Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

The Abbott Government

Headline on ABC web site, scrolling ticker no less -

Breaking news - PM Tony Abbott defends claiming travel expenses for ironman, Pollie Pedal trips

The ABC really are pathetic..............
I fear a bleak future in that we will have to accept living within our means for at least the next decade.

I don't see it at least for another couple of years or so. We are drunk on cheap money, high dollar combination, that has given rise to "treasure island", compounded by GST free online out-of-control consumer growth under $1,000k. Continued sell-out to overseas interests will continue unabated & unchecked. 2 trillion dollar super industry including SMSF's will just add fuel to the fire. We dodged the gfc bullet. Liberals seem to want to flood this country with free trade agreements without thinking of the consequences. All we need now is the RBA helicopter to throw money at us, just like bernanke's helicopter. Full steam ahead IMHO. My view make hay while you still can.

But...the Tibetan monks might be right about one thing...."after the ecstasy the laundry" as the saying goes.

That's when it will get interesting.
Headline on ABC web site, scrolling ticker no less -

Breaking news - PM Tony Abbott defends claiming travel expenses for ironman, Pollie Pedal trips

The ABC really are pathetic..............

I am waiting for this biased ABC to tell us about the 60 odd claims made by ALP pollies in the last 6 years.

But then I guess I will be waiting a long time.
So NOCO why don't you tell the ABC them all about the dodgy claims for wedding trips that Labour has claimed ?

I'm sure Bolt has his usual list of BS stories you can use.


I think it is very fortunate for the Liberals that these claims weren't raised before the election. Makes one wonder about how/why journalists (newspapers ?) didn't see fit to open the discussion a few months ago. In particular it would have been fascinating to see how Tony Abbott handled the question of his claiming taxpayers funds to go to Peter Slippers wedding.

Oh well. We'll never know..
As most of us would have guessed the rorting is on both sides of politics as the hypocritical Mark Dreyfus charged tax payers for a ski trip.

This blatant misuse of tax payer money needs to be sorted out once and for all, it's simply not acceptable that questions are raised about the expenses and they simply pay the money back. There is some real lack of accountability when it comes to white collar crime in Australia and it needs to start at the top.
They all have sticky fingers don't they ? It's not surprising to see Labour pollies with equally dubious expense claims.

What is interesting is realising that both major parties (not the Greens mind you) teamed up to pass legislation that that would hide scrutiny of expenses claims.

Again it will be interesting to see if Tony Abbott decides that open and accountable government that controls its own costs is in the interest of the community. (Look at the flying pigs!!!)

Expense claims kept secret: a team effort by Labor and the Coalition

It took just three minutes for both major parties to exempt three key departments from freedom of information scrutiny

lee rhiannon
'We’re calling on the government to come clean': Lee Rhiannon. Photograph: AAP

Millions of dollars in expense claims by federal politicians are shielded from public scrutiny, as both major parties passed a law blocking access to information from both houses of parliament in May this year.

It took just 10 minutes for the Coalition and Labor parties to agree to pass legislation that blocked three crucial government departments – the Department of the House, Department of the Senate and Department of Parliamentary Services – from freedom of information (FoI) laws.

The office of the Australian information commissioner, which is the watchdog for FoI laws in Australia, issued guidelines in 2012 that said all parliamentary departments were subject to open access laws.

The commissioner's findings paved the way for the Sydney Morning Herald to obtain documents about the expenses claims of Peter Slipper and other politicians until the act was passed.
As most of us would have guessed the rorting is on both sides of politics as the hypocritical Mark Dreyfus charged tax payers for a ski trip.

This blatant misuse of tax payer money needs to be sorted out once and for all, it's simply not acceptable that questions are raised about the expenses and they simply pay the money back. There is some real lack of accountability when it comes to white collar crime in Australia and it needs to start at the top.

Once you accept we gave up democracy and now live in a plutocracy it all makes sense.

All are equal, just some more equal than others.

Those at the botom face the consequences, those at the top get let off. Only have to look at the CEO or Gunns selling out his $3M worth of shares using inside knowledge escaping with a paltry fine. ASIC not bothering to looking into corruption within the RBA or corporations.
In the middle of this kerfuffle it's worth remembering how cruelly Peter Slipper was treated for his "crimes". (which will prove to be no more criminal than the multitude of creative accounting tricks already fessed up.

The following comments summed this up.

That's why Slipper was so surprised that Brandis went after him for just $900 in taxi vouchers.

We need a widespread MP expenses investigation as they had in the UK, like in the UK those who should go to jail need to do so.

Brandis went after Slipper under orders from his Leader..Abbott.
It was never about the money.. it was all about exacting revenge... Abbott wanted Slipper crucified for taking on the Speaker's position.

The gross hypocrisy of Abbott claiming expenses for attending his former friends wedding, and then having him referred to the police for almost the same thing.. is vomit inducing

abbotts now repayed over 11,000 dollars counting his book tour.i think this qualifies him as a serial rorter.he shouldn't be pm he should be in the dock with his old mate slipper.what a two faced duplicious conniver he is.
Headline on ABC web site, scrolling ticker no less -

Breaking news - PM Tony Abbott defends claiming travel expenses for ironman, Pollie Pedal trips
The ABC really are pathetic

I will tell you who is "pathetic", it is you Burns. The Tough guy who always took the high moral ground against any indiscrestion by the Labor Party.

I will give you a tip, Burns, if Tony Abbott is rorting the system, I suggest YOU KEEP YOUR BIG MOUTH SHUT.
They all have sticky fingers don't they ? It's not surprising to see Labour pollies with equally dubious expense claims.

What is interesting is realising that both major parties (not the Greens mind you) teamed up to pass legislation that that would hide scrutiny of expenses claims.

Again it will be interesting to see if Tony Abbott decides that open and accountable government that controls its own costs is in the interest of the community. (Look at the flying pigs!!!)

Plutocracy at work, funded by the great unwashed
Headline on ABC web site, scrolling ticker no less -

Breaking news - PM Tony Abbott defends claiming travel expenses for ironman, Pollie Pedal trips

The ABC really are pathetic..............

The only bias going on there is your confirmation bias.
ABC headline right now- Expenses critic Dreyfus caught up in claims saga.

Have an actual think about it MrBurns, the ABC are reporting Abbott defending himself against the expense claims that were in the tabloids earlier, a bias would be to report the alleged claims against him but fail to report his defense.
So let me get this straight

Abbott gets Slipper to face court over expense claims.

Abbott claims expense's for attending Slippers wedding.

Adults in charge?

See you nitpicking whingers at the next election. :sleeping:
I will tell you who is "pathetic", it is you Burns. The Tough guy who always took the high moral ground against any indiscrestion by the Labor Party.

I will give you a tip, Burns, if Tony Abbott is rorting the system, I suggest YOU KEEP YOUR BIG MOUTH SHUT.

Well you can shut up some of the people some of the time but you can't shut up all of the people all of the time.

The Rort cat is out the bag. Its going to morph into a scandal especially since slipper is the fall guy, whilst everyone else runs for cover. $100 million dollars of taxpayer money for expenses should be to serve, not self service regardless which side of politics you lean.

I simply don't get it, if you get paid so much and have so many privileges to be able to do your job, then it says more about the individual persons integrity and judgement if they feel the need to put their fingers in the public till for small change.

Clearly not passing a simple integrity test to demonstrate your fit to hold an honest trustworthy office, that is the message going out to the people of Australia IMHO.

Maybe some heavy fines and a record just like social security fraud - now lets see the justice system dish out fairly.

Hopefully one day we can re-install proper salutation ' Honourable ' in its true sense for politicians.