This is the ABSOLUTE truth. The do refuse, but the more interesting question is WHY?
Having grown up in Labor heartland and now completely disenchanted, I wonder if this theory resonates with anyone out there?
There are plenty off us out there! Its just that we have come to a conclusion that Gillard thinks she knows more about what we want, how we would like to live and how we would like to treat our neighbour and fellow worker.( be they labor or coalition voters)
We the voter have no say. She is the Prime Minister, and because of her step up into that position, she now regards us as the tax payer. We are a number.
She thinks that she has dominance over all our rational thinking and our lives.
But one day in the future, we the voter will be given the opportunity to show our discontent. We the Queenslander's spoke at the state election, and we will be given another opportunity to sort out Federal Politics.
I can assure you that it will be more decisive, than the fact, will Gillard remains a politician.?
I am confident the Australian voter has had enough of Labor in Federal POLITICS.
Julia may have a "smart lip"
And as "Forrest Gump" said, " that's all I have got to say about that.