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The Gillard Government

My contacts tell me Rudd is in, Carbon Tax dumped and straight to an election.
They'll lose but as much as under the guidance of Madam Lash.
The Whitlam government had the Khemlani affair as a scandal. But this government is not a patch on Gough Whitlam's, which stood for something apart from power at any cost.

'When we're in charge, things will be different' - it's beginning to dawn on Australian electors, to their horror
My contacts tell me Rudd is in, Carbon Tax dumped and straight to an election.
They'll lose but as much as under the guidance of Madam Lash.

So will Swan get out his trophy, polish it up, show Rudd and say "Can I be the treasurer please?" After all this is all about credentials!!
So will Swan get out his trophy, polish it up, show Rudd and say "Can I be the treasurer please?" After all this is all about credentials!!

No no no after they lose Slipper will be leader of Labor with Craig Thompson as Treasurer.
Any punters here.
I think $3.50 for an election prior to Christmas is good value. What say yee?
Australia is starting to fall around our ears. Polls tomorrow I think.
Seriously this has to stop, and quickly.
My contacts tell me Rudd is in, Carbon Tax dumped and straight to an election.
They'll lose but as much as under the guidance of Madam Lash.
Someone spends too much time listening to Tony Delroy's quiz.
Never heard of him but I like him already
Sorry. I shouldn't have made the assumption.
Madam Lash is the (probably fictitious) person who writes the questions for Tony Delroy's after midnight quiz on ABC Local Radio network.
Have a listen sometime. I think you'd enjoy it.
Sorry. I shouldn't have made the assumption.
Madam Lash is the (probably fictitious) person who writes the questions for Tony Delroy's after midnight quiz on ABC Local Radio network.
Have a listen sometime. I think you'd enjoy it.

Madam Lash was someone I would associate with Craig Thompson

Barry Humphries on Q&A great
Gillard's personal rating up quite a few points today. That's great - I'll take anything that increases her chances of facing the electorate at the next election.
Gillard's personal rating up quite a few points today. That's great - I'll take anything that increases her chances of facing the electorate at the next election.

Yes I guess you'd have to look at how much that cost the taxpayer in handouts.

I feel sorry for Abbott, I think he's a good man but the public just don't warm to him, just goes to show you have to be personable not just capable and decent.
More Chinese Boots that the soles fall out of hey ?

Well we might have to bring all our troops home and be a Defence Force instead ! or we could just pay the US to be our bodyguards
Gillard's personal rating up quite a few points today. That's great - I'll take anything that increases her chances of facing the electorate at the next election.

Well, who would not be popular with all the hand outs.

It's like giving kids a bag of lollies.

In our recent local election in Townsville, the new Labor Mayor (sorry independant)
Jenny Hill promised everyone a freeze in rates and a refund of $103 in their water rates with the full knowledge she would not have a Labor team to back her. She won the mayoral postion by handing out sweetners. She also put up another Labor (sorry independant) Mayoral candidate who polled 17% of the vote and guess where his preferences went. The non Labor Mayoral candidate lost by 2 %. Now she finds it would have cost Townsville $18,000,000 and the 7 non Labor councillors out of 10 look like refusing her hare brain scheme on common sense grounds. Less roads, water and sewerage would have resulted.

So, the naive swallow these hand outs and say Gillard's great and up goes the polls.
Despite Gillard's crowing about her improvement in Newspoll yesterday, there were two other polls which also came out and yet we hear little about them. Essential Media has 2pp as 57:43 to the coalition and Roy Morgan has labor on 27.5% primary vote and 61.5% : 38.5% to the coalition.–-voting-intention-118

A Chart from Roy Morgan which also shows how much better labor was polling under Rudd in 2010 than under Gillard now:
Well done .
I believe that line of polling, and, with out carrying on to much about it, I am sure
Roy Morgan is closer to the mark with unemployment.
Because the ABS are miles out.:
To be fair, if we averaged them both we would be closer to the mark
i.e 4.9 + 9.3 = 14.2 over 2 = 7.1%.
Of course that is 44.90% higher than what the government is quoting.
Gillard addressed the miners yesterday and told them they don't own the minerals, the people do.
She said they work but do does the panel beater down the road so he should share in the mining boom ?????????????????? yeah sure.

Just how long has the principal that the minerals do not belong to the miners been held and if it's true why hasn't it been acted upon before half of WA has been exported to China.

OR - is this view now fashionable because Gillard has wasted the surpus and needs more cash to buy votes.
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