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The Abbott Government

Judith Sloan explains the budget much better than Abbott and Hockey, so why all the beat up from the Greens and the comrades of the Greens.......Why is Shorten adamantly opposed to it?....why are we having streets riots and protests?....Why is the media all hyped up about it?

Perhaps when the results become more positive in 12 or 18 months, the budget will overshadow the good results of border protection.....By then voters will come to realize how negative the Labor Party and the media were in 2014.
Most people here seem to be shrugging off the broken promises in the budget and saying first and foremost must be to fix the deficit. I know the deficit needs to be fixed, and the sooner, the better, but for me the broken promises are actually the bigger issue.

What message does it send to our politicians if the electorate stands back and says “We know you lied in the lead up to the last election, but that’s ok because what you are doing is very important”? We’ll have them saying absolutely anything to get elected, knowing they will never be held to account.

It’s time to draw a line in the sand and say you can’t treat the electorate like this. I think this is hugely important for our democracy. It could well be doomed if we continue down the path that started with “core and non-core promises”, then lead to “no carbon tax in any government I lead” and is now at the point where “no new taxes” and so much else that was said in opposition is turned upside down by a new government.

Perhaps the most infuriating part of all this is that Abbott needn’t have got himself into this position. Instead of making ridiculous promises at the last election, all he had to do was say that when he was prime minister he would be prepared to make hard and unpopular decisions for the good of the country. I certainly would have still voted for him.

Yes, I entirely agree with what you say and this has been going on with politicians as long as I can remember when they would stand on the corner of our street on a soap box and preach what they would do....nothing has changed in time.....we have all made promises in our personal lives and for some reason, have had to break those promises......Abbott, in my mind did not have to say a word before 07/09/2013 and he still would have romped in given the poor fiscal record of the Labor Party and their 500 promises they made to bring the budget back into surplus in 2013

However, putting all that aside, it is the end result that counts and I believe those broken promises will be over shadowed by the Coalition if they can bring the current mess of debit and deficit left by Labor under control.....too much emphasis has been placed by the media, Labor, the Greens and PUP on "BROKEN PROMISES" and they will no doubt flog it to death until 2016.......But in reality, it is really hypocritical of Labor who have and will continue to do it just to gain some political point scoring and in the short term it has worked in their favor.....They tried to do the same on border control and have since finished up with egg on their faces.

So lets wait and Judith Sloan commented, the budget is not as bad as some people are portraying it.
Rumpy, I would have been so disappointed if I had not received a response from you.

Did you bother to read the link?

To read it , apparently I have to give money to Rupert Murdoch and that is against my principles

Perhaps you would care to post the full text here ?
Knobby said a few days back;

My only hope is Clive Palmer who seems to have more interest in the average person.

A forlorn hope.

+1, but are people ready to put the country in front of their self interest such a minority that can not swing a vote???
To read it , apparently I have to give money to Rupert Murdoch and that is against my principles

Perhaps you would care to post the full text here ?

Rumpy, you have to be aware of copyright infringements.

Don't be only costs $14 per month and I am sure you could afford it......don't worry about your principles or if you prefer, just donate the $14 to Bill.
Do we need to fix the budget? Well yes, we do.

But we live in society, there's far more to life than the economy which is just one part of society, and all things financial are a means to an end and not an end in themselves.

In short, this government seems to be focused on the budget to the exclusion of everything else. At with anything, once it goes to one extreme then it usually swings back the other way violently in due course. Therein lies the danger, we've gone from disregarding finances to a virtual panic and we'll then go back the other way. What we need is some balance - fix the budget but don't panic and don't ruin other aspects of society whilst doing so.
What we need is some balance - fix the budget but don't panic and don't ruin other aspects of society whilst doing so.

Well Smurf, Tories don't think much about society, Margaret Thatcher said there was no such thing. All they believe in is the power of money wielded by individuals. Keep government small and let the business tycoons sort out the country's problems.

Which they never do of course.

This attack on Abbotts family has been orchestrated by Shorten in an attempt to discredit Abbott.

What a low life coward Shorten is.....even the Secretary of the Electrical Trade union stated this morning on the Bolt Report, "An attack on Abbott's family is uncalled for and that the Prime Ministers family should be left out of it".

Shorten denies role in PM family attacks

May 25, 2014 5:01PM

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Tony Abbott's wife Margie Abbott arrives at the National Press Club

Margie Abbott (pic) does not do enough charity work says former first bloke Tim Mathieson. Source: AAP

LABOR has angrily denied suggestions that Opposition Leader Bill Shorten orchestrated a series of attacks against Prime Minister Tony Abbott's family in the media.

Mr Abbott's family was thrust into the spotlight this week, with criticisms made about his wife's charity work and allegations of favouritism involving two of his daughters.

The prime minister accused some media outlets for "dirt digging", but one of his senior government ministers has now blamed federal Labor leader Bill Shorten for orchestrating the "repugnant" attacks.

Health Minister Peter Dutton accused Mr Shorten of withdrawing from the media at the same time his office "quite deliberately" launched these attacks against the Abbott family.

"I believe very strongly that this is an orchestrated attack by Bill Shorten and it needs to stop," Mr Dutton told Network Ten on Sunday.

Mr Shorten's office has rejected the allegations, calling them "wrong, hurtful and completely without foundation".

"Bill has made his position very clear that families should not be dragged into the political debate," a spokesman for Mr Shorten told AAP in a statement.

"This shows the government will stoop to any low it can to distract from its budget failure."

AAP understands the prime minister's office was contacted by Mr Shorten on Wednesday when questions started being asked about a $60,000 scholarship awarded to Mr Abbott's youngest daughter Frances.

It's understood Mr Shorten told the office Labor was not behind the story and believed families should be kept off limits.

A subsequent story carried complaints about the appointment of Mr Abbott's eldest daughter Louise to a government job in Geneva.

Yet another story published on Sunday aired criticisms from Julia Gillard's partner Tim Mathieson about Margie Abbott's commitment to charity.

A spokeswoman for the prime minister declined to comment on Mr Dutton's allegations, saying the stories about the Abbott family were of a personal nature and a distraction from the budget.
This attack on Abbotts family has been orchestrated by Shorten in an attempt to discredit Abbott.

Any proof of that ?

Attacking people for being "low lifes" without evidence is as despicable as you seem to think Shorten is.

Shorten doesn't need to attack Abbott's family to discredit Abbott, Abbott is doing a good enough job of discrediting himself.

Apparently you neglected to read this in your own post

And it's all hypocritical anyway after Abbott bought Gillard's late father into politics with the "died of shame" comment.

But that was not an attack on Gillards father.

Bill Shorten will hide behind other people like Mathieson and others from the Fabian Society, GET UP and the radical students union.......He makes the 'bullets' but is too much of a coward to fire them himself.
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