Our eldest son's school has contacted us this evening via email and mobile phone text to say the school is closed as a precautionary measure as there is a student at each year level with H1 N1 influenza. They are working to identify students who have been in prolonged contact (over several hours) with these students during the past week. Once identified, families will be contacted and those students will receive tamiflu and be asked to enter into voluntary quarantine. All students have been asked to limit activities outside their homes.
Current cases are exhibiting mild symptoms.
Examinations, VCE assessments, school schedule will be impacted.
We have 2 younger boys at different schools. Schools are the perfect influenza (whatever type) conductor. We knew the wave was coming. We'll do out bit and self quarantine the whole family as much as possible just in case.
The horse has not only bolted- the herds have stampeded out the gates.
Current cases are exhibiting mild symptoms.
Examinations, VCE assessments, school schedule will be impacted.
We have 2 younger boys at different schools. Schools are the perfect influenza (whatever type) conductor. We knew the wave was coming. We'll do out bit and self quarantine the whole family as much as possible just in case.
The horse has not only bolted- the herds have stampeded out the gates.