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Here's a short list (the top 50 only) of Labors achievements, I'm sure many of you will pass this on to the many victims of this Govt.
Mr Burns,
You had already produced that list, way back on Page 134 of this thread.
1.. Carbon Tax - yes, a lie. Politicians do lie, y’know. It is not the end of the world.
2.. Nation Broadband Network – it is about time we had a go at catching up with Lithuania.
3.. Building the Education Revolution – apparently, by comparison, there will be no education under the coalition.
4.. Home Insulation Plan (Pink Batts) – Dumped after deaths and injuries due to coalition voting rogue small business proprietors rorting the system.
5. Citizens Assembly – Dumped. No big deal.
6.. Cash for Clunkers – Dumped, but a good idea at the time. Have you still got an LH Torana or something?
7.. Hospital Reform – Nothing yet.
8.. Digital set-top boxes – Cheaper at Harvey Norman and now going obsolete, but only if your Great Aunt can afford a new telly instead.
9.. Emissions Trading Scheme – Temporarily delayed, but it will take over from the Carbon Tax soon enough.
10. Mining Tax – Continuing uncertainty for our miners because Twiggy might actually have to pay tax, the poor dear.
11. Livestock export ban to Indonesia – An initial over-reaction that caused some disruption to the cattle and transport industry in Northern Australia, but nothing compared to the drop in quotas that everyone in the industry knew were coming anyway.
12. Detention Centres – Riots & massive cost blow-outs like any incarceration facility regardless of government.
13. East Timor ‘solution’ – Announced before agreed that it was a possibility...
14. Malaysia ‘solution’ – Scrapped because Malaysia not a signatory to UN Human Rights Charter, but even the opposition was sure it would get through at the time.
15. Manus Island ‘solution’ – On the backburner, but still there.
16.. Computers in Schools – $1.4 billion blow out; less than half delivered, but still far better than no computers in schools.
17. Cutting Red Tape – 12,835 new regulations, only 58 repealed [please cite]
18. Asia Pacific Community – Big picture thinking, the likes of which the coalition are not capable of.
19. Green Loans Program – morphed into the Green Start program.
20. Solar Homes & Communities plan – Shut down after $534 million blow out due to phenomenal uptake; the people want to be green, y’see.
21. Green Car Innovation Fund – Abandoned to pay for natural disaster relief. That’s what governments should do; look after people in need at the time. You obviously disagree.
22. Solar Credits Scheme – Gradually scaled back as it was always going to be. STC’s still get paid at 3x until July 1. Don’t you have solar panels yet? Why not?
23. Green Start Program – Scrapped due to the realisation of unmitigated risks, just as any responsible gov’t would.
24. Retooling for Climate Change Program – Abolished in name only. I know for a fact that money is available for businesses to become greener through various State programs.
25. Childcare Centres – Abandoned. 260 promised, only 38 delivered, A Rudd initiative.
26. Take a “meat axe”’ to the Public Service – 24,000 more public servants added [please cite]
27. Murray Darling Basin Plan – back to the drawing board because the bickering state governments couldn’t agree.
28. 2020 Summit – Meaningless talkfest, like any talkfest, regardless of who is in power.
29. Tax Summit – did you mean the Henry tax review? Some policies adopted, like the change in FBT rules for novated leases, have resulted in a windfall and have ensured that the Carbon Tax will not be applied to fuel.
30. Population Policy – Sets no targets, nor should it.
31. Fuel Watch – Abandoned. There is no point when private industry colludes anyway.
32. Grocery Choice – Abandoned. People are intelligent enough to make up their own minds.
33. $900 Stimulus cheques – Sent to dead people and overseas residents. The majority spent on flat screen TV's and fast food. [please cite]
34. Foreign Policy – In turmoil with Kevin (747) Rudd running riot flying around the world spending more than the US Secretary of State, proving that the US Secretary of State was lazy by comparison.
35. National Schools Solar Program – Closing two years early but better than no program at all.
36. Solar Hot Water Rebate – Abandoned just 4 months early after running for over 4 years. There was no rebate prior to that.
37. Oceanic Viking – Caved in, after all, we are talking about human beings.
38. GP Super Clinics – 64 promised, only 11 operational so far.
39. Defence Family Healthcare Clinics – 12 promised in the long term, 8 trialled to start with.
40. Trade Training Centres – 2650 promised, 70 operational so far.
41. Bid for UN Security Council seat – A Rudd aspiration.
42. My School Website – Revamped but problems continue like any new IT system.
43. National Curriculum – States in uproar because they don’t want to be found out.
44. Small Business Superannuation Clearing House – 99% of small businesses reject it because they see superannuation as a cost rather than as a responsibility. Poor workers.
45. Indigenous Housing Program – way behind schedule but happening nevertheless.
46. Rudd Bank – Why are we still focusing on Rudd?
47. Using cheap Chinese fabrics for Defence uniforms – Ditched, as it should.
48. Innovation Ambassadors Program – I googled that and got directed to the NASA website lol!
49. Six Submarines – none operational because they are not planned to be until 2025!!!!!! You’re desperate now, aren’t you?
50. Debt limit to be increased to $250 billion and rising – to pay for all of this and much more, but still a drop in the ocean on a world scale.