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The Abbott Government

If the cap fits dear Tanya. How you wish it had been one of the blokes that said it! You could really have hammed it up.

Truth is, along with Mark Dreyfus, you are a serial interjector, and Julie Bishop called you on it.

What a trio of Wallies.

I bet this went down well with Pacific Nations (no pun intended)

Peter Dutton overheard joking about rising sea levels in Pacific Island nations

These little gaffes usually give us a far more honest appraisal of what politicians really think.

At least Morrison has shown he has a reasonable degree of situational awareness.

Now the conspiracy theorist in me wonders if the Liberal right set this up to give Morrison a leg up in the pending spill motion
Now the conspiracy theorist in me wonders if the Liberal right set this up to give Morrison a leg up in the pending spill motion

I don't think anyone could forsee something so stupid as that comment.

And you're right. If politicians could be caught of guard more often we would know more how they really think, if you can describe that remark as "thinking".

So Syd, do you really believe the seas are rising?
So Syd, do you really believe the seas are rising?

Evidence shows sea levels have risen somewhere between 10 and 20 cm over the last century.

But I'm sure you BoltCorp news approved information sources are claiming the impending ice age is seeing sea levels fall.

Abbotts laugh pretty much shows his comments regarding the science on global is crap still hold true for him.

If he doesn't believe in it, why tell the electorate he does, why have direct action, why bother doing anything to lower the carbon intensity of the economy?

Is it OK for the Govt to go beyond stretching the truth or gilding the lilly, to outright fabrication?

Abbott / Dutton / Robb all claiming "ON a per capita basis we actually take more refugee and humanitarian entrants than any other country"

The truth is we are 27th, on a per capita basis, on the number of refugees we resettle.

Then Abbott is out claiming that "the great thing about what the Govt has been doing for small business right around that confidence is high" Sept 6 2015

The truth is business confidence has been trending down since the Abbott Govt took office. If you focus in on small businesses, they've been gloomy for over a year, with a net negative confidence figure for the last 3 quarters.

Then Abbott makes a bold claim "Since the Election we have had 335,000 more jobs created in our economy" Sept 6. Hockey went on to perpetuate the lie.

The truth is that by July 2015 there were only a net 165,000 new jobs. ABS figures in September 2013, there were 11,645,800 employed people, and in July 2015, there were 11,810,700 employed people.

What about Abbott's claim "We have got, right now, car sales at new record levels."

Ah no, the record level of care sales was set in the 12 months to June 2013 ie before the Abbott Govt.

Oh wait, surely Abbotts claim that "Housing approvals [are] at new record levels" has some truth to it?

Well, it's a half truth. In absolute terms he's telling the truth. We shouldn't forget that our population grows every year, and therefore so does our need for housing. Once you factor in our current population, and you look at the number of new dwellings approved on a per capita basis, then the record over the last 35 years was set in the 12 month period to June 1989, when 11.13 new dwellings were approved for each 1,000 people living in Australia at the time. This compares to only 9.23 new dwellings approved for each 1,000 people living in Australia for the year ending 30 June 2015 (which ranks only 9th in the 35 year period).

It's a shame the MSM lets the Govt get away with telling so many porkies

Syd, stop listening to that idiot Flannery.

Flannery said we would never get enough rains to fill our dams on the Ease Coast....Wrong.

Flannery said the seas would rise to the height of 10 storied buildings and yet he buys a block of land on the Hawksberry River just 2 metres above high water mark.

Some Pacific island give the appearance that seas are rising when in actual fact they are sinking because they are built on coral atolls.

I have traveled to many Western Pacific Island and PNG on business...I know what is happening because I have been on the ground to see it for myself.

So don't believe in that malarkey.

Syd, ABC Fact Check needs you !
Syd, stop listening to that idiot Flannery.

I suppose the difference between us is I may live through things if you're wrong. Odds on chance I'll be kicking on through the 2050s into the 2060s.

2014 was another record hot year for the globe. We've not set a record cold year since 1911. I wonder why

In townsville last night we still had to use a blanket because it was cold...never known this in mid September in the 44 years I have lived here......normally by this time of the year we have to turn on the air conditioners.

Canberra got down to 2 c this morning.

So localised weather is your refute of global warming.

So the fact California is going through heat waves and wild fires means....
So localised weather is your refute of global warming.

So the fact California is going through heat waves and wild fires means....

Global Warming??????What Global Warming?

There has been no Global warming for 18 years.

They now call it Climate Change.......Ah yes the climate changes every year and has done for centuries.

Syd, you are not keeping up with the modern times.

Noco, you are living in the clouds. Being pushed from the north and south due to the increased heat getting under the polar caps.

The weather as a result is becoming more volatile. Bit like the stock market in fact.

The earth was a fireball 5 billion years back, it should be cooling and calming, but due to oil and coal burning its gojng banana's, like yourself.

Off topic anyway, the rabbitt government do not refer to the subject at all.

Go back to sleep champ and let us Greens get on with the real job at hand. Looks like we are going to take a Lib seat here in Victoria soon. Farmers and the enlightened young are waking up and switching directly from your blasting bombs mob to the dismay of Labor too.

Would you like to comment on all the porkies that Abbott was telling on the weekend ?
Pacific Island nations react to Dutton's insensitive remark.

Kiribati president lashes Peter Dutton for 'vulgar' joke about rising sea levels in Pacific, urges action on climate change

I suppose some may say "who cares about a few little Pacific Islands", but it gives the impression that we are a bully that only cares about itself. Our trading and regional rivals will jump on this and our influence in the area will diminish, possibly leading to diplomatic and military repercussions later on.

my perception had been we had a particularly cold winter in Sydney. certainly I didn't enjoy heading to the train station at 5am

But that stats tell a very different story to my perception. the rainfall anomalies is worrying too.

june was even more extreem


Sydney! :nono:

You might want to review what you've said about employment. To assist, a link to the ABS monthly stats is below. 2015&num=&view=&

You're a smart boy Syd and you should be able to figure it out but to help, I'll give you a hint.

Note in particular the large correction to the number of employed persons between Dec 2013 and Jan 2014.

My bolds.


if you have to be so obtuse why would I bother
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