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The Gillard Government

I sat through The Insiders this morning, the luvvies were furiously circling the wagons, and looking ever so slightly rattled. Fran thinks Kevin Rudd is doing a good job as Foreign Minister. Also that $13M on govt CO2 advertising isn't that much.

Of the 17 recent motions lost on the floor of parliament by the govt, Barry says these weren't important ones. In talking pictures, the pie chart at the top of the previous page wasn't mentioned at all, just alluded to, if you were quick.
Agree on all points. Incompetence shouldn't be confused with malicious intent.
I think she's doing her best but is simply failing to adequately perform in the role.

If the Independents remove their support from the government, do they automatically have to align themselves with the Coalition? Can they not just revert to being non-aligned Independent members?

Wouldn't they lose all credibility if they suddenly became fans of the opposition which they have so criticised? I can't see it happening.

I sat through The Insiders this morning, the luvvies were furiously circling the wagons, and looking ever so slightly rattled. Fran thinks Kevin Rudd is doing a good job as Foreign Minister. Also that $13M on govt CO2 advertising isn't that much.
Barrie Cassidy was uncharacteristically determined to assert that our Kev is deliberately destabilising the PM and the government in general which fairly obviously he is, considering the media blitz in which he's currently indulging. Quite amazing behaviour on the part of Kev imo.

One comment this morning from Piers Akerman made me laugh, i.e. when he referred to the Malaysia proposition as the government's "tag and release" scheme.
Agree on all points. Incompetence shouldn't be confused with malicious intent.
I think she's doing her best but is simply failing to adequately perform in the role.

I agree that it's not malicious intent and that incompetency seems to be the main culprit, possibly coupled with fabian socialist ideals which is taking labor up the garden path and away from working families. I think she had big ideals and policies that seemed OK to her in theory, but probably not realistic for the average Aussie.

Surely, they are bluffing? Can't see them blocking supply to labor as that would force an election and their day in the sun is over. And I can't see them supporting the coalition - they have made it clear they are labor people. Just a pity they didn't fully disclose that to their electorates prior to the election and I doubt very much we would be in this woeful mess.

Maybe if Gillard's leadership was challenged and she resigned to hurt labor, perhaps the indies would then support the coalition to hold their day in the sun as long as possible. But, on second thoughts, pigs might fly too...
One comment this morning from Piers Akerman made me laugh, i.e. when he referred to the Malaysia proposition as the government's "tag and release" scheme.

Yes, and his comment that Dame Elizabeth Murdoch's views don't count because she is too old.?

Ferret, I do not know what age group you live, but I can tell you I witnessed the way communism worked in the 50's and 60's.

Arther Caldwell and Dr.Evatt were both communists in the shadow of the Labor Party.These two were in volved with Petrov who finally sought political asylum in Australia. Petrov was in seclusion and under protection untill he died. Russia clearly wanted to get their hands on Petrov. His wife was forced on to a plane in Darwin Russian agents bound for Russia.

It is a proven fact that they were leaking information to Russia. Communism infiltrated into the unions to create industrial unrest with strikes for higher wages, shorter working hours, increased annual leave, leave loading etc.etc. It was all aimed at causing economic strife for an Australian Government; increased cost of manufacturing; high unemployment; infaltion; high interest rates; working man's dissatisfaction which they hoped would lead them to the alternative, COMMUNISM.

Gough Whitlam tried to "buy back the farm" by attempting to borrow billions of dollars from a fellow named Clemlami who was tied up with the Arabs. The untimate aim at the time was to have as much industry under the control of the Labor Government. Whitlam's Labor government were keen to nationalize the banks which would have been curtains for the Australian voters. You may laugh at these facts, but do some research on the matter yourself.

Gillard was a member of the Fabian society which is really communism in disguise. Bob Brown and the Greens are even worse and they are the ones with influence on Gillard.

The way Gillard is going about things with the Greens, it will ultimately destroy free enterprise. The mining tax and the carbon tax are two examples where the Gillard Labor government are doing their best to drive mining, farming and manufacturing out of Australia to overseas interests.

So now you tell me how will this affect employment? Do you not think it is similar to the 50's and 60's, only she is going about it in a different way?

It may be fortunate in one respect she is in a minority government backed up by some shakey independants.

Interesting times ahead.
The mining tax and the carbon tax are two examples where the Gillard Labor government are doing their best to drive mining, farming and manufacturing out of Australia to overseas interests.

Absolutely 100% correct in this regard, Labor Govt have opened the door to NZ fresh produce imports, firstly, and imports from China and the US, placing a huge bio-security risk to the fruit industry.
Revenue for Australian pome fruit producers is expected to drop by 33%. Not to mention costs incurred for treating new pests and diseases.

