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The Gillard Government

So it doesn't seem all that unreasonable to me that a Labor voter couldn't either exactly remember the state of political play at that stage.
You might have a point.

Any voter still rusted onto Labor have had their eyes shut for so long that they have forgotten what daylight is.
Fair enough, but hold another vote now and the margin would be greater. I'm not anti-Malcolm, I'm in his corner if he would run for Treasurer. But sorry Malcolm, not for leader, not ever.

On another subject, will the Coalition ever find a realistic and cohesive policy on parental leave/baby bonus.

So you jumped in half-cocked you little Eager Beaver

Why I should ever really have to justify myself to you is something that I'm questioning as I write, but I guess I do so to demonstrate that YOU have jumped to an unreasonable conclusion.

You can't justify telling porkies. I guess Juliar is not a good role model for you.
Julia has pointed out fairly that Eager's mistake was an honest mistake. Let's not be like the stinking politicians themselves with all the faux indignation.
I Julia has pointed out fairly that Eager's mistake was an honest mistake. Let's not be like the stinking politicians themselves with all the faux indignation.

It is interesting that the "honest mistake" was made in an attempt to put down Tony Abbott. I am not a great supporter of Abbott but I am sure the left can dig up enough dirt on him without resorting to "honest mistakes."

I am not the least bit indignant, "faux" or otherwise, just amused that I am the one accused of being 'insulting" for objecting to an attempted deception.

However, you are the Moderator and if it is your decision that I am the guilty one (being comparable to a "stinking politician") then of course I must accept your judgment.
[...Then Sails (a Liberal supporter) said:

So Sails couldn't remember either what exactly the opposition's stance was on this at the time.

Actually, while I am conservative, I'm more down on bad government than supporting a particular party. At this stage, the coalition offer a better (although not perfect) alternative, imo.

And I have been exceptionally busy for some months now, so some details are easily forgotten. However, I would think a labor supporter would not forget such details as they have so little to throw at Abbott that they seem to clutch at any straw, no matter how small.
However, I would think a labor supporter would not forget such details as they have so little to throw at Abbott that they seem to clutch at any straw, no matter how small.

They were my sentiments exactly. However I was caught up in a well crafted bush-whacking and leaned on to recant. First came Eager's protestations of foul play, then Julia acting as his legal brief and citing you as a witness, and then Wayne stepping in to deliver the guilty verdict.

However I am very low down in the food chain of this forum and I overstepped my mark. For this I apologise.
Here's a short list (the top 50 only) of Labors achievements, I'm sure many of you will pass this on to the many victims of this Govt.

1.. Carbon Tax – “There will be no carbon tax under the Government I lead.”
2.. Nation Broadband Network – $50 billion but no cost-benefit analysis
3.. Building the Education Revolution – The school halls fiasco
4.. Home Insulation Plan (Pink Batts) – Dumped after deaths and injuries
5. Citizens Assembly – Dumped
6.. Cash for Clunkers – Dumped
7.. Hospital Reform – Nothing
8.. Digital set-top boxes – Cheaper at Harvey Norman and now going obsolete
9.. Emissions Trading Scheme – Abandoned
10. Mining Tax – Continuing uncertainty for our miners
11. Livestock export ban to Indonesia – A massive over-reaction that decimated the cattle industry and transport industry in Northern Australia
12. Detention Centres – Riots & massive cost blow-outs
13. East Timor ‘solution’ – Announced before agreed
14. Malaysia ‘solution’ – Scrapped because Malaysia not a signatory to UN Human Rights Charter
15. Manus Island ‘solution’ – On the backburner
16.. Computers in Schools – $1.4 billion blow out; less than half delivered
17. Cutting Red Tape – 12,835 new regulations, only 58 repealed
18. Asia Pacific Community – Another expensive Rudd frolic. Going nowhere
19. Green Loans Program – Abandoned. Only 3.5% of promised loans delivered
20. Solar Homes & Communities plan – Shut down after $534 million blow out
21. Green Car Innovation Fund – Abandoned
22. Solar Credits Scheme – Scaled back
23. Green Start Program – Scrapped
24. Retooling for Climate Change Program – Abolished
25. Childcare Centres – Abandoned. 260 promised, only 38 delivered
26. Take a “meat axe”’ to the Public Service – 24,000 more public servants added
27. Murray Darling Basin Plan – back to the drawing board
28. 2020 Summit – Meaningless talkfest
29. Tax Summit – Deferred and downgraded
30. Population Policy – Sets no targets
31. Fuel Watch – Abandoned
32. Grocery Choice – Abandoned
33. $900 Stimulus cheques – Sent to dead people and overseas residents. The majority spent on flat screen TV's and fast food.
34. Foreign Policy – In turmoil with Kevin (747) Rudd running riot flying around the world spending more than the US Secretary of State
35. National Schools Solar Program – Closing two years early
36. Solar Hot Water Rebate – Abandoned
37. Oceanic Viking – Caved in
38. GP Super Clinics – 64 promised, only 11 operational
39. Defence Family Healthcare Clinics – 12 promised, none delivered
40. Trade Training Centres – 2650 promised, 70 operational
41. Bid for UN Security Council seat – An expensive Rudd frolic
42.. My School Website – Revamped but problems continue
43. National Curriculum – States in uproar
44. Small Business Superannuation Clearing House – 99% of small businesses reject it
45. Indigenous Housing Program – way behind schedule
46. Rudd Bank – Went nowhere
47. Using cheap Chinese fabrics for Defence uniforms – Ditched
48. Innovation Ambassadors Program – junked
49. Six Submarines – none operational
50. Debt limit to be increased to $250 billion and rising – to pay for all of this and much more
Sails and Calliope: all I'm trying for is some semblance of objectivity and the capacity to take other members at face value in something as trivial as the current discussion.

