Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

The Gillard Government

Nice to see Cando is making it a priority protecting all you QLD's from gays :).
IFocus, not even Richo agrees with

THE revelation in Newspoll, published in this newspaper on Monday, further demonstrated just how deep a hole Julia Gillard has dug for herself and her government.

To be polling 22 per cent in Queensland is the most graphic demonstration imaginable of the annihilation to come.


First, every poll tells us that the carbon tax is a deeply unpopular tax.

While very few people understand it, there is a big majority out there who know enough to know they don't like it. Every price rise for months to come will be put down to the carbon tax. The debate has already been lost.

Indeed it was lost a long time ago. Even the concept of global warming itself is now a fading credo for Labor. The Government's failure to robustly defend the need for a carbon tax has given the electorate ample time and opportunity to listen to the climate-change deniers and sceptics.

Read full article from Graham Richardson:
Are some in Labor finally starting to see the price being paid for their choice of political bed partners ?

While the NSW party secretary stopped short of calling for an immediate ban on preference deals with the Greens, he said putting the party last "must be put on the table. One step at a time".

"The Greens have come to take the Labor Party for granted," he said. "The truth is that they have put us in a position where sometimes anywhere else would be better with our preferences, and that includes even the Coalition."

Labor's frustration with the Greens' general ''high and mightiness'' spilled over publicly last week as the Senate torpedoed Rob Oakeshott's bill. Labor MPs took to social media to slam the Greens' uncompromising stance - particularly left-wingers, some of whom have reluctantly come to accept offshore processing as a legitimate part of the policy mix.

Many on Labor's Left are heartily sick of the Greens using asylum policy as a political wedge to split the progressive vote - a reverse populism tactic deployed with great effectiveness in every election since 2001.

The hard slog of minority government feels like an arranged marriage ebbing from sullenness into almost homicidal rancour: winter is profound discontent, teeth are gritted, frustrations high.

Labor's whip, Joel Fitzgibbon, penned an opinion piece articulating much of the roiling sentiment in Labor ranks. Fitzgibbon argued the Greens' current posture on the boats was not principle but realpolitik - shoring up their own position at Labor's expense, taking out insurance to hold on to the Senate balance of power.
Because of the talk about the faceless men, there has been a movement on sportsbet.
Malcolm Turnbull has drifted out slightly.
Gillard has firmed slightly, which suggests she will win the next challenge. same price as Krudd.
Election date. no change.
Gillard is touring Qld.
Following the trip to the sunny north, there will be a new plan.
Watch it unfold.
Penny Wong could not find 20M to top up the defence force retirement fund yet Bob Carr can find 5 m to give to Syria, at least when they pay it back we can collect some interest.

Australia is giving a further $5 million in humanitarian relief aid to Syria.Speaking after the Friends of Syria meeting in Paris on Friday (AEST), Foreign Minister Bob Carr said Syria's internal conflict had reached a "tipping point".More than 10,000 people have lost their lives and hundreds of thousands are in urgent need of aid."Australia has taken a lead in calling for a unified international response to end the bloodshed," Senator Carr said in a statement on Sunday."But we must also act to address the humanitarian crisis, with medical supplies, food and shelter."The additional $5 million in aid will bring Australia's total contribution to $16 million.The funds will support non-government organisations providing medical aid in Syria's conflict zones and will assist the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, which helps the growing number of Syrians fleeing their country.
Well it think the problems in Canberra can be easily resolved.
Disguise 120kg. of laxette chocolate as after dinner mints.
Problem solved of all parties.
Well it think the problems in Canberra can be easily resolved.
Disguise 120kg. of laxette chocolate as after dinner mints.
Problem solved of all parties.

Joe. if they took those lazettes, there would be nothing left inside.

What we need is something to cleanse their brains.
What I find most amusing is how many racist, redneck, Centerlink claiming rapidly breeding bogans hate Julia because of the Carbon Tax and being a ranga, so they going to vote in a man who is going to stomp on them and remove all of their entitlements!! LOL!! Just shows how stupid our population is, not that they deserve free money anyway. Icecream and Jelly when Julia gets the boot and these low socio losers are left to rot in the gutter. I'm sick of breeders getting free money. IF you can't afford your god damn child, do NOT have one. I am also sick of the "we're breeding future taxpayers" argument. Um, no. You'er breeding kids with a sense of entitlement who will further feed at the public trough and before long we will be Greece.
Joe. if they took those lazettes, there would be nothing left inside.

What we need is something to cleanse their brains.
Some leave the impression that if they had a good hard one (or even a soft gooey one), their heads would cave in.
Gillard ranting that Abbott is a coward, it is all starting to look like the 'panic' button has been pressed.:D

It isn't up to the leader of the opposition, to dictate to a visiting head of state, what they will or won't do if and when they are in government.
Has Gillard lost the plot or what.IMO
Labor pressed the panic button when Kevin Rudd was deposed as PM. The second time was when they called a snap poll in 2010 and the third was when they went into alliance with the Greens to form government.

They have since pressed it so many times that it's now beyond the dark side of the moon.

Julia had best start practicing her best "PM Abbott". The above type of personal attack is not going to help Labor's cause.
Labor pressed the panic button when Kevin Rudd was deposed as PM. The second time was when they called a snap poll in 2010 and the third was when they went into alliance with the Greens to form government.

They have since pressed it so many times that it's now beyond the dark side of the moon.

Julia had best start practicing her best "PM Abbott". The above type of personal attack is not going to help Labor's cause.

+1 Agree.

It's hard to work out what is panic and what is not anymore. Labor don't have a strategy other than to undermine Abbott and make people live through the Carbon Tax.

So every time the tax comes up as an issue in the next 12 months, their response is going to sound a bit condescending like "Shut up and take your medicine - it's good for you."

There is someting really amateurish pop-psychology about all this. If you want to change the way you're perceived and come across as humble, you don't say "Look at me, I'm humble now", because all you do is invite people to think how arrogant you were up to this point.

If your election campaign is going off the rails because other people are running it badly, you don't say "Look at me, I'm the real Joolya now" because you invite people to focus on the fake Julia.

If you are implementing a really unpopular tax, you don't shove it down people's throats and say you will live through it and find that it's not that much of a bitter pill after all.

Like all the above examples, even though that's the result you want, the moment you broadcast it, you look like you're contriving the result and the end is anything BUT the result you wished for.

Did any of these Laborites have a real-life example to think this through. If you had an unwilling partner not wanting sexual relations, do you say "Come-on, you'll really enjoy it at the end"?
Are some in Labor finally starting to see the price being paid for their choice of political bed partners ?

Just an election round the corner. Time to burn some bridges and ruin some friendships.
I like how Milne is saying the greens are having trouble getting labor to do as they are told.
She goes on to say they won't keep labor in office if the don't behave. LOL

Labor are starting to look like the minor party, which is exactly what the greens want.:D
I think Bob Brown is still showing how to slap labor into line.LOL

We could be in for a major ' cat' fight.