Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

The Gillard Government

The Gillard Government's downer on the mining sector has proved to be timed to send a declining sector into crash mode. Even BHP have seen the light on this and are moving to West Africa where costs are lower and China are welcomed with open arms.
WEST Africa is set to take over from the Pilbara and the Gillard led actions look set to gradually bomb the Pilbara out of business.
The Gillard Government's downer on the mining sector has proved to be timed to send a declining sector into crash mode. Even BHP have seen the light on this and are moving to West Africa where costs are lower and China are welcomed with open arms.
WEST Africa is set to take over from the Pilbara and the Gillard led actions look set to gradually bomb the Pilbara out of business.

Former QLD ALP treasurer Keith DeLacy was recently on TV condemning the decisions of the Gillard government in regard to the costs and difficulties they've imposed on our mining industry. Gillard, meanwhile, never one to listen to or learn from constructive criticism, continues on her merry way to killing the goose that lays the golden egg.

So Cynical mentions the word 'insane'.
The truly insane people are those who will attempt to vote this moronic government back into power instead of recognising them as pathetically stupid and hopelessly incompetent, and getting rid of them.
It is hard to fathom out where these polls are being taken, nevertheless it may be a ploy to encourage Gillard to go to an early election which in effect may favor the coaltion and back fire on Gillard. It may lead her into a false sense of security and entice her to do something more stupid than she has in the past.

News poll may be manipulating voters trend to make the coaltition look like under dogs and bring some simpathy back their way.

I just do not believe Gillard has tunred things around so fast in jus twi weeks with this misogyny crap.
:banghead: Are you guys insane?

After viewing anything Bolt related to will be in need of this site.
Credit where its due.

I just do not believe Gillard has tunred things around so fast in jus twi weeks with this misogyny crap.

Labor has been out there pushing asia and India. And they have been making all the right noises. They just can't follow through on any policy without it stuffing up for some reason. Libs have performed very badly and its getting old. They have done a great job of discrediting the government considering the time period. But they are running on fumes at the moment with old tactics. Still a way to go yet, but they better utilise what they have effectively. I still think they need to shuffle hockey out. When Abbott and the Hock are on tv they come across like dumb and dumber. I don't think the guy is leadership material just yet but they need to put Turnbull in a more prominent position to hold the votes.
Credit where its due.

Labor has been out there pushing asia and India. And they have been making all the right noises. They just can't follow through on any policy without it stuffing up for some reason. Libs have performed very badly and its getting old. They have done a great job of discrediting the government considering the time period. But they are running on fumes at the moment with old tactics. Still a way to go yet, but they better utilise what they have effectively. I still think they need to shuffle hockey out. When Abbott and the Hock are on tv they come across like dumb and dumber. I don't think the guy is leadership material just yet but they need to put Turnbull in a more prominent position to hold the votes.

I think Turnbull would make a good treasurer IF he could be trusted to support his party instead of speaking out against them.

As I posted in the Abbott thread, Turnbull's history at leadership is dismal. Abbott is still way ahead of him in both 2pp and preferred PM when comparing the current polls and the polls just before Turnbull was given the boot.

No wonder the left want Turnbull back to take the polls even lower for the libs.
THE Gillard government will force the states to implement the key recommendation of its Asian white paper - the teaching of at least one Asian language in every school.

Labor's new Minister for the Asian Century, Craig Emerson, today rejected opposition criticism over the lack of funding attached to the blueprint, saying the government would boost funding for languages studies through its Gonski reforms.

He said the states would have to supply the teachers needed to embark on the Asian languages blitz. Those that refused would be denied education funding.

Teach Asian Languages? What a joke! Our Teachers can't even teach English.:rolleyes:
Teach Asian Languages? What a joke! Our Teachers can't even teach English.:rolleyes:

Haven't we been here before? :confused: I seem to remember Gillard banging on about teaching Asian languages at some point previously (in other words isn't this just another rehashed policy?). I've no problem with people learning foreign languages but there is no way it's going to help us economically. The rest of the world is lapping up English like nobody's business so I don't think there is much to be gained from people here learning another language (which one?). I wouldn't deter anyone but do we need to pour governement dollars into this in a big way? I learned two foreign languages at school and found them invaluable in what they taght me about English (both grammatically and in terms of vocabulary) but they have barely even been useful when travelling since people in those countries preferred to speak to me in English - I might as well have studied Latin and Ancient Greek! Also, probably the most useful it could be argued would be Chinese. Anyone tried to learn this? I know several people who tried to learn Mandarin including those living and working in China and not only is it very difficult to learn but many people over there don't speak it anyway. Remember even Kevin Rudd who is supposed to be fluent had trouble with it in a simple video tried to record ;) As for being able to read and write in it that is another matter altogether. In terms of effort spent for benefit I don't think it's really worth it.
Teach Asian Languages? What a joke! Our Teachers can't even teach English.:rolleyes:

