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The Abbott Government

Removal of the double-dipping parental leave has been one of the better government decisions in many years.

It's been a rort, at the expense of their private sector and stay-at-home sisters.

Emma Alberici, the ABC have been grooming her for years, she complies obediently to the prevailing orthodoxy. As does Leigh Sales.

What might have been.
Away overseas on hols at the moment been out of contact in paradise surfing the dream and find this thread dormant...............wonder why then I see the budget and the spin jaw dropping is the polite way to describe it all.

I this mob for real?

Seriously will Abbott do any thing to get re-elected and against a weak ineffectual opposition, desperation plus as new lows reached.

Got that off my chest now back to paradise and the next wave to catch, after another Bintang please .........

Boleh saya minta satu dingin kecil Bir Bintang .. cepat cepat. Is what you should have said IFocus
Strong results for the Coalition and Prime Minister Tony Abbott in new poll results
Strong results for the Coalition and Prime Minister Tony Abbott in new poll results

Seems that people have forgotten that if it wasn't for the Opposition the Budget would be full of booby traps for those on lower incomes and those who could not fight back with big donations to the Liberal party.

This is the most political budget from the most untrustworthy government in decades, and if they think it's an election winner, they should have a go at one.

Private sector companies are complaining that they will have to renegotiate their workplace agreements now that offering paid maternity has been declared null and void by the Govt.

I find it strange that people who've probably negotiated away some take home pay are now viewed as double dipping rorters.

The Govt isn't funding the private sector paid maternity leave, and enjoyed the lower wages from having the public sector negotiate for it.

They've basically flip flopped from telling woman for years that 6 months is the minimum time they should be home with their child while receiving Govt support to being told 18 weeks is pretty much it.
I find it strange that people who've probably negotiated away some take home pay are now viewed as double dipping rorters.

Or you have the other side of the coin, where workers have negotiated away most of their maternity leave for a pay rise.

As has happened in my daughters work place, which mainly is composed of older women.

Funnily enough she is on around $40k a year, paid for IVF (no partner), saved enough to support herself for 12 months leave without pay. Her EBA included two weeks paid maternity leave.

The really interesting part is, she doesn't complain, just gets on with it.

It is something she decided to do and she did it. My wife and myself have helped as much as we can, but she never asked for assistance.

It shows there are people, who are responsible enough, to accept their responsibilities.

The majority of people have not forgotten the financial mess the Green/Labor socialist coalition left the country in, in 2013.

Abbott tried to stop the extravagant spending by Labor 2007/2013 and Shorten is trying the stop the savings Abbott is trying to make in this current period....The Labor propaganda machine pound the footpath with this NO..NO..NO.. by Abbott as an excuse to retaliate.

You can read Labor like a book.

Meanwhile Abbott is out spending every last dollar saved, and then some more, to try and save his political bacon.

He's canned any talk on the GST, super taxation reform, Negative Gearing, and pension income. The tax white paper has been neutered to the point of wondering why he wasted the money to run it???? Hockey was scathing of Labor for ignoring the Henry Tax Review, yet he's quite happy to nod away while Abbott basically stalls any meaningful reform.

What will you say when it starts to become obvious the utopian budget settings aren't occurring and the deficit starts to head for the mid 40s?

At what time does the current Government start to own the deficit?
At what time does the current Government start to own the deficit?

Do you not remember "that" kid at primary school who was always on the periphery telling tales, cajoling, spreading innuendo, blaming anyone but himself/herself for whatever was supposed to be wrong, basically lying through his/her teeth and causing friction and hate for the sake of it? Did you ever see that kid take the blame for anything? ....did you ever wonder what happened to the little snot and what crack he/she crawled back into?

Then there is the minority of us who don't forget the misery from high interest rates in the eighties caused by gross economic mismanagement during the late seventies. Us who don't forget how trade pacts negotiated by the ALP govt between our Asian neighbours were hijacked by the LNP because of overt racial bias and pro USA sentiment. Us who don't forget the troops sent to a war that had no foundation in Iraq. Us who don't forget the lies on election eve about babies overboard. The lies that economic management of selling public owned institutions (established by a nationalistic ALP) to pay down debt is good economic management, and now the cupboard is bare there is nothing else to sell so lets have a go at state assets.

We don't forgive or forget the "propaganda machine" that is News Corp and it's manipulation and exclusion of facts and fairness.

We don't forget how stupid and naïve this govt and the previous govt is/was. We want maturity of governance for Australians where we are allowed to be traditionally politically incorrect and allowed to have a go without all the fricken trade restrictions from govt red tape and permissions. That's really what we true blues want = to be left alone to make a quid and enjoy life don't you think?

Words fail me so I thought I would respond with a series of cartoons instead that aptly describe the political mood of the Australian sheeple when the Labor government were in power.
This is the Abbott govt thread. You need to post that in the ALP thread instead.
Just reminding the squeaky wheels that it is not a one way street

I appreciate that too. But by now you would realise I'm impervious to tribalism and if I'm a sheep I'm generally a lone one on another street altogether. I blame my political pedigree for the scepticism of all things political.
Wolves attack the lone sheep first

Meanwhile back at the ranch ...
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