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The Abbott Government

It would take a very brave politician to debate or question the new anti-terror laws now.

But as the Captain said, the delicate balance between freedom and security will have to shift... for some times to come.
Heard Abbott in his press conference this morning in New York for the UN security council meeting saying that he is there because Australia is a good global contributor that does the right thing. Well Tony if that were the case then you would have also attended the UN climate summit held yesterday in New York that featured most world leaders. It really isn't a good look and certainly doesn't encourage international investment into renewable energy when our PM can't take the matter seriously enough to attend a world summit when he is in the same city the following day. It's a bit like if I travel to Brisbane I have to see the in-laws, I don't want to but need to do the right thing to keep up appearances.
I have to hand it to him, that was the best speech in the interests of Australia and the World I have heard for a long time. No polywaffle, it was succinct, it was intelligent , it was what we have come to expect from erudite and educated men...hands down David Cameron's words were inspirational. Shame our national leader didn't have the same delivery, but David made Obama look like an apprentice too.

Tony Abbott's speech was just a rehash of things he has already said. I wasn't particularly inspired by it.

No one has the guts to mention the elephant in the room, which is that ISIL can't conquer anyone without arms and ammunition and from where and how are they getting these ?

If countries are required to put restraints and inconveniences on their citizens, they should be required to put restraints on their manufacturers of arms and ammunition and dry up the supplies of these to people who shouldn't have them.

If ISIL can't kill people, there is no fun in it for them anymore and they will dry up as a force.

You need to listen to David's speech, it included a major swipe at the Islamic community leaders in his own country and the hate they ferment.

I think the unanimous resolution last night in the UN was to ban sales of arms to IS and affiliates.

Try telling all that waffle to North Korea, Iran, Russia and China.
You need to listen to David's speech, it included a major swipe at the Islamic community leaders in his own country and the hate they ferment.

I did hear parts of Cameron's speech and it was very good. I think he is a strong and articulate leader who has a presence on the world stage.

I think the unanimous resolution last night in the UN was to ban sales of arms to IS and affiliates.

About time. If they hadn't sold arms to Saddam Hussein years ago those arms could not have been captured by ISIS.

The point is of course that these countries could sell to a middleman who then sells to ISIS. This area has always been very porous and un-regulated and needs a special overseeing body to monitor it.

If you consider Global warming (oops sorry Climate Change) is crap why would anyone want to go to the UN Climate Summit.

Why would you want to mix with the likes of Ban-ki Moon, Al Gore and Leonardo Di Caprio who are all GREENIES......Di Caprio is a good mate of Al Gore......Ban-ki-Moon walks hand in hand at a rally with Al Gore who all have a mind set that the Climate change is man made when we all know man made CO2 only contributes 3% of carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere......."GET UP" tries to make us believe that man made CO2 is 28 % and guess who is a foundation member of "GET UP" ....the one and only Bill Shorten........It has been confirmed by the ICC there has been no increase in Global temperatures in the past 17 years.....So why would anyone want to go to the UN Climate Summit to listen to incorrect information and lies.

The UN Secretary General should be above politics and not be biased towards one group or the other.

IMHO the UN are a useless bunch of cronies who are only interested in lining their own pockets....particularly Al Gore who is all set up to be an CO2 emissions trader.

Combet gave the UN $599,000 of tax payers money at the Can Cun Mexico Climate Change conference plus 10 % of the the Australia carbon dioxide tax which has just been scrapped.

So as far as I am concerned Abbott has far more important items on his agenda.

Our PM shouldn't be as close minded as climate deniers nor should they be an alarmist but some middle ground is what is need from a leader. Obama and David Cameron have got there but Abbott seems a long way off. By attending but not making bold statements might give the renewable energy sector some confidence that we are open for business.

I absolutely will concede though that I don't like the look of having celebrates at an event that I believe should be between world leaders and scientists, climate change shouldn't be about product placement and wins it no creditability from non alarmists.

It's not the right thread for this so I don't want to go into it but all your points have scientific rebuttals, these are not my rebuttals but rather from experts who actually study the climate for a living. I honestly don't think you will take the rebuttals into account though, I don't think you're prepared for even the remote possibility that you may be wrong on this. Personally I'm happy to be wrong, I just require most the experts to come out and agree with a peer reviewed paper that concedes the planet isn't warming or that humans have no control over the warming.

Could you please provide some legitimate sources to your claim that 10% of the carbon tax went to the UN, I think in early days this was discussed but was never legislated. I haven't found anything to indicate either way, a few right wing bloggers have early blogs stating the 10% but nothing recent. This is a recent article by the SBS that doesn't mention money going to the UN at all But if you can prove otherwise I would love to know.

