right-wing belief in the inevitability of societal collapse and a 'race war'.
"An extreme right-wing attack in Australia is plausible."

Right-wing groups and individuals have sought to take advantage of conspiracy theories that are spreading in the community during the pandemic, including people opposed to 5G technology and mandatory vaccination.
Right-wing groups and individuals have sought to take advantage of conspiracy theories that are spreading in the community during the pandemic, including people opposed to 5G technology and mandatory vaccination.

I would have thought that those views were usually the province of far left groups, anti capitalism for instance but it looks as though there may be some intermeshing of ideology between Left and Right as in fighting a common enemy, ie democratically elected governments.
This is where I think the left/right paradigm isn't really useful. the extremes of the so-called left and right do actually share many ideologies, such as collectivism, authoritarianism, state control of media etc. Both are totalitarian with very similar goals, even though they may initially seem to approach from different angles.

In fact Nazism (aka National Socialism) is in large part almost identical to Communism.
Exactly Rumpy, as I said in another thread where Bas posted the same article, it depends who writes the article and what bias they want to get out of it.
Absolute media chook fodder, fortunately most people are middle of the road and can form their own opinion .
Last election it wasn't right wing extremists, who attacked Liberal and One Nation volunteers, I don't understand where the loonie left think they have any more credibility than the loonie right.
They both fall under the loonie umbrella.
So this is interesting and tricky..
It seems the Far right movement in Germany is infiltrating Green groups.
Well worth a read.
German far right infiltrates green groups with call to protect the land
The Observer
Extremists exploit rural nostalgia and farmers’ anger at globalisation to smuggle in ideology
Philip Oltermann in Berlin
Sun 28 Jun 2020 08.47 BST

Farmers in Oldenswort use their tractors to recreate symbol of a violent 1920s protest movement. Photograph: Nils Kroeger
The poster advertising the evening of debate and organic canapés in Halle’s university district looked familiar to environmentally conscious Germans: a rugged pair of hands, cupping fertile brown soil, underneath the slogan “Farms instead of agricultural factories”, written in a font mimicking that of a popular biodynamic food brand.

The only hint the event wasn’t organised by sandal-wearing good-lifers but a local group of far-right nationalists was in the subtitle: “Let’s chase the globalists off our acres!”
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