Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

The Gillard Government

She doesn't generally answer questions directly, but those she has answered have exposed Abbott's tactics on the carbon tax as crude scaremongering.

You maybe correct.
But if you read the letter which has been sent to pensioners on compensation, it clearly states that more will come.
So basically Labor do not know how much to send out.
As the carbon tax will be applied from 1st. July on, do we know how many compensation packages will be applied.?
My understanding it was for a period of time, but have not been able to identify the length of the period.

So my understanding is that it will be sent out to improve Labor's polling (buy the votes). So I have concluded that will be to the next election.
She doesn't generally answer questions directly, but those she has answered have exposed Abbott's tactics on the carbon tax as crude scaremongering.

Scare tactics wouldn't work if Gillard was convincing on the Carbon Tax but she isn't ...because she's a proven liar and everyone knows it,
It isnt Abbott thats scaring people it's Gillard who cant be truted to do anything right.
On Lunch Break in the Courier mail today at 12pm Dennis Atkins "blows the whistle",
on the Labor Government fight with the miners.
It is becoming increasingly obvious why Gillard cannot cut Thomson loose from the party. Another GFC is looming and she faces the prospect of launching another round of stimulus packages like the pink bats and the BER.

She will need Thomson's skills. He is the only one in her team "who can organise a root in a brothel." :D
I think that very shortly there will be a fair sort of a B-B-Q at an airstrip in WA.
Twiggy will be providing the entertainment with his boys.(dancing and such)
Present.. Gina, Rio, BHP, cattle guy, small miners etc.etc.
Barnett and some of his clan.
Topic ...How much more of this c**p are we going to take from this government??

The steaks will be big as they will be from some beast still waiting in line to go to


AOFM 18-05.png

~2 weeks....

AOFM 1-06-12.png

I thought that we were in a mining boom? Is the above normal?
No fan of the PM's political policies Glen, but imho that picture should come down, it's going too far.

I'm afraid it's typical of the poisoned atmosphere going on in the political debate now.

It's time to step back, take a holiday and refresh the mind.
No fan of the PM's political policies Glen, but imho that picture should come down, it's going too far.

That sort of thing doen't appeal to me either. I am no fan of the PM but that sort of joke can be levelled at anyone that one doesn't. Quite frankly, I have no problem with Gillard walking his earth, just not happy with how she is running the country.
That sort of thing doen't appeal to me either. I am no fan of the PM but that sort of joke can be levelled at anyone that one doesn't. Quite frankly, I have no problem with Gillard walking his earth, just not happy with how she is running the country.

Miss Hale, I had forgotten that picture was here and agree with your post above.
Miss Hale, I had forgotten that picture was here and agree with your post above.

I agree that that post is out of line with the general decorum on the ASF web site, it's more suited to a rougher kids forum. Sometimes making a judgement on where the line should be drawn is a matter for the users and they have spoken.
Over to you Joe.

On another matter, 100 tweets today, there's the taxpayer dollar at work, more of it under the carbon tax.
Please give Kevin proper work
By Andrew Bolt –, Monday,
June, 04,
(4:44pm) Filed under: Can someone give poor Kevin Rudd a proper job? The former Prime Minister had so little to do today that he published nearly 100 tweets, almost every one of them of the must profoundly inoffensive banality. Here are just a few:.....

View attachment 47274

~2 weeks....

View attachment 47273

I thought that we were in a mining boom? Is the above normal?

Millions on welfare

Commodity prices way off highs

Biggest mining companies majority foreign owned

Gigantic property bubble that lead to the largest household debt levels in world

Unless some miracle world boom happens its only going to get measurably and rapidly worse ....
Millions on welfare

Commodity prices way off highs

Biggest mining companies majority foreign owned

Gigantic property bubble that lead to the largest household debt levels in world

Unless some miracle world boom happens its only going to get measurably and rapidly worse ....

So what is the answer, you guessed it, bringin cheap imported labour to put downward pressure on wages.
The funny thing is everyone thought work choices was the worry.
Well since the demise of Howard, what have you got, apart from the Swan, Gillard crap about the great job they are doing.
Retirement age increased from 65 to 67.
Amount you can put into your super reduced, to ensure you can't retire.
Increase in marginal tax rates.
Increase in indirect tax.
The only person to benefit from this minority government is Bob Brown who has achieved the imposible, due to Labor incompetence. IMO
Millions on welfare

Commodity prices way off highs

Biggest mining companies majority foreign owned

Gigantic property bubble that lead to the largest household debt levels in world

Unless some miracle world boom happens its only going to get measurably and rapidly worse ....

How about the people who are in charge at present? Do you think they have a clue? They are asleep at the steering-wheel....
The etiring age has been raise to 65.5 to those born in a certain year I thing 1955 have a look on the web site but can see it being cranked up a bit more.

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