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The Abbott Government

So why mess with a system that's working?

Because that's what Liberals do. Seen it before and it's just how they work.

Take something that is working well, find whatever reason to force changes of the "set up to fail" variety, then when failure inevitably occurs use that as the justification to hand it to big business to run.

Labor does dodgy deals with unions. Liberal does dodgy deals with business. That's just how they are and have been for a rather long time.

When there's better things to reform like CGT and NG you'd be at yes minister levels of courage to try and shaft the people with a rise of the GST. It amazes me Abbott has turned his back on an easy $10B if he just reformed CGT and NG. Fix up the super tax concessions and you could easily fund an increase in the pension and pay off some of the debt.

Then tackle the massive level of fees (tax) on super funds. $23B is an awful lot of money to pay for not much.
sometimes satire is required to break through the noise


Just highlighting that some of the issues we face now had their genesis before the Labor Govt.

I have no issue with anyone criticising Labor for poor policy choices, but don't try to pretend that the Howard Govt were economic marvels.

You can't deny what you said,

"When does it stop being Labor's fault?"

They're your words published on this forum. You can't deny them.

In my response, I didn't discuss the Howard's Government's economic record.

You don't want to hold Labor to account on fiscal management after 2 years while still complaining about the Howard government's after 8 ??

It was a criticism of your good self for wanting to let Labor off the hook after 2-years while still complaining about the Howard Government after 8. Nothing more and nothing less.

My bolds, again.

I was responding to your comment

A am and I remember who created it.

Borrow and tax is the Labor way and in keeping with that, the bank deposits tax was originally their idea.

$111B over 2 years is a lot of borrowing and spending in my book.

But don’t trust me on saying the policies of the Howard Govt are still having an impact now. Your dear Leader Tony agrees with me.

So far he’s had to revoke the Howard era:

* Fuel indexation freeze
* Pension assets taper rate reduction

The tax white paper calls for the removal of the Howard CGT concession as well, but that's been nuked by Abbott.

As I’ve repeatedly said, much of the criticism of the Labor Govt is warranted, but this idea that everything wrong with the economy is their fault is blatantly false.

The seeds of the revenue crisis we face started with many poor policy decisions by Howard, some furthered by Labor like the unaffordable tax cuts as they went on a bidding war with Howard. Labor didn't force Abbott to give up the carbon tax revenue but leave the tax cuts and welfare payment increases in place. Labor didn't force the Abbott Govt to give the RBA over $8B that it never requested.

So the questions stands Dr Smith, when does the Abbott Govt take responsibility for the economic outcomes that are occurring under their Govt? If you argue it’s reasonable to blame Labor for the entire deficit that occurred under their Govt, which seems unfair when they faced the largest economic decline the world has faced in a couple of generations, then it has to be reasonable to blame Abbott for the $111B of debt increase under his Govt.
Good suggestion Mr Murdoch, but it comes 18 months too late, have you seen the opinion polls.

I don't think it will happen this side of Xmas 2015....maybe March 2016 with a DD could be possible.

The TURC may turn the tide after the Commissioner hands down his report before Xmas...

I also think Shorten may get a back lash for siding with the corrupt CFMEU over the CHAFTA.

It will be an interesting 6 months ahead.
That's not what you quoted. Go back and check for yourself. You quoted what I indicated above.

lets get the full flow of how I see the conversation progressed

to which you replied

Labor left many legacies.

One was an attempt to fund and build a nationalised broadband network.
Another was outsourcing immigration to illegal people smuggling operations and another was budget deficits stretching well beyond its time in office.

to which I replied

to which you replied


I refer to what you said earlier,

You don't want to hold Labor to account on fiscal management after 2 years while still complaining about the Howard government's after 8 ??

That's a double .

My bolds.

So how is it double standards when I blame Howard / labor / Abbott for the fiscal mess we're in?

You're the one who claimed that it's solely Labor Govts that tax and spend. I've shown that the Abbot Govt has continued to tax and spend. Howard was the biggest tax and spender of them all. The stats agree. the IMF agrees.
The government has sensibly decided to abandon plans for a bank deposit tax.

We seems to live in bizarro world when a slightly left of centre Labor Govts accept using the free market to get things done ie carbon tax and deposit tax, while the right of centre Abbott Govt goes the way of Direct Action subsidies along with free public insurance to the banks.

If you provided someone overseas with the above policies and asked them if they thought it was a centre right or left Govt proposing them, I can guarantee you few would think that a centre right Govt would be proposing what Abbott is.
If you provided someone overseas with the above policies and asked them if they thought it was a centre right or left Govt proposing them, I can guarantee you few would think that a centre right Govt would be proposing what Abbott is.

What happened to the Statutory Reserve Deposit that banks were required to make years ago ?

Funny how it now seems to be called a "tax".
What happened to the Statutory Reserve Deposit that banks were required to make years ago ?

Funny how it now seems to be called a "tax".

I think the LUG Party stole it some where between 2007 and 2013.

It is probably hidden in the LUG Party's offshore deposit on the Camen Islands.
What happened to the Statutory Reserve Deposit that banks were required to make years ago ?

Funny how it now seems to be called a "tax".

The USA is one of the few countries that still does. Australia Canada new Zealand UK all got rid of it years ago.

The theory is capital requirements are a better way to ensure adequate casual to protect against losses, though Australian banks are thinly capitalised.

I believe the SDR was removed during deregulation in the 80s. The prime asset radio dropped like a rock since from 12.4% in 88 to just 3.3% by 2000.
I think the LUG Party stole it some where between 2007 and 2013.

It is probably hidden in the LUG Party's offshore deposit on the Camen Islands.

You're showing your lack of understanding of what the SRD was. It was held by the banks, just like the various tiers of bank capital is as well.

While it was a Labor Govt that removed the requirement for banks to hold this capital, many of our peers within the OECD also got rid of the requirement during the 80s when bank deregulation was the in thing to do.

Strange how it took a Labor Govt to bring market forces into the financial sector. Not sure if was a good thing with the way the FIRE sector has metastasised into a cancer sucking capital from productive use and funnelling it into the most expensive housing in the world. Supposedly the market always knows best, but I have my doubts.
That's not what you quoted. Go back and check for yourself. You quoted what I indicated above.

Fair go DR, Syd is the only one here who really crunches the facts and dishes up really good info and opinion.

I don't think he is a real fan of Labor either but you are going to have to accept the current mob (Liberals) are in government and are really making a complete mess of it due to utter complete incompetence.

BTW great summery from Lenore
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