And many of our school kids can't even spell English. One of my granddaughters is being made to learn Italian in Grade 7 (primary school) and yet she struggles with English grammar and spelling. I would much rather she spent extra time in learning her own language rather than forcing her to learn something so useless. She has working memory problems meaning it's difficult to get information from short term to long term memory.

They seem to think that kids who learn a second language do better at school generally. However, I think it is possible that the brighter kids have a natural aptitude to learning other languages which average kids don't have. I think they have the cart before the horse.
"Early Money is Like Yeast" or EMILY.

Miranda Devine

..a well-connected Labor feminist last week..saying Julia Gillard would never have reached the top without Emily’s List..Gillard is entirely a creature of Emily’s List. She was a founding member in 1996, with her mentor, the former Victorian premier Joan Kirner, and helped write its constitution.

Modelled after a similar pro-choice group in the US, the organisation describes itself as a “financial, political and personal support network assisting in the election of progressive Labor women candidates”. EMILY stands for “Early Money is Like Yeast”...


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...I've no problem with people learning foreign languages but there is no way it's going to help us economically.. In terms of effort spent for benefit I don't think it's really worth it.
Indeed, anglais is accepted as the maritime standard. If the poor little kids must be thus put upon, then surely Bahasa Indonesia, our neighbour, or francais, a classical and Europe language would surely be better advised.
Teach Asian Languages? What a joke! Our Teachers can't even teach English.:rolleyes:
Yet another grandiose scheme which will come to nothing, even if only because it will be unfunded.

And many of our school kids can't even spell English.
Ditto many of our adults. Ditto many of our teachers whose spelling and grammar is woeful.
One of my granddaughters is being made to learn Italian in Grade 7 (primary school) and yet she struggles with English grammar and spelling.
Italian???? I don't suppose they have explained why?
I would much rather she spent extra time in learning her own language rather than forcing her to learn something so useless.
Of course.

I am puzzled as to what is going on with Newspoll...

I have always thought Essential Media were somewhat biased to labor and yet their poll out today has labor's 2pp slipping further behind to 54:46 in favour of the coalition.–-voting-intention-140
That's a huge difference from the Newspoll result today. Very odd.
When you suggest a polling company is 'biased to Labor', can you explain in what way you think this is happening?
They all publish the questions asked and none of them are leading questions.
I've been polled and the only qualifier I was asked before answering the questions was whether I was over 18.
And in answering the questions, the researcher totally avoided making any comment whatsoever. It was all very professionally done.
This is a link to the CATI system which is apparently what most of the research companies use.
I am puzzled as to what is going on with Newspoll...

I have always thought Essential Media were somewhat biased to labor and yet their poll out today has labor's 2pp slipping further behind to 54:46 in favour of the coalition.–-voting-intention-140

I actually thought it was the other way around, that Newspoll favoured Labor and Essential tended to favour the Coalition.

When you suggest a polling company is 'biased to Labor', can you explain in what way you think this is happening?
They all publish the questions asked and none of them are leading questions.
I've been polled and the only qualifier I was asked before answering the questions was whether I was over 18.
And in answering the questions, the researcher totally avoided making any comment whatsoever. It was all very professionally done.
This is a link to the CATI system which is apparently what most of the research companies use.

I think it's not what they ask but where they get their sample from maybe. In any case, there seems to be some divergence in results from different polling organsisations so there must be some differences in the way they collect their data.
"Early Money is Like Yeast" or EMILY.


As the late James Mason once said on being confronted with such a sight;

"What a grizzly array of maidenly virtue"

Poor old stick-insect looks like she could do with a good feed. If you kept a pet in that condition, the RSPCA would be on your back.:D


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Now listen Calliope, you had better watch what you say or your will be hung, drawn and quartered by the misogyny police :frown: (Never mind about your right to insult or offend whoever you like ;) )
I think, our Julia, hit on what is happening.
The Pommie spin doctor has got them all bagging Tony and also if they have to respond to bad press. Do it with a smile on your face and show enthusiasm.
The thing in the Coalition favour is, all graphs of Labors performance look terrible.:rolleyes: