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The Abbott Government

I'd like to get in a frenzy, but it just ain't happening. Abbott is PM and he is the man in the driver's seat. This country is our collective country and we deserve good government. Unfortunately you haven't seen me go Rudd and Gillard because they were gone by the time I joined here.

I have no interest in binary partisan politics, I just know it's no good blaming someone who doesn't have the power nor the responsibility to do the job at hand.

The sooner people like yourself realise your blind faith in a broken govt is causing the rest of us pain the sooner you should realise we are worthy of better representation, no matter the political colours. Blaming Ifocus, Rumpole and me for the govt's failure is just as fatuous as blaming Bill Shorten for Tony Abbott's overt stupidity and it does not make you seem like anything but a slave to, probably, your parents political leanings.

You need to learn how to dog whistle before you try it in public.

It is somewhat unfortunate you didn't join the discussion earlier, then your posts wouldn't be as far out of step.

Our first criticism of Abbott, on attaining office, was his failure to call a re election when he didn't have an absolute majority.

He said he would, he didn't and has been on the back foot ever since.

He therefore has to be judged on the outcome of his decision, and on that count hasn't done too badly, when compared to the outcomes of the previous government.

i see in the papers today Indonesia need more cattle than they asked for, it wasn't long ago everyone was bagging Tony for Indonesia cancelling orders.
It may be a headline grabber, but for thinking Australians, it just highlights how shallow the media is.

With regard the boat people, Labor has now adopted the policy, which Abbott copped years of slurs over.

With regard welfare, how will Bill pay for it? That is the elephant in the room, someone has to pay for it and I don't think it will be Labors 50,000 boat people.

Also your intellectual replies, somewhat contradict the garbage you speak, unless you are an ex public servant. Then it makes
People will have to chose their future, on who they think will reduce spending, Labor or the Coalition.

I don't really think that spending reductions will figure in most people's minds if it's going to affect them personally.

Any Party that goes into an election saying that they will reduce spending on health or education or roads or public transport is going to have a hard time. In fact polls have shown that people would be prepared to pay a bit more tax if the standard of services was improved.

Both Parties are running tax scares. Labor with the GST, LNP with the Carbon Tax Mk2. The GST scare is more believable as a Liberal Premier is promoting it.

If the tax burden is not shared more equitably than it is now, it will go hardest on those who want the rich to pay less via super tax concessions and negative gearing, and the poor pay more via increased GST, Medicare levies and the like.
Also your intellectual replies, somewhat contradict the garbage you speak, unless you are an ex public servant. Then it makes

That's the spirit.

I must admit I did spend time in a state govt dept fresh out of school ... I never want to do that again = 3.5 years of mundane madness and servitude to unproductive policy, to be exact.

I'm a critic of just about every PM that has graced our country since and including Menzies. The highlight for me was a bloke who caused so much heartache for my business, but offset that with so much entertainment = Paul Keating, I wanted him gone, but wanted him to stick around; self inflicted sadomasochism.

I just don't see the reason for constantly deferring to an opposition leader for Govt policy bungles and ineptitude. It's the PM and his cabinet who are driving the bus, they are accountable; the opposition is merely the neutered alternative govt.

I have pi$$ed off more Labor tragics than I have LNP drones....and continue to do so on forums stacked with rsuted on Labor hacks.

Think of my stands:

anti gay marriage communion;
pro child protection;
pro free enterprise;
pro philanthropy;
pro wealth creation;
pro community service;
pro charities;
anti public service largesse;
pro social security;
pro pensions;
pro infrastucture;
anti militant unionism;
anti boys clubs;
anti communist;
anti enforced politeness (PC);
anti political skyfairy factories, e,g Catholicism; Judaism, Islamism, ;
anti drone obedience to corporate political parties (LNP, ALP, Greens);
pro Monarchy;
anti Newscorp;
anti poor govt;
pro Rumpole, Tink, Ifocus, Wayne, sptrawler, Noco, Value Collector, sydboy007, and every other member; (other than those who argue against the welfare and innocence of the child).

What part of that snapshot pigeon holes me into the grip of party politics? I didn't vote for Tony nor did you. I care that a party that is supposedly made up of some intelligence has a moron at its helm and every other moron in the country is drawn like toads to a butterfly convention to defend the de4d$4it.
Discomforting Article by Hugh White, Professor of Strategic Studies at the Strategic and Defence Studies Centre ANU.

The most relevant paragraphs are.

The government's recently-announced decisions on naval shipbuilding in South Australia put it on track to make all of these mistakes at once. It has decided to build ships in Australia which we could buy much more cheaply overseas. It has decided to manage this in a way that almost guarantees the same screw-ups that have plagued the ill-fated Air Warfare Destroyer project. And most of the money will be spent on big and complex warships which are irrelevant to Australia's key operational priorities and would be fatally vulnerable in the kind of high-intensity conflict for which they are designed.

