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Swine flu pandemic fears

hey maybe this swine flu was here all along we just didn't test for it before.
the count is now 874 in melb and rising that would be the only explanation as the more people we test the more we find them.:


I wonder how many people with a bit of a sniffle who haven't bothered to go see their quack actually DO have a Flying Pig on board without even realising it?


Damn it.

The gummint should be promoting Piggy Parties all over Oz to introduce the kiddies to some viral stimulation, thus warding off future Hog Health issues. :dimbulb:


I suspect that Casualty wards have been flooded with people who just have the sniffles and not swine flu. No emergency section could deal with those numbers. And Victoria isnt even going to test anymore except for exceptional cases. What a joke!
I've just spent 4 weeks in Mexico, and guess what? I'm alive!!!!! Whoohoooo!

(hope I haven't spoke too soon)
This thing is so over dramatized it is dismissable.

Masks won't protect you - yeh and all the 'officials' where them.

Until tens of thousands die a day then I'll think about it.

Media and polies always have a new sensation up their sleeve to keep them in focus. Unbias news - no such thing - just pure entertainment for fools.
re masks, u want to do a little research. some fail since they r just a poor fit, plus often they help prevent spread of disease via supression of spreaders.
but different masks have different ratings, up to the paranoid, full scale, full face replacable filter types. i know rather obvious.
they r probably a big waste of dosh till it gets a little more lethal.
who is just worried as we r comming into winter.
this flu does not compute

this flu does not compute



do not tell anyone if you have this flu.. you end up quarantined for 7 days..


your all going to die..

but not of the swine flu
Yes I know masks come in various grades P1 P2 P3 but then you have to take in to account each countries rating P2 maybe P3 somewhere. The various manufactuers.

If I see any one running around in a space suit then I'll know it is OK to go shopping. Hey the discounts will be unbelievable!

No one has died from being quarantined in their abode for 7 days..

It maybe a better idea to catch the damn thing to build up any tolerance.

Who knows - it would be a total conspiracy to see how easily humans become undone.
It maybe a better idea to catch the damn thing to build up any tolerance.
This is actually a really sensible idea. As a disease, it appears to be quite mild and of only a few days' duration.

By allowing the community to develop an immunity by contracting it would probably reduce the potential of the mutated virus down the track. (if in fact it does mutate.)

I remember reading something that it's spreading so quickly becasue we don't have immunities to it

So if we get it once then can we not get it again (like chicken pox?)

If so then it might be worth getting it
It seems like any other strain of flu to me. The media doesnt track the usual winter strain of flu, so why havnt they got over this one by now?
So if we get it once then can we not get it again (like chicken pox?)

You can get chicken pox as an adult even if you've been immunized as a child, I was told when my children will be @ 15 years the vaccine would wear off. Rather unlucky as it is most uncomfortable - think of a bad case of shingles.

If this is the level of 'panic' from the authorities to stir the public imagine if it were something really dangerous like the black plague But they will have 'avenues' to control the panic.

People in fear look for help in a higher source. Why don't they just look around themselves and work it out?
It seems like any other strain of flu to me. The media doesnt track the usual winter strain of flu, so why havnt they got over this one by now?

Because this one they can sensationalise in an attempt to sell more papers/capture a higher audience to increase ratings.

I work on a minesite in NW WA - management has banned all people with 'flu-like symptoms' from flying to work...
I think Ms Nicola has realised their swine flu drama has been played too hard. Now she is saying that Organisers should not be cancelling public events. But she gave them no choice - if they went ahead with the event and the participants contracted swine flu, then they would be accountable for that.

Medical people here (in SA) are saying that seasonal flu is causing more havoc than swine flu, but who the heck can tell the difference anyway. Oh yeah, that's right, they said swine flu was mild, seasonal flu was worse!
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