Ho ho ho .
Is the ABC more influential than Alan Jones and Andrew Bolt ?
Surely not.
The difference with your argument is all the other programs the left controlled ABC has like Insiders, QandA, Media Watch, 7.30 report, Lateline, teh Drum and Virginia Tripioli on the ABC breakfast show....They are all anti Abbott....There is an imbalance as to what you are referring.
Amazing how you can make such a sweeping statement. As far as the Breakfast Show goes there is more trivia and idle chit chat than any serious political commentary. As for the others, whoever is in government gets the coals raked over them by all the media, it comes with the territory and if they can't take the heat...
Amazing how you can make such a sweeping statement. As far as the Breakfast Show goes there is more trivia and idle chit chat than any serious political commentary. As for the others, whoever is in government gets the coals raked over them by all the media, it comes with the territory and if they can't take the heat...
This is one thing I agree with Noco about. The ABC does have a strong leftwing bias. Yes they attack all stripes of government but nearly always from the left ie their big fights with Hawke and Keating were over Iraq and East Timor respectively.
PS welcome back Noco. Glad you are well.
You seem to overlook the fact we are living in the 21 st century and the work place has had some dramatic changes from the last century when we never had it so good.......Mining and manufacturing were thriving and the demand for higher wages, particularly in mining, was easy to get, however those days are now gone with the poor prices for coal and iron ore most companies have had to curtail their operations......But it seems many from from the left and the corrupt unions are incessant in blaming the Abbott government.
I don't know if companies always reward their best employees. In my current job I've had pay rises ranging from 0% to 5% over a 4 year period, yet my review has always had me as the 1st or 2nd best performing worker in my team. The company has produced a record profit in each of those years, so the crappy pay rises wasn't due to a lack of funds.Successful companies embrace selective workers in their growth strategies and avoid the loafing union hacks whose sole intent is on how much they can get out of their boss for as little work as possible.....conscientious employees are rewarded for their efforts and productivity results.....Believe me...I have been on both sides.
As for the greens sabotaging the Carmichael coal mine, if we don't follow the rule of law, then by definition we are lawless and that's what you get in a failed state. Why do you support a coal mine that needs $100 or more per tonne of coal to break even? Why not buy a near bankrupt coal mine or company? Could step n to buy the bankrupt Alpha Natural Resources (4th largest coal producer in the USA), or possibly Patriot Coal in the USA. Maybe Peabody Energy as their shares have dropped (plummeted) from $16 to just $0.99 or how about Arch as their shares dropped from $33 to $1 as well. The world is awash with coal. Why build an expensive new mine when you could buy brownfield sites for mere cents in the $? Maybe it's just your latent communism where you like a big lick of Govt subsidy to help things along?Then we have to put up with the rot from the Greens who have sabotaged the the largest coal mining project in Queensland because they say it with disrupt the life of a skink and an ornamental rare snake.......Coal which was destined for India for power plants where some 300,000,000 are still without electricity....Up to 10,000 jobs have been lost due to the Greens stupidity....Queensland's unemployment has now reached 6.7%.
I often repeat John F. Kennedy...."Think what you can do for your country and not what your country can do for you"......The problem with many in this country of ours, we are too greedy and want everything for nothing.
This is one thing I agree with Noco about. The ABC does have a strong leftwing bias. Yes they attack all stripes of government but nearly always from the left ie their big fights with Hawke and Keating were over Iraq and East Timor respectively.
PS welcome back Noco. Glad you are well.
The ABC has consistently come out ahead of commercial networks in "who do you trust" polls, and no wonder when we have a doyen of the Right Alan Jones exaggerating the cost of wind power by 10 times. If people like him can't get his facts straight, no wonder people trust the ABC more.
The ABC has consistently come out ahead of commercial networks in "who do you trust" polls, and no wonder when we have a doyen of the Right Alan Jones exaggerating the cost of wind power by 10 times. If people like him can't get his facts straight, no wonder people trust the ABC more.
Funny how you aren't willing to recognise the fall in revenue during the Labor years as the main reason for the deficits.
So, what is your explanation for why productivity was lower under workchoices than the IR system pre and post work choices?
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I don't know if companies always reward their best employees. In my current job I've had pay rises ranging from 0% to 5% over a 4 year period, yet my review has always had me as the 1st or 2nd best performing worker in my team. The company has produced a record profit in each of those years, so the crappy pay rises wasn't due to a lack of funds.