It would not be hard for ministers to see these mistakes and avoid them, if they were really serious about making sure that Australia gets the most strategically cost-effective military capabilities as cheaply as possible. But there seems little doubt that such considerations hardly impinged on these decisions. Their aim was to announce big projects delivering lots of jobs and hence lots of votes in marginal seats in South Australia.

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I don't think it's right to term the Abbot version of unreality ad Orwellian, though I do agree about scaremongering.... continuation of the Howard years there.

Dystopic Orwellianism is the the exclusive proclivity of the Labor/Green Axis.

Traditionally you're correct but the data retention laws, the secrecy behind the 'operation sovereign borders' that may include making payments to people smugglers and the tough whistle blower laws on those that speak out against abuse in our detention centers all point to an Orwellian approach.
Are you saying the Green/Labor coalition would not have jumped at a similar opportunity?

Get real.

By that question you're conceding that the royal commissions have been political. As to weather Labor would with a similar opportunity well they didn't with the Iraq war so I don't see why they would have over 3 deaths due to pink batts. But Tony has set a new precedent that going after the former government by forcing them to turn over cabinet documents is now what is done to win some political point scoring. It's actually incredible when you think about it, he has spent well over 100 million attempting to discredit the Labor party with his witch hunts but yet is still behind in the polls which is a good indication that he has done an appalling job at governing the country.

Interesting and odd that I often disagree with a lot of your posts but my "stands are 100% in line with yours. I agree with you also on your description of you know who.
I suppose you can only admit the Govt is at least consistently inconsistent

Now, wasn't it a Howard Govt minister that blocked the bald hills wind farm from being developed due to concern over the orange bellied parrott? Why is that a legal due process, but the finding for the Adani coal line is some how green lawfare that must be stopped.
Crackerjack article by Miranda Devine. My bolds. I'd have been happy for the Coalition to dissolve both houses much earlier in the piece.

Consider this, Fairfax blogger Clementine Ford called Miranda a "F--king C---" in her blog, and yet still has a job. Outrageous hypocrisy. Miranda is worth ten of you, potty-mouthed Clemmy.


More continuing hypocrisy by an increasingly hypocritical government.

Only people with a "direct interest" in a mining proposal will be able to take legal action to stop it. What if those people have been bought off and the mine ruins the land for people who may have been interested in moving there because of it's environmental purity ?

The environment belongs to everyone in the country, not just people who happen to be living in the area at the time.

I noticed Miranda slipped this into her article:

Stop running a protection racket on a protection racket, stop smearing a High Court judge and … give the honest workers and honest unionists of this country a fair go.”

It's the same signature line Bishop was using in parliament yesterday....the differentiation of unionists versus workers and the honest ones in both camps.

This is a departure from the ubiquitous demonisation of unionists by LNP (an ingrained policy plank), but of course blaming high costs of anything on the cost of labour ..... nothing to do with their own extraordinary wages and salaries for pushing pens.

Never a mention of the sky high CEO pay, nor the linkage to CEO pay and an inverse relationship to company performance.

No understanding of the issues surrounding us beating even Italy in tax expenditures, or the high cost of corporate tax and stamp duties have on the economy. No will to move the tax system to far more efficient taxes, mitigating any negative impact on lower income groups via the transfer system.

Instead we have the Govt against tax reform on most things where just about everyone else, including industry groups, is calling for meaningful reform. But it's Labor and the unions fault. Hopefully they realise people don't believe that lie anymore and are starting to wake up to the fact the Govt reform cupboard is bare.

Wasn't it only six months or so ago, you were bagging Hockey for not chasing multinationals tax avoidance?

Now we read he is going to chase them, maybe you could congratulate him, your beloved Labor did sod all about it, when in office.

Lets hope the government has the guts to reveal by how much these measures have increased the corporate tax take.

At the moment I suspect it's more for show than dough, but if the measures do work then that's a tick for the LNP.

So far all hockey seems to be doing is following what labor proposed in showing publicly what these companies are paying and hoping they'll be ashamed into paying more.

Is hockey actually proposing any changes that will make off shoring profits harder?

Like I said, Labor six years, sod all.
Let's see if Hockey is any better, time will tell.
Operation Hummingbird is playing out ..... in the Liberal ranks
Like I said, Labor six years, sod all.
Let's see if Hockey is any better, time will tell.

Could also say Howard Govt 11 years and did sod all as well. Not like this issue has just suddenly happened in the last few years.
The Canning By election? What are the bookies saying?? Who's standing?? Even money on a 20% swing against the Lib(/Nat coalition, you've got to see them as one, since the invite to the cabinet room vote on marriage equality)?? .. Probably a little less ..... but not much.
If you think the back benches are 'upity' now, just wait till the 20th of Sept..........
Is that a bucket of prawn heads in the sun? or is it the Abbott priministership.....
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