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I thought it was RBA's intention of slowing the economy hence increasing rates. They also need to unwind all the credit created when rates where dropped in 08/09.

So i don't think they are embarassed at all. Rising intrest rates are a way to encourage savings which Glenn Stevens has emphasised yesterday.

"AUSTRALIANS should save rather than ramp up spending while the economy surfs a ''once in a century'' tidal wave of prosperity, according to Reserve Bank governor Glenn Stevens."


Based on these comments i would be expecting a few more raises which is great news for people saving.

I hope higher rates are not stressing you robots
They have a problem, we have a bifurcated economy with a debt issue. Fact is that there is no one monetary policy setting that will satisfy all requirements here. Damned if they do... damned if they don't... we've painted the floor but there ain't no doors in our corner. They are going to need to be lucky as well as smart here IMO.
So we are happy that things are slowing down because that means they will cut rates and end up supporting the real estate market.

Is that it? Is that what we are saying here?


yeah, got a problem with that?

nukz wants higher interest rates so make more money, i reckon thats just plain wrong, howzat helping productivity

professor robots

its embarrassing as the decision to lift was well out of order,

my research indicated exactly what is coming through, only a couple of weeks ago unemployment went up, inflation dropped, economic growth slowed

yet the RBA still lifted, clearly not up too it

professor robots

yeah, got a problem with that?

nukz wants higher interest rates so make more money, i reckon thats just plain wrong, howzat helping productivity

professor robots

Wot? Have you not considered that if people get more interest on their savings, they might be tempted to spend a bit more in the economy, thus helping the productivity of a wide range of businesses? If you cannot see that prospect, you have no hope of passing Economics For Dummies 101, Confe$$or.

Have you considered tying up vast amounts of society's wealth in static brick$ & mortar which benefits a relatively small range of businesses in the economy might not be helping that much either?

Tch, tch...

You need to get out and con$ume more.....

The RBA could not care less.

Lets face it, the banks are all about making a profit, just like everyone else.

And the Government does not have the power or the right to do anything about it. In fact if governments the world over got out of interfearing with the financial systems I feel sure the world would be a much better place.
There is definately more interest raises in the coming months of the new year, you should not be complaining about the recent raise compared to what is coming cyborg

I have welcomed the raise on my savings interest with open hands and await more future raises, soon half my rent will be paid by interest on savings - no likely rents will be going up in the same proportion

Awwwww now why would we want to go a reward savers when we all know its consumers that count! I mean it is not like you can save your way to prosperity is it? Its not like creating wealth means consuming less than you produce is it? We all know you can spend you way to the promised land don't we? If the USA do it then it must work, right?

Like my Ben?

He be pimpin dere a$$e$ for fresh dollahs! (You just gotta say it like you are form the hood!)

I have welcomed the raise on my savings interest with open hands and await more future raises, soon half my rent will be paid by interest on savings - no likely rents will be going up in the same proportion

So assuming your living in Aus, your savings would be able to purchase about 35 - 45% of the property your in at the moment?
I'll shoot.....

Just realized, I musta put Bots on ignore instead of Mr.Z (know wonder I could here Z singing) Hmmm

Geez.... Has anyone heard from Robots today and did he tell me why property is going to keep up in real terms? Think I missed it!

they hire idiots for the RBA board ....... Maybe Robots and Kincella should try and get on the board.

Are you doing that Dr jekyll Mr hyde thingy?

Let me remind you:

So assuming your living in Aus, your savings would be able to purchase about 35 - 45% of the property your in at the moment?

No right now probably only 20% of the inflated price of the property which I think is far from what it is worth. With my interest paying more then 1/4 of the rent.

Currently I collect 6.25% which was incereased from 6% on the last increase, and if it gets increased a few more points further then I will look around for a better 7%+ rate with another few months of savings will bring me to around getting half of rent in interest.

I pay round 13k rent per year on a townhouse that is claimed to be worth 400k now, so yea at around 7% of round number of 100k gives 7k pa. so thats not even 30% claimed value.

At 200k in the bank I could have the whole rent covered, so id never pay 400k for it

Bring on the interest raises :

It's just a synopsis of an attitude... not an idea in my head It is ever so slight flawed as an economic rational, but then the average modern property investor seems ever so slightly flawed..... at least to me. :

I thought I wuz being ignored.... givin me a complex you grumpy old baby boomer!
I'm feeling marginalized and worthless so I will post a link to someone else's in ya face opinion.

Use the force young Skywalker, only make links to your own past posts!!! Haven't you been watching?

Thought you had put everyone on ignore?

Hey the REIV auction preview 4th and 5th December should be released anytime (tells more like what happened last weekend)
Thought you had put everyone on ignore?

Hey the REIV auction preview 4th and 5th December should be released anytime (tells more like what happened last weekend)

I dunno how to do it....

But seriously, I look forward to it with bait on my breath!

so what, I'm from Meeeeeeeeeeeeeelbourne!
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