India actually already has a carbon tax (price) in place, first put in place in July 2010. They have campaigned that such a tax should be implemented world wide. Proceeds are used for clean energy research (rather than wealth re-distribution like in Australia). It's a fairly good model compared to our tax.Well that must be the reason China and India have bought the only two coal mines in W.A.
Apparently they think there is an advantage in owning cheap energy and yes, I'm sure they will put a tax on it to make it more expensive for themselves. What a hoot LOL,LOL,LOL

I don't disagree with this by the way. Our country has a long history of selling itself for the benefit of others, short-sighted governments have always encouraged it. I think this is a different issue than the one we are discussing though!Also I'm sure the coal exports will triple over the next decade, also I'm sure India and China will own the mines.LOL,LOL,LOL
Put your head in the sand while the sun is shinning, when it gets cold and you pull your head out, it will be different.