Several chemicals that are banned here, are used overseas liberally, and the produce is allowed to enter because it's the laws of the exporting country that determine what produce can enter Australia, not our own chemical laws. For example, Lebaycid is about to be banned in Australia, but fruit sprayed with Lebaycid in China can be imported as long as it is legal to spray said chemical in China.

Also, many food processing companies are now moving their premises to NZ, importing Chinese produce, canning it and labelling it Product of NZ. Don't believe everything you read about NZ clean and green standards.

If you are trying to say that we have previously had prime ministers who were deliberately trying to destroy the country they were leading, please give a name and I will research it. I have never heard this said before and I simply don't believe it.

I agree that some of Gillard's decisions as leader are causing great harm to our country, but I cannot accept that this is her aim.
Noco, all the above is probably quite correct. I wasn't living in Australia in those times so don't know. But what Ferret, Sails and I are disagreeing with you about is your suggestion that Julia Gillard is purposely setting out to destroy Australia.
Most of us would agree that she's mistaken and misguided but why on earth would she be wanting to destroy the country, thus making a place for herself in the history books as one of Australia's worst Prime Ministers?

And remember that 27% of Australians still think she's on the right path.

Absolutely 100% correct in this regard, Labor Govt have opened the door to NZ fresh produce imports, firstly, and imports from China and the US, placing a huge bio-security risk to the fruit industry.
The fruit from NZ has been shown to be safe. I think we're largely talking about apples here. I lived most of my life in NZ and since coming to Australia, have yet to eat a decent apple. So I'd suggest that not only is free trade doing what it should, but Australian consumers will benefit from finally getting some good apples.

And in Qld at present bananas are from $12 to $14 kg whilst just over the border they are way cheaper, and in NZ are just $2 kg. Obviously because NZ and probably NSW for all I know, import bananas from other countries.
Why on earth should the consumer be so penalised to protect outrageous prices from local growers?

We want free trade when it suits our exports but apparently not all of us are happy to accept that it goes the other way as well.

Julia, the import of NZ pome fruit brought fire blight to Australia, this is a particularly destructive disease that has to be treated by spraying antibiotics onto the trees, at the moment (until they are allowed in the front door) NZ is the back door agent for moving Chinese and US pome fruit into Aus.

I will agree with you that NZ apples are superior to ours.

I am happy to accept disease and pest free imports, or produce that is grown on a level playing field, re: chemical treatment.
Can I just be clear about what you're saying here?
Are you saying that apples Australia imports from NZ are not from NZ at all but are from China and the US, with NZ acting as , um, apple launderer? As far as I know, so far no apples are imported into Australia from NZ or anywhere else, but I could be wrong here. You may like to comment on this.

I wonder how much of the resistance to imported apples by Australian growers is really due to fear of any disease as opposed to fear of competition from a superior product?
I agree that some of Gillard's decisions as leader are causing great harm to our country, but I cannot accept that this is her aim.
My view is that Julia Gillard (and perhaps the power brokers behind her) are driven more by power than anything and that to maintain that power they are prepared to sacrifice anything including our standard of living.

That being said, there is, in my view, a stronger sense of socialism behind Labor at the moment, but that's secondary to the above.
My view is that Julia Gillard (and perhaps the power brokers behind her) are driven more by power than anything and that to maintain that power they are prepared to sacrifice anything including our standard of living.

Sadly, I think there is a lot of truth in this.

Whilst there are those who genuinely want to serve their countries, there are many politicians all over the world who are more attracted to the power. I don't believe they deliberately try to destroy their countries, but some do damage in there efforts to keep power.
Lemon, lime and bitters,

What exactly does Bob Brown mean by "He's got another two years to wait" ?

Could it be that he too sees the current Labor government as electoral toast ?

Yes to clarify, i have jumped too far ahead for now, 'officially' no apples from NZ have been imported up until now, alot of importing happens on unofficial channels, not just with pome fruit, also stonefruit and not just country to country, also happens from state to state. This is fact.
I should have been more clear on what i can completely confirm and what i can't. Apologies for that.
All i can say with 100% clarity is that fire blight exists in NZ, it did not exist in Australia. Now it does. I believe it is under some measure of control in the eastern states.

I can not 100% say, with positivity, that NZ apples have arrived in Australia, but being in the industry nothing would suprise me. I would not bet my house that they haven't. I also can't 100% confirm or deny NZ is 'apple laundering' as you put it. At least with Chinese apples.

This is also why there is an 'official' block on NZ and eastern states fruit into WA, as we are fire blight free. For now.

Chinese apples have already landed here, first shipment 13th Jan 2011 and have been coming in ever since, how many people knew that? I didn't!

