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The Abbott Government

One wonders then, exactly what the point of the classes are.

It remains the only bone that can be given to the the theocons in the Abbott Government (including the PM himself).
For the same reason Labor sold the Commonwealth Bank to pay off Labor's bad debt.

The coalition is selling Medibankd to pay off Labor's bad debt again.

And the 3 Telstra floats?

Dont tell me, its all Labor isn't it...even with surging government revenues and almost zero debt, it was Labors fault.
Tolerance is a critical value in a western liberal democracy like Australia. It was for this reason that I intended to address the World Congress of Families meeting in Melbourne tomorrow.

The calls for me not to attend demonstrate the intolerance of the Greens and the left -instead of arguing their case in the public arena they seek to shut down debate.

-- Kevin Andrews.

Security issues yet again .......the only way they know how.
And the 3 Telstra floats?

Dont tell me, its all Labor isn't it...even with surging government revenues and almost zero debt, it was Labors fault.

Howard sold off Telstra to pay of Keatings Labor debt of $86 billion.

You Fabians have such short memories or perhaps you may have still been in nappies then.
Howard sold off Telstra to pay of Keatings Labor debt of $86 billion.

You Fabians have such short memories or perhaps you may have still been in nappies then.

Noco 'old darling' sit down have a horlicks. Now google 'future fund/ telstra' you might learn something about where the money came from and what it was for...
Now for the hard part, 'Neo Conservative Economic Rationalisation' . There's a bit in, it so best you start now. It will explain a lot, even about the sale of the CBA.

From deep inside the Carapace... orr.

p.s Milan Kundera — 'The struggle of man against power is the struggle of memory against forgetting'............. but it helps to remember the right things.
It remains the only bone that can be given to the the theocons in the Abbott Government (including the PM himself).

So some of their mates can get on the Board and the CO will get a 5 mil a year pay packet with bonuses. I think Telstra may even be better than that, let's make it 10 mil plus.

First lots of shares are usually allocated via brokers to big players to get it all started. Be a good one to watch noco.
Howard sold off Telstra to pay of Keatings Labor debt of $86 billion.

I doubt that was the real motivation. It's like saying someone sold off their house to repay the mortgage. Or is closing a business in order to repay business loans. It's not a rational thing to do unless you have either no choice (which wasn't the situation at the time) or some other motivation for wanting out of the house, business etc.

Telstra was sold for ideological reasons and it's the same with most other privatisations.
Adding a few zeros to various large banks deposits in the USA and EU doesn't seem to have the same weimar effect like it used to.

Its a bit like the earth heat sink effect woth global warming. They have spread the paper creation lending ponzie over a much greater area.

The coming weimer will stuff the whole western show this time.

In my very humble opinion, of course.
Tony Abbott names white settlement as Australia's 'defining moment', remark draws Indigenous ire

Technically he may be right, but do some things always need to be said ?
How high is the rising unemployment rate again?

The Liberal daily hasn't mentioned it

Foreign worker influx for Darwin looms

Well Abbott was charged with indecent assault
The case involved an allegation that Mr Abbott, then a 20-year-old student leader in the heady days of campus politics, groped a woman activist on stage before an audience of 200.
and later dismissed. I haven't heard Labor or lefties bring this up so I think you have your answer and Vanstone is just creating a storm in a teacup.
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