Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

The Abbott Government

Yeah Bugs. Very righteous indeed. Certainly would be turn up for the books to see Honourable people in parliament.

But I take you back to the comments of Peter Reith when this scandal broke a few days ago.

But former Howard government minister Peter Reith disagreed, describing the wedding expense scandals as ”petty” and arguing that politicians should be entitled to unlimited travel…As a minister Mr Reith racked up a $50,000 phone bill at taxpayers’ expense, which he repaid.

And lets remember the role Peter Reith played in the children overboard outcry. This was the incident upon which the Howard Government built its infamous "we will decide who comes to Australia" slogan.

It was Peter Reith who produced doctored pictures to say that asylum seekers had thrown their children overboard.

That lying piece of merde stood up using fabricated information and demonised and poisoned the whole asylum debate. He was called out by Virginia Trioli from the ABC for his misrepresentations (yep that bastion of anti Liberal propaganda) but brazened it out.

Actually he did it the same way he brazened out the $50,000 bill his son ran up on his mobile phone.

And this particular DisHonourable member was given a plum overseas post after office to repay his special dishonesty.

In case anyone here wants to argue that black is white check out the facts ( and feel free to deny them anyway.)

PM goes overboard with top Euro post for Reith

By Mike Seccombe
April 17 2003

Loyal . . . Peter Reith. Photo: Wayne Taylor

A parliamentary committee labelled him a deceiver. He quit federal politics as the most scandal-prone member of the Howard administration.

But loyalty counts for more than notoriety. Yesterday, the Federal Government revealed it had appointed Peter Reith to a plum overseas posting that will pay him $250,000 tax-free a year.

The Treasurer, Peter Costello, announced Mr Reith had been selected from a shortlist - which included other former Liberal politicians - to be Australian executive director to the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. The three-year term will start on August 1.

The position is a handy sinecure - while the Australian Government decides who gets the job, Europe picks up the tab.

A previous Howard appointment to the post was another controversial former minister, Jim Short, forced out after falling foul of the Prime Minister's code of ministerial conduct.

Mr Costello said Mr Reith was qualified for the job by virtue of his record as a cabinet minister.

The Opposition took a slightly different view. Yes, Mr Reith's appointment was due to his former role as a minister. But the real reward was for his role as defence minister in perpetrating an election-winning untruth.

The Government first claimed children were thrown from a refugee boat near Christmas Island on October 7, early in the 2001 election campaign.

In spite of the fact that the naval chain of command quickly concluded no such incident had occurred - and informed Mr Reith or his office of that no fewer than 14 times - Mr Reith did nothing to correct the record.

The Prime Minister, John Howard, also continued to make the claim throughout the election campaign, and later told Parliament he had relied on advice from Mr Reith - given as late as November 7, a month after the non-incident - that children were thrown overboard. A Senate inquiry found Mr Reith had "deceived the Australian people", but was unable to establish whether Mr Howard also knew the truth. Mr Reith refused to give evidence.‎
I will tell you who is "pathetic", it is you Burns. The Tough guy who always took the high moral ground against any indiscrestion by the Labor Party.

I will give you a tip, Burns, if Tony Abbott is rorting the system, I suggest YOU KEEP YOUR BIG MOUTH SHUT.

LOL Macquack, on the piss again getting all brave and self righteous.:D:D:D:alcohol:

Tony Abbott is the Prime Minister Macquack your team of serial rorters and incompetent weaklings have ben tossed out.

The worms at the ABC will beat this up as much as they can, but no ones listening.

Have a cry Macquack:cry::cry:
Yeah Bugs. Very righteous indeed. Certainly would be turn up for the books to see Honourable people in parliament.

Children overboard ?

Are you one of the save Albert Park group as well ?, they've been going since 1994, the GP still seems to be there.

Make the caps as big as you like you lost that one and will continue to lose and fail in the grand tradition of Labor and their lemming followers.
LOL Macquack, on the piss again getting all brave and self righteous.:D:D:D:alcohol:

Have a cry Macquack:cry::cry:

Your standard response to anyone who questions you, is that, they must be drinking.

Is that your best response?

Laughs on you Burns, "pathetic".
Your standard response to anyone who questions you, is that, they must be drinking.

Is that your best response?

Laughs on you Burns, "pathetic".

No the standard response to how you react to criticism, you remind me of the Tasmanian Devil in the Road Runner comics.


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As most of us would have guessed the rorting is on both sides of politics as the hypocritical Mark Dreyfus charged tax payers for a ski trip.

This blatant misuse of tax payer money needs to be sorted out once and for all, it's simply not acceptable that questions are raised about the expenses and they simply pay the money back. There is some real lack of accountability when it comes to white collar crime in Australia and it needs to start at the top.

Absolutely, I hope this rorting is exposed to the point that the government is forced to apply the same rules the ATO apply to everyone else.
Lax rules encourage corruption and deception.IMO
I'm a bit suprised this information wasn't brought to light earlier, when the Slipper issue was current.
No the standard response to how you react to criticism, you remind me of the Tasmanian Devil in the Road Runner comics.

