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The completely useless irrelevant thread

My goal this year is to offend a poster, any poster, on the forum so I can achieve the status of being placed on Ignore and thus be offended.
Chaza is the easy mark... but probably too easy, no sport in that
My goal this year is to offend a poster, any poster, on the forum so I can achieve the status of being placed on Ignore and thus be offended.
@Belli This is so simple. Give the Mad Cap't a serve and it's instant. On the plank and ignore in one easy movement.
And speaking of offence.

Many capitalist running dogs on this forum espouse selling newspapers as a child as a means of attaining wealth as an adult.

Life experience tells me that behind every great fortune is a great crime. Crime drives capitalism, as it should.

Selling newspapers as a child is generally a way to avoid crime.

Ergo ...

Just sayin'


Lol no doubt many newspaper delivery boys ended up penniless in a boardinghouse as a chain smoker on disability etc. The Warren Buffett newspaper boy thing is a bit more esoteric than some give credit for. It'd not just about being industrious and starting early. The key bit is about accessing news headlines fast, before most others. Every day his young high IQ brain was soaking up the headlines, no doubt skim reading important bits, comparing it to the headlines from a day / week / month ago.
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