As for the greens sabotaging the Carmichael coal mine, if we don't follow the rule of law, then by definition we are lawless and that's what you get in a failed state. Why do you support a coal mine that needs $100 or more per tonne of coal to break even? Why not buy a near bankrupt coal mine or company? Could step n to buy the bankrupt Alpha Natural Resources (4th largest coal producer in the USA), or possibly Patriot Coal in the USA. Maybe Peabody Energy as their shares have dropped (plummeted) from $16 to just $0.99 or how about Arch as their shares dropped from $33 to $1 as well. The world is awash with coal. Why build an expensive new mine when you could buy brownfield sites for mere cents in the $? Maybe it's just your latent communism where you like a big lick of Govt subsidy to help things along?
The Norwegians are divesting from coal. Standford University is divesting from coal. CBA has walked away from financing the uneconomic Adani project. Coal will be around for a while yet, but it's economic importance is fast falling by the wayside.
I'm so glad you're out supporting the poorly paid CEOs in Australia on 100 times the average wage, some even more. It's a poor showing when in say the USA they could be on 300 times the average wage. No wonder they need to cut Sunday shift loadings, though I'm not sure how that'll improve productivity.
The ABC has consistently come out ahead of commercial networks in "who do you trust" polls, and no wonder when we have a doyen of the Right Alan Jones exaggerating the cost of wind power by 10 times. If people like him can't get his facts straight, no wonder people trust the ABC more.
ABC doesn't often get facts wrong and just talk **** like say Alan Jones. It's the stories they run and what they focus on that portrays their bias. For example I think on no other issue is their stance so clear as on asylum seekers. If any international organization prints something critical of Australia's treatment of asylum seekers it will be a headline on the ABC for sure. On gay marriage they'll run soft pieces with families with "two dads" or "two mums" (although that blew up in their face when one of the "two dad" families they profiled turned out to be child molesters).
The ABC certainly got it wrong with those two child molesters, however I say that its part of their brief to try and cover all angles of a story, not just be a government mouthpiece. When the asylum boats were coming under Rudd/Gillard there was daily coverage, no trying to cover it up or hide behind "on water matters", the Labor government's failure was reported by the ABC as much as by other media. So, you want the ABC to cover up the Coalitions mistakes ? That's not their job.
I agree with that, but there no doubt that an organised mass of people provides opportunities for thuggery, extortion and self gratification of those in charge of the unions, and we have certainly seen this manifested in the past in terms of airline strikes, petrol strikes, train strikes, green bans and the like.
That we have had 30+ years of relative industrial peace owes a lot to the likes of the Hawke/Keating reforms and moderate union leaders like Shorten, (even though vestiges of thuggery still remain in the Labor party's factional system) than it does to any "reforms" like Workchoices made by the Conservatives.
People like Crean, Rudd, Latham & co have fought to reduce this influence and make the Labor party more representative. They still have a way to go, but they have made advances.
Prices for coal and iron ore will rise again and it is anticipated it will happen in 2016......
Thanks for your kind thoughts banco.....Two weeks after my procedure I feel like a new man.....a lot more energy and a lot less being lethargic.
I repeat my earlier advice to all ASF members, don't delay being checked out if you become out of breath or suffer even the mildest of chest pain......I became out of breath for some weeks before and nearly left it too late....Another 4 days and I was goooooooone.
The ABC has consistently come out ahead of commercial networks in "who do you trust" polls, and no wonder when we have a doyen of the Right Alan Jones exaggerating the cost of wind power by 10 times. If people like him can't get his facts straight, no wonder people trust the ABC more.
Now if we can just get rid of Virginia and her dogmatic know everything persona.
What does moving QANDA to the news division set out to achieve? And why is it a game changer for Abbott and his servile ministers?
labor's revenue increased from 2007 to 2013....It went from $272.633 billion to $367.041 billion
If you consider your self 1 st or 2nd best and your company does not recognize your worth then it must be your self assessment...If you believe you are worth more, then negotiate with your boss for more remuneration or seek other employment which may recognize your valued experience....But do your homework first.
With regards to your comments on the coal industry, you may be living too much in the present time and not thinking ahead when coal prices will begin to increase in 2016 with the high demand from India who find coal fired power stations are by far the cheapest to run and with modern anti pollution equipment CO2 emissions are almost zero......I repeat again, India has 300,000,000 people living without power, so coal will be around for decades to come...We have enough coal to last another 300 years, so why not sell it when you can.....40 or 50 years from now we may eventually see the merits in nuclear power which is now favored by the South Australian Labor premier....Bob Hake is even promoting the use of nuclear power and and the deep earth storage of of spent rods.
Even the Queensland state Labor Government wants the Adani project to proceed as they need the royalties to prop up their failing government with 6.7% unemployment.
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