Tassie at his finest.

With regard to an earlier comment about why the travel claim issue didn't appear in the media before the election, it simply wouldn't have made any difference. It may in fact end worse for Labor.

FORMER attorney-general Mark Dreyfus says he will repay $466 he charged taxpayers for a two-night skiing trip, amid growing pressure on Tony Abbott over his entitlements claims.

The Labor MP, who earlier today called for an investigation into Coalition expenses, confirmed to The Australian he claimed travel allowance for staying two nights in Canberra in August 2011, when he was in fact at Perisher Valley.

As those who have taken a politically partisan view have discovered, it's not limited to one side of politics.
Seems.fairly clear

Abbott says his expenses were legit, he's up front about it so let someone make a decision, if he's wrong he pays it back, simple.
The APEC summit has been completely overshadowed by this hissy fit of triviality by the ABC

There's a big difference between claiming expenses you genuinely believe are legitimate and deliberate cheating.
Children overboard ?

Make the caps as big as you like you lost that one and will continue to lose and fail in the grand tradition of Labor and their lemming followers.

Absolutely correct Mr Burns. Peter Reiths lies managed to swing the debate and save the government.
But clearly I was referring not to the political outcome but the disgraceful way Peter Reith conducted himself at the time.

But who cares? After all the only thing that matters is winning Government and making sure you can keep you nose the trough and your millionaire mates well fed doesn't it ?

In that sense Peter Reith articulates the "real politic" approach that he ran and believes in - everything I do as a politician is work and I'm entitled to claim for the lot.


OK that was a bit of a rant. But if you think about it one of the features we try to feel proud of in Australia is a relatively non corrupt political system. In fact we often make pointed comments about the corruption in other countries where politicians make billions from deals and trash the country into the bargain.

From the publics point of view its also important to half believe their representatives are honest and have the publics interest at heart. In that sense that is why all of them try to look honest.
Absolutely, I hope this rorting is exposed to the point that the government is forced to apply the same rules the ATO apply to everyone else.
Lax rules encourage corruption and deception.IMO
I'm a bit suprised this information wasn't brought to light earlier, when the Slipper issue was current.

It will depend on Labor. They have as much to loose politically and financially about any crack down. Hopefully we will see similar changes as when Howard was forced to change the politicians super scheme.

When you let the foxes run the chicken coop, well we're seeing how that works out eh.
I knew a of a council mayor years ago who was on the take from developers
He ran a consultancy, he would push any developments they were involved in
I checked his list of pecuniery interests and nothing was listed.

I witnessed him sitting in the public gallery in a council meeting dozing off till a matter came up that was in the interests of one of his clients

He tore strips off the resident who made an objection.

He went on to become a Lib politician in Vic and held high office.

I tried to warn the party but nothing was done as far as I could gather, nothing public anyway.

While the system can be rorted by worms such as this there is little hope of honest Govt in Australia.

I think we would all be shocked if we knew the true extent of it.

What Abbott is accused of is trivial by comparison and is only being promoted by the ABC for political reasons. has a very good overview of the current state of play with travel claims by politicians. The article also includes the rules politicians are supposed to follow.

Apparently Tony Abbott has claimed at least $10,000 on travel trips with his family to sporting events, concerts ect.

Prime Minister Tony Abbott claimed over $10,000 for family travel in 2012

Gemma Jones and Jessica Marszalek
News Limited Network
October 08, 2013 10:00PM

Tony Abbott says it's legitimate for the public to pay for his expenses relating to charity events.

THE Parliamentary expenses saga continues to widen, with news that Tony Abbott claimed expenses to take his family to sporting events, and Labor MPs also caught up in the scandal.

Former Trade Minister Richard Marles claimed flights to Labor MP Michael Danby's 2008 Parliament House wedding but said he had meetings in Canberra the next day.
I knew a of a council mayor years ago who was on the take from developers
He ran a consultancy, he would push any developments they were involved in
I checked his list of pecuniery interests and nothing was listed.

I witnessed him sitting in the public gallery in a council meeting dozing off till a matter came up that was in the interests of one of his clients

He tore strips off the resident who made an objection.

He went on to become a Lib politician in Vic and held high office.

I tried to warn the party but nothing was done as far as I could gather, nothing public anyway.

While the system can be rorted by worms such as this there is little hope of honest Govt in Australia.

I think we would all be shocked if we knew the true extent of it.

What Abbott is accused of is trivial by comparison and is only being promoted by the ABC for political reasons.
The politicians you are talking about sounds like the scandals of the late 70's which resulted in the Labour party coming to power through John Cain. (see reference below)

Unfortunately the corruption of politicians by developers is notorious. It seems to be more prevalent on the Conservative side of politics but there have been plenty of Labour pollies on the take as well.