I must concede Combet made a pledge of $599,000 and 10% of the carbon tax collected for the UN Climate Change Committee but like many Labor's promises and pledges they are more often than not broken and it is no surprise to me the ABC, the Age and the Guardian did not report on the back flip......Had it been the conservative government who had reneged on the deal it would have been all over the headlines and a Labor induced senate inquiry......but ah alas, not a word has been spoken....I am also surprised to learn the UN had not pressed the issue with the then Labor Government.

I do not believe Obama and Cameron are really interested in the UN Climate Change conference and their indulgence is skin deep...they are there because they feel obliged to be there....At least Abbott is up front and does not hide what he believes in.

There are some interesting facts in the link below which has a lot of merit.

On top of my years of interest, reading and speaking on the topic, the information in this report comes from the 4 IPCC reports, The Australian Governments latest comprehensive reports, a variety of credible scientific articles and news broadcasts.

While the world toils over the whole debate, division appears an important part of the agenda, misinformation, spin, and self-interest clouding the truth, if indeed a simple truth exists. The biggest looser is unfortunately the future of the environment, the one part of the game; both believers and deniers have lost sight of, and the very thing that could unite us all.

If we study the United Nations IPCC reports, the facts support both sceptics and believers, the world is to continue warming, regardless of any action we take, due to the time lines associated with climate warming, the lead authors and chairman of the reports in the most have been critical of the final result, some what a direct result of the UN’s self interest, the trillions of dollars they will control over the next decade to play the worlds Robin Hood, (10% of our Carbon Tax, will go direct to the UN) appears to have had an impact in their final released reports.

*“Australia’s suite of measures appears to have been much more cost effective and to have produced more abatement.”

So lets get into the facts, Australia produces around 1.2% of the worlds carbon dioxide emissions, of the 3% man contributes to the total out put of Co2, which is only a minor percentage of green house gases and we are not about to shut down, so at the best we may be able to cut back our emissions by 20% on 1990 figures over the next 20 years, at a cost of upwards of 12 billion in the first year alone.

To the every day Aussie, this means by 2020, twice the amount of people, will have to live on a lot less resources, and endure a much higher cost of living, heading us back to hardships we have all worked hard to put behind us.

Australia will join with a hard full of countries that combined emit around 11%, of the worlds 3% contribution to Co2 emissions, while some countries will not only continue on with business as usual, but continue to increase their emissions and seemingly with less environmental protections than we presently have worked hard to achieve.
Herewith another link to digest on the ill fated carbon dioxide tax.

This news was so boringly predictable I almost didn’t post it, but numbers like this of actual outcomes of visionary Big-Government Experiments are hard to come by.

Seven billion dollars works out to $350 per person, and $1,350 per household of four, for one year. If Bill Shorten (leader of the opposition) had to knock on doors to collect this tax, there would be a riot in the street tomorrow.

The Australian reports that the $1,350 from your house for the year to Sept 2013, produced an emissions fall from 543.9 million tons all the way down to 542.1 .

Have seen Cameron perform on the floor of the British parliament, makes our current conservative leader leader look 3rd rate and shallow.
On matters dividend imputation,

My bolds.

As a parliamentary statesman he certainly makes Abbott look pedestrian.
Cameron put involvement in the middle east to the hope of that happening here

That's just silly. The government has the full support of Labor. If the parliament were to waste its time allowing the Greens to rant on, it would make no difference to the outcome.
Try to be a bit realistic, IF. Your Labor Party has been at pains at every possible juncture to assure the voting public that they are lock-step with the government on the whole ME and general terrorist issue.

I think what IFocus meant is we ought to have some debates before going to war. That the PM shouldn't just have the power to send the troops off on "missions" or "operations" without at least some form of debates.

But you're right, it wouldn't be much of a debate anyway.

I think it was John Madison, one of the founding fathers of the US, who said something like - there's no greater wisdom in the constitution of the US than to put the power to declare, and fund, war in the hands of Congress and not in the Executive arm of gov't.
That's just silly. The government has the full support of Labor. If the parliament were to waste its time allowing the Greens to rant on, it would make no difference to the outcome.
Some might be unhappy with Bill Shorten's position on this issue.
One area ripe for reform in my view is where companies use their franking credits to structure share buybacks to suit the tax circumstances of specific shareholder groups with an example being the current Telstra buyback.

In short, the options available for a company to distribute capital should either be a capital distribution without franking credits or an income distribution (special dividend) with franking credits to all shareholders at a nominated rate per share.

The ATO should also be able to look sideways at any proposed arrangement that has the capital component of a share buyback at significant odds with the prevailing market price.

Sending our best off to war shouldn't be done lightly IMHO.

Debate in the house forces questions and the government to make their position clear, public statements can be broken backtracked etc statements in the house hold the individual and or government to account.

The British hold to Westminster conventions for good reason Abbott in particular seeks to break and or avoid.

It would also have been interesting to possibly see Labor caught out playing politics rather than policy on this and other matters Shorten continues to play small target politics.
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