In all honesty, the fear is partly due to price competition, i would be lying if i said otherwise, but there is a great deal of fear surrounding our relative disease free status, after all more disease = more chemical use, and no-one likes that.

Here is some reading material.

Julia, Julia Gillard has been strongly influenced by the Greens for reasons of which we are well aware. The Greens want to close all the coal mines and coal fired power station. Please use your brain and think what this will do to the economy of this country. The Greens want to tax the mining companies to the hilt and are using the ploy that the people of Australia should have a bigger share of the profits and the billionaires should have a lot less.So what will happen to those mines if they cannot show a dividend to their share holders. Will they continue to mine in Australia or will they divest and reinvest in another counrty? The Greens want to apply the carbon dioxide tax to farmers, who I might add, are already struggling from overseas competition and this stupid government have banned live cattle exports throwing the industry into absolute disaster which has affected shipping, transport, some 700 aboriginees out of work, added expense to the cattle producers all because of the knee jerk reaction from the Greens and other fanatical lobby groups. What has gone on in 4 out of some 100 Indonesian abattoirs has been known by governments of both persuasions for 9 yeras. So why throw the whole industry into turmoil? Why wasn't something done to inspect those rogue abattoris before now.Need I say any more to convince you people what this Labor/Green government is doing to the economy of this country.Gillard has gone along with with these fanatical groups. Why hasn't she stood up to them? Maybe it suits her to go along with them with her hidden agenda.

And 73% think she is on the nose.

We all know why bananas are so dear ATM is because of cyclone Yasi in North Queensland, which I will admit has been exploited by Woolworths and Coles.I do not believe for one moment the banana growers are receiving anything like the prices some people imagine they get in return. It happened a couple of years ago and within 6-8 months bananas were down around $1.50 - $2.00 a kg. I purchased bananas from the markets this morning for $6 a kg. NZ import cheap bananas from Fifi together with many other agriculutural products. Our government allows oranges in from EGYPT; great news for our growers to send them broke.
Kevvy07 from Saviour of OZ to Pariah of the ALP in 12 months. Not a bad feat really.

John Howard must be spilling his chardy down the front of his shirt from laughing so much.

Just an observation ....... can anyone tell me what Julia Gillard has done in the past 12 months as our shiny new female PM?

At least with Kevvy07 you could keep a record of his failings. With Juliar Gizzard there is nothing to keep score on?

Now before you actually start bleating about the "Malaysian Solution" and the "Carbon Tax" blah blah blah ....... NONE of these have been signed or treatiesed or ratified. They are STILL mere proposals and have not passed parliament.

Malaysian Solution - Not signed and UN Convention breaches - EPIC FAIL

Carbon TAX - 6 months and STILL no detail nor price - MASSIVE FAIL

Mining TAX - STILL not agreed to by smaller miners - FAIL +++

Blame Kevin Rudd for problems - ALP is in self destruct mode - PASS WITH DISTINCTIONS

Politics used to be about how much money they were shoving into the education system, the police, hospitals, infrastructure, small tax changes and how much national debt they have reduced. THESE WERE ACHIEVABLE and ATTAINABLE, You could hit the targets and crow to the proletariat as to how clever you were at running a country. (The country seemed to tick along quite nicely as well)

Now sadly it is about "BIG PICTURE" stuff and airy fairy proposals that piss off too many people/countries in the name of the "good" for the country. Under previous governments "BIG PICTURE" things were done on the quiet and out of the media spotlight. Once all the detail was finalised then the substance was released to the people and the press for them to pick over the carcass. Not the other way around. We now have a government who is governing by committee and gaining ZERO traction for the "moving forward" process for our great country.

DELEGATES at the Queensland ALP conference were handed a 24-page, full-colour brochure on Labor's achievements in power before Julia Gillard's speech on Saturday.

Party sources say it didn't take the true believers long to notice that most of the highlights of the past 3 1/2 years that the booklet lists so lyrically were brought about by local lad Kevin Rudd, and not his successor.

It seems the media is now onto this as well.
I am quite capable of using my brain, noco, but thank you for the advice.
If the result is that I don't agree with you about something, then sorry, but that's just too bad.

I'm perfectly aware of the Greens' desires. I'm also aware that the more ridiculous of these (such as closing the coal mines) will not happen because the government and the coalition would together vote against any such stupid legislation.

We all know why bananas are so dear ATM is because of cyclone Yasi
So, why not import them in the meantime, rather than exploit consumers as is happening in Qld!

NZ import cheap bananas from Fifi together with many other agriculutural products. Our government allows oranges in from EGYPT; great news for our growers to send them broke.
So what you want is for our exports to be freely distributed around the world, but not for any quid pro quo on imports? Hardly reasonable.

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Another EPIC FAIL for this Labor Guvmint!
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