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The Abbott Government

Yep, probably Tony Abbott is behind the entire disaster that is the ME, just so he can play war games and get a lift in the polls.

He is milking it though, trying to be the new Menzies, just like Howard tried and surprisingly succeeded somewhat.
I like how Abbott says terrorist want to take our freedom away then proceeds to do just that.

This bit is really dark
Julia, I hope you are not serious.
No, of course not. Just indulging in some rare sarcasm which seems an appropriate response to some of what is posted above.

He is milking it though, trying to be the new Menzies, just like Howard tried and surprisingly succeeded somewhat.
Would you care to outline how, instead, he should be managing this situation?
Would you care to outline how, instead, he should be managing this situation?

Possibly the Theodore Rosevelt doctrine - Speak Softly and Carry a Big Stick.

I believe we need to do something to show IS isn't all powerful and that the west will stand up to repugnant militant Islam. A few losses and their aura will fade.

I just don't like the posturing and fear mongering of the Government. The security agencies seem to be doing their jobs effectively with the current laws. Did we need the media whoring of a potentially imminent threat of a 2 man band?

If we're not putting boots on the ground in the middle east, and only contributing a few air planes to the offensive measures, then our bark seems to be bigger than our bite. We seem to be talking as if we're taking a leading role in things when we're not even in the back seat yet.

Terrorists have been exhorting for people to take action against the USA / UK / West for decades. Why are we getting ourselves into such a tizzy over a group that seems to lack reach outside Iraq and Syria? Why are we multiplying the effectiveness of their propaganda machine?

Report new information once, then ignore then. Remove the oxygen and the flames will quickly die off.

A couple of hundred thousand dead Syrians and we barely shed a tear. A couple of westerners beheaded and now we're going to bomb them to kingdom come to use Dubya speak.

Now I'm hearing the USA is sending "moderate" Syrian rebels to a new training facility in Saudi Arabia. Hopefully it pans out a bit better than their last effort where the training base in Jordan provided IS with their military core.
Yes, he should send the greens over to Iraq to negotiate.


Excellent idea. Might solve one of our domestic problems at the same time.

I see dutchie has already said he was being sarcastic so has beaten me to it.

ABC Radio reveals once again where its bias lies: in their repeated news reports the sequence of last night's events, they headline:
Man who Made Threats Against PM Shot

suggesting he was shot because he made threats.

He was shot because he first stabbed an AFP officer several times, this officer now in a critical condition, and a Victoria Police officer twice, then headed with his weapon in toward the police station.

Draw your own conclusions as to his further intentions.
I think that is being hyper critical

The headline is obviously accurate.

People can take it however they like, according to their own particular political bias.
We will have to disagree on this. The headline provides a particular slant which does not include the vital fact that the police retaliated after being attacked.
Don't worry IF.

You're safe.

They can't even use you as a feather duster.

Not surprised by everyone jumping on the nationalistic bandwagon against the baddies (interpretation, suckered by a politician elected on three worded slogans) but I am surprised at how everyone glosses over the loss of freedoms of the press that are very 1984.

What happens when the lunatic communist left wing Fabian unions get back in and start running the country using the same laws......
What happens when the lunatic communist left wing Fabian unions get back in and start running the country using the same laws......
No worries.

We don't have anything remotely anywhere near that in the Australian political spectrum.

Don't think any Arab-Australian would be going to visit any Parliament in Australia for a while. So the ban is somewhat unnecessary. But yea, I thought that under any circumstances, if the police or security/migration agent need to verify your ID, you are to remove your hat and facial covers so they can do their verification... no?
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