To me it seems as if the adage "its just business" is allowed to explain almost anything. Perhaps a few terms in jail for corruption would straighten up politicians and developers alike. (Fat chance here)

The question of appropriate use of public funds to reimburse politicians goes beyond Tony Abbotts claims. It will never be black and white but it would not be hard to have a more open and transparent overview. series/lcj/1-20/wayward/ch13.html (Chapter 13: The Victorian land scandals 1973-82
There is an excellent article in The Age by Tony Wright which brings back memories of how John Howard initially demanded high standards from his Ministers. The same standards also resulted in Labour Ministers being sacked.

In the context of 2013 they seem trivial but the principles of honesty in office were on the table.

Rorting rules unchanged, and behaviour much the same

October 9, 2013

36 reading now
Comments 28

Tony Wright
Tony Wright

PM defends expense claims

Tony Abbott comes under further pressure over his expenses claims as one of his own MPs calls for more transparency.

The words ''travel rorts'' in Australian political vernacular are a signpost to a road that can end in disaster for those who take it, and Prime Minister Tony Abbott would know it better than most.

In 19 years in Parliament, he has witnessed up close some of the most spectacular casualties among those who have been judged, or merely accused, as rorters.
John Howard.

There was, of course, the Labor turncoat and champion rorter Mal Colston, and now Liberal defector Peter Slipper, both pursued relentlessly by former colleagues furious at being jilted. But Mr Abbott doesn't have to merely consider the ruin that can afflict defectors.

Three years after entering Parliament, he watched as political patron John Howard took just three days in September 1997 to sack three ministers over what became known as the ''travel rorts affair''.

Howard's code of conduct demanded everything a minister did should be ''calculated to give the public value for its money'' and that they did not abuse any of their privileges.

That high-minded code has long been discarded, which is fortunate for Abbott. He'd likely have to sack himself and several of his new wedding-frolicking ministers under its severe prescriptions.

Read more:
The example I gave above is just a small sample.

What goes on overseas is major crime in many countries, Indonesia, Italy and on and on it goes.

Even in Sydney the police force was knee deep in corruption some time back and politicians likewise.

NSW is rotten to the core.

It seems to go with the territory..........I wish the media would go full bore into the real corruption and stop pussy footing around with what they're doing now, yes it's worth looking into but it's just hardly the tip of the iceberg.
I don't know why the Labor Party and the media are pounding Abbotts expenses claim business when the Labor party should be explaining some of their own rorts like Simon Crean travelling at tax payers expense to attend Bob Hawkes 80th birthday party.

Wayne Swan is in Washington as we speak attending soem economic conference at tax payers expense....To what benifit will this be for Australia...OMG.
I don't know why the Labor Party and the media are pounding Aboots expenses clam business when the Labor aparty should be explaining some of their own rorts like Simon Crean travelling at tax payers expense to attend Bob Hawkes 80th birthday party.

Wayne Swan is in Washington as we speak attending soem economic conference at tax payers expense....To what benifit will this be for Australia...OMG.

This needs to be cleared up and in particular the HAVE to try to weed the deliberate cheats from those who claim what they believe to be legitimate expenses.

The media go for the lowest common denominator and the ABC is disappointing in this regard, they should be above that.
Whistle blowing corruption ? What a great idea !!

Perhaps someone should set up a way for people to safely expose corrupt practices (making sure of course the charges have evidence to back up the claims)

Thats right. Didn't Julian Assange set up Wikileaks for that express purpose ? I seem to remember he got lots of praise for it - until he got a bunch of files from inside the US government and was called a spy and is now on the CIA hit list.

Good idea though: as long your guys don't get tripped up.:eek:
This needs to be cleared up and in particular the HAVE to try to weed the deliberate cheats from those who claim what they believe to be legitimate expenses.

The media go for the lowest common denominator and the ABC is disappointing in this regard, they should be above that.

I disagree with you on this one Mr Burns. The challenging of all uses of parliamentary travel entitlements and reimbursements is not small change either financially or ethically. The initial focus on Tony Abbott and other Ministers doesn't mean everyone else is not having a very careful look at what they have been claiming.

Its a bit like getting the letter from the ATO asking you to provide documentation for all those tax deductions you made in the last 3 years...

In terms of misrepresentation though I think News Ltd has scraped the bottom of the barrel again in its attack on Labour MPs coming to Canberra to elect the new leader.

Its a joke isn't it ? For once a political party has to actually consult its membership and have a public debate on the qualities of its new leader. Regardless of the party one would think this was an improvement of the current political process and worth supporting.

In this case the party members have to go to Canberra on clearly political business. And yet the Murdoch press attempts to tar this cost with the same brush as the questionable personal travel claims by politicians.

Whistle blowing corruption ? What a great idea !!

Perhaps someone should set up a way for people to safely expose corrupt practices (making sure of course the charges have evidence to back up the claims)

Thats right. Didn't Julian Assange set up Wikileaks for that express purpose ? I seem to remember he got lots of praise for it - until he got a bunch of files from inside the US government and was called a spy and is now on the CIA hit list.

Good idea though: as long your guys don't get tripped up.:eek:

The trouble is the people you're complaining to are also corrupt in many cases.