Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

The Gillard Government

It was pointed out to me that this remark received a mention in The Australian:


And then dick glover backs away

After 25 years writing this column, I've had my first experience of an internet hate campaign. So far, more than 2400 people, nearly all American, have emailed me . . . The Americans believed I was seriously proposing they be tattooed against their will. Given what they thought I was saying, I guess their upset was understandable. And boy were they upset. TTB, from Nevada, said he had "a couple of 9mm hollowpoints with your name on them". Jonathan, of Sag Harbor, NY, wanted to remove my testicles, while DB wanted to remove my penis. And M. Glasgow, in an email sunnily titled "can't wait to meet you", observed that: "I will kill you so dead that your rotting body will do nothing but energise the worms and maggots that will do their part in saving the planet from morons like you." . . . JH, for example, suggests that since I like nature so much, I should donate my "otherwise worthless body to the study of marine science by serving as shark bait". Actually, that did make me laugh.

And his article

The fact that he would write something so stupid in the beginning makes you wonder.
I think the articles being produced by the media, are now heading in a direction that will not only split the workforce (union against employer), but also neighbour against neighbour, belief against belief. If Gillard stays the term, will we still have a democracy?
If we do, it wil lbe reshaped her way.

Julia Gillard is indicating she will run a DICTATORIAL Government. Her distaste of people who disagree with her is becoming more pronounced. I think this women is full of hate for any policy not implemented by(originally labor), and now hers.

We now have media supporting her, by bringing back memories of the past, which are certainly not pleasant. No doubt they may see the lighter side, but some of the public may not.

If we think we are having a dog fight now, then God help us for what the future brings.

Surely the common sense of the independants and some of the Greens must come into play.

If not, then they will feel the hostility of the voters if we go to an election.

Finally, will the Governor General allow this county to be thrashed by socialist ideology?
Finally, will the Governor General allow this county to be thrashed by socialist ideology? joea

Sure will joea for this very simple reason:- Bill Shorten is married to Chloe Bryce, the daughter of the Governor-General of Australia.

Bill SHorten:- One of the faceless men who got rid of Ming Pong KRuddy :D
Cheers Joe, some publicity for ASF, good on the SMH for publishing it.
Logique, I actually read it in "Strewth" in "The Weekend Australian" which is my favourite bit of the paper. Quite an honour to make it onto there imo. Good onya.
It just goes to show our ramblings are read by people who have the ear of the public.
Here we were thinking there is only a couple of dozen people reading our rants LOL.
Well done Logique, the rest of us will have to pick up our posts.
Come on members, more creativity, more depth and if possible a touch of accuracy. LOL :D:D
What a great forum, minimal conflict, maximum subject matter covered and no nastiness.
It doesn't get better than that.
Logique, I actually read it in "Strewth" in "The Weekend Australian" which is my favourite bit of the paper. Quite an honour to make it onto there imo. Good onya.
Thanks for that correction Julia, it was actually in the Weekend Australian, and not in the SMH that published the original article by R.Glover.
Labor's true colors:

Black ops negative politicking.

As is so evident even on ASF, if you can't win with policy (and they can't) go ad hominem.

From that article:

It is run by the Caucus Communications Team with an annual budget of over $600,000 and provides advice to more than 40 staffers known as Caucus Liaison Officers on ministers and MPs' staff, including in the PM's office.

Is this tax payer funded?

Labor must be realising that they have no clue on how to run the country, so they resort to this? I'm pretty sure that both sides do some checking up on their opponents, but this is taking it too far, imo. Especially in the light of this:

But the unit warns Labor operatives to hide their surveillance activities by saving intelligence on private email accounts and mobile USB storage devices to avoid it being detected on Government computers.

It warns staff against keeping the "shadow folder" on the "shared drive" because ministerial computers were subject to Freedom of Information laws and could be uncovered by the Opposition. "Notebooks disencouraged", the document says

This version of labor is more seemingly more devious and unethical than any other labor government I can remember. I think even Whitlam will lose his dubious title...:eek:
But the unit warns Labor operatives to hide their surveillance activities by saving intelligence on private email accounts and mobile USB storage devices to avoid it being detected on Government computers.

It warns staff against keeping the "shadow folder" on the "shared drive" because ministerial computers were subject to Freedom of Information laws and could be uncovered by the Opposition. "Notebooks disencouraged", the document says
From another Bob Santa-Maria, one could consider "privacy" and "confidential" being lonely words these days.
My guesses for tomorrow's anticipated fortnightly Newspoll:

Labor: 30%
Greens: 15%
Others: 9%


Labor: 45%
Coalition: 55%
It's not too great for Tony Abbott either:
On the question of who would make the better PM:
Gillard - 47%
Abbott - 30%
Don't Know 23%


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It's not too great for Tony Abbott either:
On the question of who would make the better PM:
Gillard - 47%
Abbott - 30%
Don't Know 23%

It makes it very difficult to relate the reasoning behind the above poll when the coalition has a commanding lead over Labor of 54% to 46% TPP.

How can this happen without strong leadership in the Coaltition?

What is driving the difference?

It just does not make sense when you review the shocking history of Julia Gillard. How can she possibly be the preferred Prime Minister when every decision she makes turns out to be a debacle. She has wasted billions of tax payers dollars on schemes that have not been implimented in the National interest.

Surely Tony Abbott could not possibly do worse!!!!!!!

60% of voters say NO to a carbon dioxide tax and are demanding she take it to an election seeking a mandate.
It's not too great for Tony Abbott either:
On the question of who would make the better PM:
Gillard - 47%
Abbott - 30%
Don't Know 23%

Julia - not sure where you get the figures you quoted. These are from the poll below:
Gillard - 41%
Abbott - 36%
Don't Know 24%

Obviously Abbott still has a bit to go, but he is closing the gap on Gillard:

essential report 14062011.JPG