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The Abbott Government

Absolute shocker Liberals inviting a sitting RC commissioner to a fund raiser (politically negates its intended purpose), Hard right tearing each other apart to protect Abbott's leadership from Morrison, moderates have had enough of branch stacking real and in the party room, Hockey is still treasurer.

Best gauge how bad its been is Shorten has been invisible.
Nice summery from Barry Cassidy

Coalition is losing its advantage across the board

Bunch of absolute losers
Add to the woes the Liberal Daily has had enough of sheer stupidity or personal survival interests.

Barry Cassidy again

Is this Abbott's swan song?
Given Abbott's and his office behavior he has likely trashed the Liberal brand beyond Labors wildest dreams

Rudd and Gillard are largely responsible for Abbott being PM..........Abbott will solely be responsible for Shorten being PM.
Tony Abbott's leadership faces new dangers as Fairfax-Ipsos poll predicts Coalition wipeout

Rumpy, I would not get too cocky about an Abbott wipe out until after the RC into union corruption is handed down at the end of the year.

We may well see a different poll.

Abbott is a fighter and a survivor irrespective of the fact that I believe Morrison would do better as a leader.

Morrison has the charisma to handle the media and that is what is needed.
Rumpy, I would not get too cocky about an Abbott wipe out until after the RC into union corruption is handed down at the end of the year.

I don't think it will matter now that the Commissioner has been shown to have the appearance of bias (if not the actuality). People will take the RC as a political witch hunt and will ignore it.
I demur; This government sets a new low point from all future Governments will be compared.

On a seemingly conscious effort to put the plebeians offside I would agree, vis a vis perceptions of being out of touch.

On actual policy? Mate, you have got to be joking. Does your memory not extend back a mere ~3-7 years?
Tony Abbott's leadership faces new dangers as Fairfax-Ipsos poll predicts Coalition wipeout

A long way to election day just yet. And even then, fairfax poll has labor winning the last election. Anything that comes out of that paper is generally leftist trash lately.
I don't think it will matter now that the Commissioner has been shown to have the appearance of bias (if not the actuality). People will take the RC as a political witch hunt and will ignore it.

Which people are you talking about?

I only see the Green/Labor left wing socialist and the unions seeing it as a witch hunt.

When will you get it that the RC is about the union corruption and not the Labor Party.

The RC has already found so much evidence of union corruption, intimidation and bullying.

What are you afraid of?

Is it the fear that an ex union leader who now your fearless leader may get caught in the net.

If Shorten has done nothing wrong, then he has nothing to fear.

Get over it.
If Shorten has done nothing wrong, then he has nothing to fear.

Ha ha ha.

If Abbott was the subject of a Royal Commission led by a sympathiser of the Labor Party you would be crying foul and issuing accusations of bias.

Now it's the Libs turn to cop the flak, so get over that.
Ha ha ha.

If Abbott was the subject of a Royal Commission led by a sympathiser of the Labor Party you would be crying foul and issuing accusations of bias.

Now it's the Libs turn to cop the flak, so get over that.

What the hell are you talking about?......Your post does not make any sense....It all seems purely hypothetical.
What the hell are you talking about?......Your post does not make any sense....It all seems purely hypothetical.

I understand my post may not make sense to you, that's the pity of it.

The RC has been tainted by the perception of bias, and whatever conclusions it comes up with will be tainted.

Fair enough if it only investigated current union activities, but when it dragged up Gillard and Shorten who were long out of day to day union affairs (and found very little against them), were times when it marked itself as a political witch hunt.

I doubt if it will have much effect on the rusted ons of either Party, and I doubt it will have much effect on the swinging voters either, as it no longer passes the sniff test of impartiality.
A long way to election day just yet. And even then, fairfax poll has labor winning the last election. Anything that comes out of that paper is generally leftist trash lately.


They are like a pack of hyenas.

Agree with your post too, noco, regarding Abbott and Morrison.
That's great news for the coalition, it will mean Shorten will hold his position as leader of the opposition.

Tony will just keep having commissions of inquiry until he can find a smoking gun or even a child overboard. The Oz public lap that stuff up and vote obsequiously to the person with the least amount of stench.
The common thread is lousy judgment, a poor sense of political priorities, inept messaging via the media, and a tin ear for the concerns and the reactions of the electorate...

Isn't that the truth. At least Gillard was being white anted. Abbott does it all himself. He is hopeless. How did he ever make it as a politician? Or as one very senior media exec said to me the other day "his background doesn't lend itself to forming consensus views".

The perception of bias is only being flaunted by the Green/Labor left wing socialists because of what they fear most of all.

Maybe your comrade Gillard is not yet off the hook.....I believe that one may be ongoing when they bring back Wilson and Blewitt........It is not over until the fat lady sings.

And despite calling Fairfax leftist etc. the truth is they aren't going to win the next election with Tony in charge. Minds within the Liberal party need to be concentrated.
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