Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Taxpayer to fund Obesity Surgery?

It's quite probable that the surgery would be cost effective in terms of reducing ongoing morbidity.

The difficulty I have with it is that offering surgery to people who won't change their diet and lifestyle seems to me like implying tacit approval for not taking responsibility.

Hi Julia
What's the possibility that, for some, eating can be as addictive a behaviour as smoking, alcohol or using drugs? I think it is far more than just a case of people "who won't change".
Then there is the possibility of other underlying psychological and/or medical conditions.
I'm not suggesting that anyone should be able to turn up to a surgeon and have obesity surgery. The surgeon should have parameters as to who is, or is not, a suitable candidate and also have support services [such as a psychologist with appropriate expertise, a dietitican and an exercise physiologist] available.
Best wishes
[Had my say and will leave it to others now].
I know someone who had it done, it just didn't work and led to problems, it had to be taken out in the end.
It's no fail safe solution, willpower is the only way or a health clinic or farm where you only get to eat what they give you.
(no it wasn't me)
If a morbidly obese person was offered $1m to lose weight within a certain time-frame, the chances are they would achieve it.
Yep, I'm sure you're right. Really good illustration of how it's about motivation.
Eat right .. go vegetarian or vegan, eliminate weight issues, other diseases caused by meat/fat, save Earth from accelerating global warming ...

Eat right .. go vegetarian or vegan, eliminate weight issues, other diseases caused by meat/fat, save Earth from accelerating global warming ...


after reading this i decided the 2 fresh goats in the back are ready for slaughter.

Lean, good for you, non processed (killing them myself) and very tasty. To me thats green living.

Of course ill be serving it up with some side greens :)
I can't see how using expensive and fairly intrusive surgery is ever a better solution (not to mention the further compications of reduced food intake, such as the need for vitamin and mineral supplements).

Eating less would only necessitate using vitamin and mineral supplements if the diet was seriously deficient.
No need for supplements if the diet is balanced and natural.
But I guess very few fatties would be eating healthy, natural food. And I doubt if they're likely to change their diet if they're losing weight as a result of the stomach banding.

It really does annoy me that we have to pay for the foolishness of irresponsible people who wreck themselves through over-eating, smoking, booze, drugs etc.