If you are offended, Sails, at my nominating your political leaning as "Liberal" rather than "conservative", then I humbly apologise.

As Wayne observed, sometimes the exchanges on these political threads are at a level similar to those of the politicians we so criticise.
Surely we can have different views and express these without delivering personal insults to "the other side"!
Which submarines are these?

I thought we were still stuck with this Collins Class subs from years ago that were pretty much useless to begin with.
Here's a short list (the top 50 only) of Labors achievements, I'm sure many of you will pass this on to the many victims of this Govt.

Hey Mr Burns - that's a long list (of failures). Sometimes, the best way to defeat your opponent is to point to their real achievements.

Can you think of some, because I'm struggling! There was the Stolen Generation apology, but Julia would never call that her own. What about Nicola and her plain packaging (or are we all into that)?

I despair at what the Labor government's 2013 election campaign would look like, if they can't list their past achievements with a straight face. They're certainly not going to try it on with a future promise are they?

Very easy for Labor, they will simply list those 50 (and more) as successes.
They really think that they are successes (see Kevin Rudds farewell speech when Julia usurped him).

No worries.
Hey Mr Burns - that's a long list (of failures). Sometimes, the best way to defeat your opponent is to point to their real achievements.

Her personal achievements are she knifed Rudd and became PM, there's 2, it stops at that.
...If you are offended, Sails, at my nominating your political leaning as "Liberal" rather than "conservative", then I humbly apologise...(

Julia, no offence and no need for an apology...

I just corrected your statement as I have no affiliations with any party and don't completely support any of them...

However, my current sentiment is that the Coalition would do a better job of running the economy. I think a drover's dog would have more common sense than some of this government decisions.

...I despair at what the Labor government's 2013 election campaign would look like, if they can't list their past achievements with a straight face. They're certainly not going to try it on with a future promise are they?

Stumpy, haven't you heard Gillard crowing about her achievements? Carbon tax is one of her biggest achievements in her eyes it seems. Doesn't seem to matter that the people didn't want her to do that, and yet, she continues to collect her pay week in and week out for supposedly REPRESENTING us. If she did that as a lawyer, her clients would surely sack her.

And, perhaps she is proud of her open border policy. She got rid of that nasty Pacific Solution which protected our borders so well. Yes, it cost money, but I wonder if it is but a fraction of what is currently being spent.

And even worse, she seems to think she is still getting things done...shudder...
Stumpy, haven't you heard Gillard crowing about her achievements? Carbon tax is one of her biggest achievements in her eyes it seems.

I'd have to agree that it is in fact her biggest achievement - in the eyes of her masters. She knew the tax would mean defeat for her, her party and the greens, but clearly a win for the UN puppet masters.

she continues to collect her pay week in and week out for supposedly REPRESENTING us.

The answers to this question would be most revealing, would they not? She cannot represent you - this is a legal impossibility, she can only represent legal fictions...a cursory glance at the Interpretations ACT and the Evidence ACT provides some insight on how Government is legally constructed. You are treated as a business (aka employee), working for the Commonwealth of Australia. Are employers required to do as you insist?
Its Abbotts fault that the "Its all Tony Abbott's fault" campaign is not working!

My name is Julia Gillard. I know what is good for the Australian people. The voters do not.
Leave it to me. It's all under control. That's my job. (Gee I am so smart).
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